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Sketch of Apparent Monthly Balances on The Presidents a/c with J Barnes, will Appear from the Annexed Statemt. Commencing Viz 1803 1803. Monthly Int. a 6 ⅌ Ct. Jany. 10. To amt. of a/c rendered (46)  $2268.70 shd be 2268.50 to 31. To additional expenditures 2668.50. 4937. Feby 7. By Warrant deducted 2000.  Feby 7th 2937.  14.— to 27 To Amt. of a/c rendered
work to be done by mr Dinsmore. ✓ finish the Dome room. ✓ double the door of the cellar under the tea-room. ✓ do the gutturs of the house with sheet iron. h hang the sashes of all the windows. ✓ a. finish <base & caps & architraves of> Hall & parlour ✓ put up the Venetian blinds from Washington ✓ a. remodel the 2. pr sash doors of the parlour. the outer new folding doors to be made of pine,...
Sibley . on the country between Misipi & Rio Bravo. on the Sabine are Salines. rich low grounds about 3. miles wide in dry weather but a creek from Bayou Patron to Nacogdoches to a great extent is the handsomest country in the world. gentle hills with pleasant rich vallies & meadows. continues to Trinity river. beyond tht more prairie. from the river Nueces [Walnuts] to Rio bravo, poorer,...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, avec ma petite Dialogue, votre charmante Epitre & Puisque je trouve que Madame la Goutte est de votre Connoissance, ma tres chere Amie je vous prie de grace que quand elle me fait une autre Visite, vous voudriez bien l’accompagner. Votre Présence me dedommagera de la sienne. Avec une telle Garde, la Peine deviendra Plaisir. We can identify...
Friday, July 11. The Board met, present the same as yesterday, with the addition of Joseph C. Cabell. The forenoon was employed in attending the examination, and in reading various communications & testimonials concerning applicants for the Professorships of Antient Languages & Natural Philosophy. Agreeably to the resolution to that effect, passed at the meeting in July 1827, Joseph C. Cabell,...
Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States of America, To      Greeting: Reposing especial Trust and Confidence in Your Integrity, Prudence and Ability I have appointed you the said      Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of France, authorizing you hereby to do and perform all such matters and things as to the said place or office do appertain, or as...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in The Pennsylvania Chronicle , June 1–8, 1767. We have been very busy about the Paper Money Affair. The Merchants are to wait on Lord Clare with their Opinion in Favour of it in a Day or two. After receiving Dr. F’s Remarks on the Report of the Board of Trade, they have drawn up a new Representation on the Subject, which they have signed, and Dr. F’s Paper...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society Yesterday we tapp’d the Porter, and found it excellent. To prevent its being wasted, we have bottled it off, having a safer Place for Bottles, and imagining that in our slow Draught it might not keep so fresh. So we are enabled Herewith to return the Cask. How bountiful a Gratuity for half a Sheet of Paper! I can only say, that ’tis pity you are not...
Front March 27 1836. Forwarded for the Lawrville Lyceum at the request in its name, of a Book from my library, and as a token of the respect I feel for an Institute patronizing youthful talent Back to the youth of a free country < >, on a subject particularly adap< > Fragment (NjMoHP) .
.1805. Boston. Chronicle 3 . Democrat 4 . Aegis 3 Salem register 3 Hartford. Babcock 2 .50 N. York Hudson bee 1 .
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 29, 1756. We have been here since Sunday Afternoon: That Day we had only Time to get up some Shelter from the Weather and the Enemy. Yesterday all Day it rained, with so thick a Fog, that we could not see round us, so as either to chuse a Place for a Fort, or find Materials to build it. In the Night it cleared up, and this Morning we...
superfluous, that this brotherhood and particularly the members of it in our view, have a keen conception of their own interest which governs their negociations. Of the other writings of Mr. M. it may not be amiss to use the inducement they offer of inviting liberality in present dealing by anticipated preference in the future. The test of their value may be referred to in what is now offered...
Monday, July 14. The Board met, present the same as on Saturday. After reading some communications addressed to them, the Board took into consideration the question of attending the Convention to be held this day in Charlottesville, on the subject of the Internal Improvement of the State; and having decided on being present at the organization of the Body, they proceeded to Charlottesville for...
Saturday, July 19. The Board attended the Convention, and no business was done by them in relation to the University. Ms ( ViU ).
A Varnish for mahogany furniture. from Gilbert Stuart boiled linseed oil } in equal parts spirits of turpentine add ⅙ part of wax. warm the whole in a gentle heat, to about the consistence of butter in hot weather. rub it on the furniture with a woollen cloth. it cannot be sat in the same day. requires renewing, perhaps once a quarter. MS ( DLC ); undated; entirely in TJ’s hand, including...
Wednesday the 14th. Present the same members, & Chapman Johnson and Joseph C. Cabell. On motion resolved; That the sentence of the Faculty pronounced on the 22d. of May in the present year expelling John Willis, a student of the University, is approved; and that the sentence pronounced on the 4th. of the same month expelling the student, Robert W. Walton, is also approved. Resolved, That a...
Printed in part in The Gentleman’s Magazine , XLIX (supplement, 1779), pp. 647–8; printed in full in William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D., F.R.S., &c. (quarto edition, 3 vols., London, 1817–18), II , 169–70. I received your obliging favour of the 12th instant. Your sentiments of the importance of the present dispute between Great-Britain...
Sovereignty It has hitherto been understood, that the supreme power, that is, the sovereignty of the people of the States, was in its nature divisible; and was in fact divided, according to the Constitution of the U. States, between the States in their United, and the States in their individual capacities that as the States in their highest sov. char. were compent to a surrender of yr whole...
1805 Feb. 4. in bank—1.19 Salary for Nov. 2083 .33 5. Note to be discounted (2000) 1979 . balance ante 4062 .33 1 .19 Note to be taken up
Draft: American Philosophical Society Les affaires dont je suis chargé, Monsieur, ne me permettent pas de quitter paris et par consequent d’accepter vostre invitation; je vous prie de croire cependant que j’y suis tres sensible, et que c’est avéc reconnoissance que je suis, Monsieur, vostre tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur. Notation: Le Veillard Possibly to Richelet who had invited BF...
Draft: American Philosophical Society I have perus’d the Letters and Papers you put into my Hands, and shall, as you desire, say what occurs to me on the considering them. I do not know Mr. Murdoch personally, but have heard that he is a Person of Credit and some Note in that Country, and esteemed by the People there. I imagine that little is to be expected from a Suit of Law, to be carried on...
I duly recieved your favor of the 10 th asking an opinion from me on the subject of female education. it is one to which nothing has happened to draw my attention particularly, & therefore I am really not qualified to give an opinion worthy of your acceptance, and still less of being used for any public purpose. approaching the entrance into my 80 th year, repose & tranquilit y are with me the...
Your favor of this morning, announcing the unanimous Resolution of the States of Utrecht taken yesterday in favor of American Independence, is just come to hand. I had recieved a few Minutes before a french Gazette of Utrecht, containing the same Article: but I am very happy to recieve it in a more authentick manner from a Gentleman of so distinguished a Reputation for Patriotism. The...
I have duly recieved your favor of Feb. 27. and am very thankful for the friendly sentiments therein expressed towards myself, as well as for the pamphlet inclosed. that it contains many serious truths and sound admonitions every reader will be sensible. at the same time it is a comfort that the medal has two sides. I do not myself contemplate human nature in quite so sombre a view. that there...
On the reciept of your letter of Dec. 1. I referred it to the Secretary of the Treasury for information, sending him the inclosed loan-office certificate. his answer is that if the certificate be genuine it might have been funded under the funding act, until it became barred by the act of limitation of Mar. 3. 1795. & that act having been further suspended till the 12th. of June 1799 in favor...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of the 18th. and 28th. instant as agents for the state of North Carolina. Altho the laws relative to the payment of the invalid pensioners fully authorize the payment of the money to those individuals, I do not consider them as warranting a payment to the State of North Carolina whose Executive appears to have discharged a part of the demands...
D : Académie des sciences, Procès-verbaux, CIII (1784), 90–5. M.M. Franklin, Le Roy, Coulomb, Delaplace et l’abbé Rochon, ont fait le rapport suivant. M. le Marêchal de ségur ayant envoyé à l’Acade. deux projets, pour armer de paratonnerres, les magasins à poudre de la ville de Marseille et mandé dans la Lettre qui les accompagnoit, que le Roi desiroit que la compagnie les fit examiner et en...
Photograph of ALS : Académie des sciences, Paris A Place among your foreign Members is justly esteemed, by all Europe, the greatest Honour a Man can arrive at in the Republick of Letters: It was therefore with equal Surprize and Satisfaction that I learnt you had condescended to confer that Honour upon me. Be pleased to accept my grateful Acknowledgements, and believe me with the greatest...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, et lu avec beaucoup d’intérêt l’ode au peuple Anglois et l’ode adressée à la Hollande que vous avez eu la bonté de m’envoyer. On ne sauroit faire un plus bel usage de la Poësie que de la ramener à ce qu’elle fut dans son origine, c’est a dire de la consacrer à chanter les choses utiles à l’humanité et les hommes qui les executent, je vous remercie...
I have been duly honored with your favor of the 2d. instant, and thank you for your attention to the wine forwarded for me by Messrs. le freres Roussac. I expect every moment to receive a proper order to the Douane of Rouen to permit these wines to pass on to Paris free of duty, which order shall accompany this letter, or be sent directly to the officers of the Douane at Rouen. I will beg the...
I am honored with your letter of the 9th. inst. informing me of the arrival of two cases of wine from Lisbon addressed to me. I now inclose a passport for it. I will beg the favor of you to send it to this place by water, and shall be ready to answer your draught for any expenses you have incurred, with many thanks for your kindness. I have the honor to be with the most perfect respect...
I have now the honor to inclose you the acquit à caution for the two cases of wine. They arrived only two days ago which has occasioned the delay of returning you this paper. I return you many thanks for your services and have the honor to be gentlemen your most obedient & most humble servant, PrC ( MHi ); endorsed. Enclosures not located.
I have duly received your favor of the 29th. of November. The Arret of Sep. 28. had been the subject of discussion with his majesty’s ministers as soon as it appeared. They will within a few days publish an explanatory arrêt exempting American oils from the operation of that of Sep. 28. In the mean time they have sent orders to all the ports to receive our oils. Tho’ these orders might not...
Your letter of the 12th. inst. has not come to hand. I have now recieved that of the 18th. informing me that on a call for 480. men from your brigade 1119 young & active citizens have voluntarily offered their service to their country. this offer merits & meets the highest praise: and whenever the moment arrives in which the public rights must appeal to the public arm for support, they will be...
I have received Your Letter of the 5th Instant—and am much obliged to the Court for their attention in the case of John Springer Junior, and for committing him to the custody of the Sheriff. In a few days I shall give such orders about him—as will be consistent with justice and my duty to the public. In the mean time he will remain in custody of the Sheriff. His conduct in deserting to the...
I have received from the hand of one of your Senators in Congress Mr Bingham your public and explicit declaration of your Sentiments and Resolutions, at this important Crisis, in an excellent Address. Although it ought not to be Supposed that young Gentlemen of your Standing should be deeply versed in political disquisitions, because your time has been Spent in the Pursuit of the Elements of...
I have been favored with your letter from New York, [and I] am very thankful for your care of the letters from Mr. Pinckney and particularly so also for your attention to the threshing machine, which, if it answers what I have heard of it will be a vast acquisition to the states of Virginia and North Carolina. If you should not be coming on yourself to Philadelphia in the course of the present...
I have recd your letter of the 31st ulto from New York enclosing one from Sr Edwd Newinham—also the magazines, the Packet from Sr John Sinclair &c. for your care And attention in forwarding them I beg you to accept my thanks. Any civilities which it may be in my power to shew you while you remain in this Country, will give me Pleasure. I am Sir your Mot obt Sert LB , DLC:GW ; copy, DNA : RG...
Your Letter of the 18th instant came to hand yesterday. You seem in that to decline meddling with the grain in the counties of Westmoreland, Northumberland because the quantity is small and the commissions too trifling to be worth your attention; while you undertake the care of the grain in those counties, where the quantity is considerable. You will please to recollect that the charge we...
I understand Mr Skinner is gone to Philadelphia. You will keep the inclosed Letter for him till he returns, when You will take the earliest opportunity of delivering it to him. I desire to see him as soon as he arrives & have written to him for the purpose. You will inform the Officer who came with a flag to Elizabeth Town Yesterday—that he is not to wait for an Answer to the Letters he...
I have received your favor of the 10th of Febry & must take the liberty to tell you candidly there would not be a propriety in my writing to the President of Congress respecting your extra-expences while acting as Depy Comy of Prisoners; because it would open a door to innumerable applications, because I do not conceive it is proper for me to interfere in the pecuniary Arrangements of...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 22. Instant, with a Copy of the Vessels in which I find myself mention’d but too advantageously.— Please to accept my thankful Acknowledgements.— I do not perfectly comprehend your Plan of finding the different Relations of Weights, Measures, &c. by means of Compass. But I believe the English Society of...
Letter not found: to Robert Adam, c.13 Jan. 1774. On c.13 Jan. 1774 Adam wrote to GW : “I am favoured with yours.” GW’s missing letter of c.13 Jan. was in answer to a letter from Adam dated 12 January .
In case of your going to England I should be obliged to you for using your Endeavours to purchase for me the Rights of Captns Robt Stobo & Jacob Vanbraam, to part of the 200,000 Acres of Land claimd by the Officers and Soldiers under Governor Dinwiddies Proclamation of the 19th of Feby 1754 which, by a late determination of the Governor and Council will be, if got at all, Nine thousd Acres to...
I embrace this first oppertunity to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 20th from Philadelphia. Your meeting with the smallest delay in receiving payment for the Land purchased of Messrs Dow & Co. gives me pain—I receive no Earthly advantage from it—I have been paying interest for the Money near two Months & one of these I have had it on my desk. Had Mr Lund Washington, in explicit...
The Honble Robt Morris Esqr. will pay Mr Lund Washingtons Bills upon me for £680 in your favor—£600 in favor of Mr Peter Dow—and £600 in favor of Mr Collin McIver. I am—Sir Yr Most Hble Servt DLC : Papers of George Washington.
With a pleasing sensibility I received your favor of the 26th, and beg leave to offer you my sincere thanks for the favorable sentiments with which it abounds. I shall always feel pleasure when it may be in my power to render service to Lodge No. 39, and in every act of brotherly kindness to the Members of it; being with great truth Your affecte Brother and Obedt Servant ViAlL .
Yours of June 23d. have received. I believe there is no Danger of an Invasion your Way, but the Designs of the Enemy are uncertain and their Motions a little misterious. Before this Letter is sealed, which will not be till Sunday next, I hope I shall be able to inform you better. I rejoice at your fine Season, and still more at my Brother Cranches Attention to Husbandry. Am very glad he bought...
This is one of my fortunate days. The Post brought me, a Letter from you and another from my Friend and Brother. The particular Account you give me of the Condition of each of the Children is very obliging. I hope the next Post will inform me, that you are all, in a fine Way of Recovery. You say I must tell you of my Health and Situation. As to the latter, my Situation is as far removed from...
You will believe me, when I inform You, that I am grievously disappointed in only having to acknowledge the reciept of just two Lines and an half from You by Capt. Grinnell. I am sorry that the Shortness of your Notice has deprived me of so much Happiness. The Card however will keep alive my Expectations ’till the promised Letters arrive. But lest Miss Nabby should think I set no Value upon...