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My wagon will set off in the morning with two more hogsheads tobacco, which I hope will find a favorable market. The delay in sending it has proceeded from the continued moisture of the weather which prevented its preparatory order. The next load will not be sent until the commencement of our harvest. I subjoin a memorandum of articles which you will please send by the return of the wagon. You...
The box containing the bound newspapers has come safe to hand; one of the volumes in an improved state. I hope my request did not hurry their return before you had done with them. Should it have so happened they are not beyond your reach. I find that I have more reason for apology than you had, for the delay in returning Sullivan’s libel on Mr. Jefferson which you left with me. It was put into...
(Private) By this day’s Mail I beg leave to forward you a copy of an address delivered by me on the Anniversary of the 19th of April 1775, of which I ask your acceptance. I take this occasion I hope you will not think too presumptuously, to make a suggestion to you which has been long in my mind. I had hoped to have had an opp’y of doing it in a personal interview at the close of the last...
Your volumes of newspapers, which I return by the stage to morrow, I have kept an unreasonable time—but in truth I found that they communicated so much information which it was important for me to possess, and which I could obtain no where else, that I ventured to trespass thus on your goodness. The delay was somewhat increased by an injury which one of them sustained in its binding by a fall...
I have received your letter of the 25th. and feel a pleasure in gratifying the wish of Chancellor Kent by enclosing the paper transmitted to me by your father. With great esteem & cordial salutations RC and enclosure (NHi) ; draft (DLC) . Enclosure is a copy of a letter from James Kent to Robert Troup, 20 June 1788.
Your discourse before the Historical Society has afforded me much pleasure, & I may add instruction. It is worthy both of the subject and of the author. With cordial esteem. Will you be so good as to return the bound Gazette of Freneau as soon as convenient. FC (DLC) .
I beg leave again to obtrude upon you not only with my acknowledgements for transmitting the copies of my fathers letters in compliance with my request, but with a fuller solicitation which grows out of your former goodness. I mentioned to my friend Chancellor Kent, who is our Law Professor in this College, the circumstances of my fathers’ having enclosed in one of his letters to you, a letter...
I have requested Col. Peyton to remit to you $300. This will enable you to extinguish my debt to the Bank & avoid the necessity of a renewed discount—The undrawn balance of $66 I wish to remain to my credit in Bank. Draft (PHi) .
J. M. with his respects to Mr. Duer, encloses copies of the two letters from his father requested in his letter of the 13th. Instant. FC (DLC) .
I have recd. your two letters of the 12th & 16th. the former with bill of articles sent by Aleck which came safely to hand. Your clerk in summing the articles made the amount $283.15 instead of $183.15 an inadvertency readily corrected. It would be unreasonable not to be satisfied with the sales of the two last hogsheads of tobacco & I hope we may prove as fortunate in the two my wagon will...
I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 13th. I was acquainted with your father when a resident in Philadelphia, but I have no recollection, if I ever had any knowledge of military services rendered by him to the U. S. during the Revolutionary War. There is an error in supposing that we were in battle together, having not been myself in any of its battles. With friendly respects— FC (DLC) .
Having lately received the box forwarded by you to Major Gibbon I no longer delay my thanks for your attention to it and for the friendly sentiments expressed in your letter of January 26th. I pray you to accept in return my best respects & good wishes. RC ( ViW : Conway Whittle Family Papers); FC (DLC) .
I have just received the enclosed letter returned to me from Richd. to which I had directed it, taking for granted it would either find Mr. Butler there, where his letter to me was dated, or follow him, according to an arrangement for the purpose. I am very sorry for the occurrence as my supposed silence might be misconstrued. I enclose also a copy of the letter, that you may know its...
Among the omissions occasioned by my continued indisposition was I believe that of acknowledging at the due time the receipt of your letter of—, of thanking you for the sermons which accompanied it, and of expressing the pleasure with which you with your daughter would be welcomed at Montpellier on your way to the Virginia Springs, the season for visiting which is now approaching. I must now...
I have had the honour of receiving your favour of the 5th Inst. and beg leave to tender my grateful & respectful thanks for your obliging compliance with my request—and to assure that your injuctions against the publicity you deprecate shall be scrupulously observed. I lament that I have not found amongst my fathers papers the letters to him from yourself referred to in your letter—nor have I...
The name of the Writer of this Letter will perhaps recur to your Memory. Tho many many Years have passed, I cannot but hope that the name of Alexander Quarrier, of Richmond Virga. is not forgotten. He is now numbered with the dead, and his son now comes in behalf of his Widow, to ask, if in your opinion she is entitled to any thing from our Country, for his services, rendered during the...
I have recd. your letter of April 29th. In my present condition crippled as it is by a chronic complaint with the addition of a new inroad on my health, & the addition of both to the enfeebling effect of my very advanced age, I cannot undertake a compliance with your request on the important & controverted subjects to which it relates. I can only therefore with this apology tender my...
I have received the copy of your speech on the motion "to expunge from the Journal the Resolution of the Senate of March 28th. 1834." My present condition under a new inroad on my health not permitting me to give it the reading due to it I can only thank you for it in advance, well assured that I shall find what I have always found in your like favors much that is interesting conveyed in a...
My wagon is about setting off to Richmond with two Hogsheads of Tobacco. Be pleased to make the most of them & communicate to me the proceeds of the sales of this and of the rest of the crop as from time to time it is forwarded. For the first time it has happened that our crop has been cured without being fired & of course without being touched with smoke excepting a small portion & that so...
(Confidential) I have received your letter of April 25th., and with the aid of a friend and amanuensis have made out the following answer. On the subject of Mr. Pinkney’s proposed plan of a Constitution it is to be observed that the plan printed in the Journal was not the document actually presented by him to the Convention. That document was no otherwise noticed in the proceedings of the...
I have recd. yrs. to [ ] of 26 Ult. enclosing the Rept. of Col. Long on the contemplated subject of a Rail Road from Fredg. to the Western counties, and requesting my view on it, particularly of the route for it. Impressed as I am with the importance of improvts. which cheapen & expedite, transportation & travel, I shd. feel it a duty as well as pleasure, to promote them in every way that I...
I received some time ago your letter of December 24th. informing me that the negroes under the charge of Mr. Nicholls had arrived in safety and that they were all well at your arrival on the 26th. of November. I have since received your letter of January 16th. in which you represent the condition of the girl Betty as annulling her sale, and decline on that account the payment of any part of...
I trust you will not consider it arrogant in me to address you a few lines; and to make certain enquiries &c. Feeling in common a deep interest with ma(ny of my friends and fellow Citizens of this City) as it regards your views & sentiments concerning the all important subject of the Bank of the U. States; I beg leave most respectfully to Enquire whether in your opinion the present Bank can be...
I have received young friends, your letter of the 18. communicating my appointment as an honorary Member of the Washington Literary Society, of Washington College. Viewing with gratification every Institution favorable to the cause of Literature and Science, I cannot be insensible to the tribute of respect, from that, of which you are the Committee. In my present condition I can only express...
J. Madison returns his thanks to Mr. White for the Copies of Mr. Brown ’s speech in the House of Delegates lately published. He is sorry that an increase of his indisposition disables him from giving the perusal which he doubts not it merits. J. M. infers its high character from the proofs of a rapacious & brilliant mind furnished by Mr. B’s speech delivered on a former occasion in the house...
Your polite and favorable reception of my little work upon our Constitutional Jurisprudence, encourages me in trespassing on you with a request for information upon some curious historical points connected with the branch of study committed to my immediate superintendance in this Institution—and upon which you alone Sir may be able to afford it. I trust however that you will not permit my...
I have just received your favor of April 16th. There is on my files no letter from me to General Washington dated December 9th. 1786. There is one dated December 7th. 1786 which relates to his appointment to the Philadelphia Convention, and which is acknowledged as of the 7th. in his letter to me of the 16th. Should my letter of the 7th. have been mislaid or lost a copy of it will be furnished...
I enclose a check for fifty dollars which you will place to my credit on your books. After this be pleased to add up the debits & credits and inform me of the precise balance as it stands at this time between us. This I cannot ascertain, the prices of the articles sent from time to time not being annexed. Draft (DLC) .
The undersigned a Com of the "Washington Literary Society" of Washington College, have been duly delegated by their body, to inform you of your election as an honorary Member of their association, In the discharge of the truly pleasing duty assigned them, they would be derelict in their duty, were they to pass over unnoticed the many illustrious acts of your life which are so intimately...
Will you allow me to ask a favor, which I cannot doubt you will very readily grant? By some accident, for which I cannot account, a letter from you to General Washington, dated Decr. 9th. 1786, has been mislaid or lost. I think I remember having seen the letter, but whether it was in the parcel that I sent to you I cannot say. General Washington alludes to it in such a manner, that it seems...