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Results 151-180 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
1514 Friday. (Adams Papers)
4 Friday.
1525 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Dreamed away the afternoon.
1536 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Maccarty all Day. Drank Tea at home with Crawford. Spent the Evening at home with Mr. Maccarty and Capt. Doolittle. A great deal of Thunder and Lightning. Ephraim Doolittle, on whom JA has much more to say in his Autobiography.
7 –13 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurdsday, Fryday, Saturday, Sunday.
15514 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Mr. Putnams. Spent the Evening at the Majors, with Esqrs. Chandler of Woodstock and Brewer of Worcester.—He is not a wise man and is unfit to fill any important Station in Society, that has left one Passion in his Soul unsubdued. The Love of Glory will make a General sacrifice the Interest of his Nation, to his own Fame. Avarice exposes some to Corruption and all to a Thousand...
15615 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Consider, for one minute, the Changes produced in this Country, within the Space of 200 years. Then, the whole Continent was one continued dismall Wilderness, the haunt of Wolves and Bears and more savage men. Now, the Forests are removed, the Land coverd with fields of Corn, orchards bending with fruit, and the magnificent Habitations of rational and civilized People. Then our Rivers flowed...
15720 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Supped and spent the Evening at the Majors.
15821 Monday. (Adams Papers)
A cool Day.
15922 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A rainy Day. Drank Tea and spent Evening at Put nam’s .
16023 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Went with Mr. Thayer and Mrs. Willard, to Mr. Richardsons of Sutton.
Spent the Evening at the Colonels. Presumably the text of this entry pertains to the last day in the heading (Sunday, 27 June).
16228 Monday. (Adams Papers)
28 Monday.
163[July 1756] (Adams Papers)
Sat out for Boston. Borrowed the Idea of a Patriot King of Ned. Quincy. Rode to Cambridge. Lodgd. Rode the next morning to Worcester. Edmund Quincy (1733–1768) , son of the first Josiah Quincy; Harvard 1752. Bolingbroke’s Idea of a Patriot King was first published in 1749. Eliot and Trumble lodged here with me. Kept School.—I am now entering on another Year, and I am resolved not to neglect my...
164July. 1756. 19. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Sat out for Boston. Borrowed the Idea of a Patriot King of Ned. Quincy. Rode to Cambridge. Lodgd. Rode the next morning to Worcester. Edmund Quincy (1733–1768) , son of the first Josiah Quincy; Harvard 1752. Bolingbroke’s Idea of a Patriot King was first published in 1749.
16520 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Eliot and Trumble lodged here with me.
16621 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Kept School.—I am now entering on another Year, and I am resolved not to neglect my Time as I did last Year. I am resolved to rise with the Sun and to study the Scriptures, on Thurdsday, Fryday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings, and to study some Latin author the other 3 mornings. Noons and Nights I intend to read English Authors. This is my fixt Determination, and I will set down every neglect...
16722 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Fast day. Rose not till 7 o clock. This is the usual Fate of my Resolutions! Wrote the 3 first Chapters of St. James. Wrote in Bolinbroke pretty industriously. Spent the Evening at Mr. Paines.—The Years of my Youth are marked by divine Providence with various and with great Events. The last Year is rendered conspicuous in the memorials of past Ages, by a Series of very remarkable Events, of...
16823 Friday. (Adams Papers)
Rose at 7. Wrote the 2 last Chapters of St. James. Spent the Evening at the Majors and drank Tea at Putnams.
16924 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Rose at 7. Wrote a little in Greek. Afternoon wrote Bolinbroke.
17025 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Rose 1/2 after 6.—Good Sense, some say, is enough to regulate our Conduct, to dictate Thoughts and Actions which are proper upon certain Occasions. This they say will soften and refine the Motions of our Limbs into an easy and agreable Air altho the Dancing Master never was applied to, and this will suggest good Answers, good Observations and good Expressions to us better than refined...
17126 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Rose at 7. Read carefully 30 lines in Virgil.
17227 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Rose at 7. Read carefully 30 lines, in Virgil. Wrote a little in Bolingbroke at noon and a little at night. Spent the Evening at Mr. Putnams.
17328 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Read about 40 lines in Virgil, and wrote a little at noon. Nothing more.
17429 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Rose half after 6. Read a little Greek.
17530 Fryday. (Adams Papers)
A very rainy Day. Dreamed away the Time.
17631 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A rainy forenoon. Dined at Mr. Paines. A fair after noon . The Nature and Essence of the material World is not less conceal’d from our knowledge than the Nature and Essence of God. We see our selves surrounded on all sides with a vast expanse of Heavens, and we feel our selves astonished at the Grandeur, the blazing Pomp of those Starrs with which it is adorned. The Birds fly over our Heads...
177[August 1756] (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Maccarty all Day. Spent the Evening at the Collonels.— The Event Shews that my Resolutions are of a very thin and vapory Consistence. Almost a fortnight has passed since I came to Worcester the last Time. Some part of the Time, I have spent as frugally and industriously as I possibly could. But the greatest Part I have dreamed away as Usual. I am now entering upon a new month, and a...
178August. 1756. 1 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Maccarty all Day. Spent the Evening at the Collonels.— The Event Shews that my Resolutions are of a very thin and vapory Consistence. Almost a fortnight has passed since I came to Worcester the last Time. Some part of the Time, I have spent as frugally and industriously as I possibly could. But the greatest Part I have dreamed away as Usual. I am now entering upon a new month, and a...
1792 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Agreably to the Design laid last night, I arose this Morning before the sun. Dined at Pains. Lodgd at Putnams.
1803 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Dind at the Colonels. Lodged at Put nam’s .