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Results 151-200 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received yours of Nov br. 9 th 11 th 12 & 14 th . you are made easy respecting the Election of...
I quitted you with a heavy heart with many reflections upon my mind known only to myself. You ask...
This day compleats Ten weeks, since you sailed and I have had no opportunity before this, by...
Your obliging favour by captain Folger came safe to Hand, and brought me the agreeable...
Mr. Storer says the ship in which he is to embark will go down to day and that he shall go on...
When I have written to your Brother I feel as if I had exhausted all the subjects which it is...
Your obliging Letter was handed me, on my return from a journey into Devonshire. it was one of...
I know you will rejoice to hear that we are so far on our journey without meeting any accident my...
My Son having Sent me a coppy of your valuable Book, the President has read it with great...
I have sent by Captain Scott the Books you wrote for, and if there is any thing else in which I...
I have been 16 days at sea, and have not attempted to write a single Letter; tis true I have kept...
Just before Mr. Adams set off upon his journey to Philadelphia he had the pleasure of receiving a...
I wrote you by Captain Dashood just when I was about removeing from the Bath Hotel to Grovsnor...
I received Yesterday your kind and Friendly Letter for which accept my thanks. the interest you...
I received by your Brother on fryday last your kind Letter; he did not get here, oweing to...
I had just retired to my Chamber and taken up my pen to congratulate you upon the arrival of the...
I think myself very happy that not a week passes but what I receive a Letter or two, some times...
I inclose you a Bill of Lading of some flower a cask trunk and an Iron dripping pan, which I have...
Mr. Trumble will have the honour of delivering this to you. The knowledge you have of him, and...
Your Letter by way of Amsterdam had a quick passage and was matter of great pleasure to me. I...
Your Billit was deliverd to me a Day or two ago. I am much obliged to you for your kind offer but...
We have this Day quite and old fashiond Snow Storm, after an unusual pleasent Feb’ ry . the Snow...
Five Weeks have past and not one line have I received. I had rather give a dollar for a letter by...
Last Sunday the tenth, we had a deep snow here and as I know we usually have our proportion at...
Mr. Bromfield was so obliging as to write me Word that he designd a journey to the Southern...
William Shaw was here to spend the Sabbeth, and brought with him his Letters from you; he shew me...
I have time only to write you a line or two, not expecting captain Bigolow to Sail so Soon. I was...
You wish me to devote half an hour to you in your absence; you requested and I comply, to shew...
I have been highly favourd this week past. No less than 5 Letters I have received from you. It is...
I arrived here on Sunday last, and without meeting with any accident worth noticing, except...
I thank you my dear Nephew for your last agreable Letter. you have too sensible and feeling a...
I wrote to you upon my journey whilst I was at Brookfield the sunday after I left you and was...
I have not written a line to you for a long time; yet scarcly an hour of the day passes in which...
I sit down this Evening to write you, but I hardly know what to think about your going to...
I received with great pleasure your kind Letter of December 15. I regreeted that I had not the...
If I had thought you would so soon have Sent for your dear little Girl, I should have been...
I wrote you a Letter last week, but as it did not get to the Post office, I have detaind it with...
I was very anxious to receive a Letter from you this morning, and Betsy was wishing yet dreading...
I do not feel easy more than two days together without writing to you. If you abound you must lay...
With my borrowed Money I have just paid the collector my tax Bill. I have the satisfaction to...
You must not flatter yourself with the expectation of hearing from Colonel Smith until the...
I begin my Letter by saying that mr Cranch was so much better on the 7th, the date of mrs...
I really began to feel very uneasy at your long Silence and feared Sickness or some disaster had...
I have regularly received Your Letters and thank you for them. I have read the pamphlets. the...
Captain Beal was in Boston on Saturday and he prevaild on the post master to let him take up the...
Yes my dear Neice, it was a Ceremony that one must study Some time to find out either utility or...
I know not how it is, but I always feel more spirits when I take my pen to write to you, than to...
Your kind favour of the 5 th Instant came safe to Hand. I know our interest at Braintree can be...
I last Evening received your kind Letters of Jan’ry 18, 21 & 22 d accompanied with the...
Prince will bring this to you; the inclosed Letters I wish you to direct, the thin Paper, to your...