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Results 151-180 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
My wagon will set off in the morning with two more hogsheads tobacco, which I hope will find a...
The box containing the bound newspapers has come safe to hand; one of the volumes in an improved...
(Private) By this day’s Mail I beg leave to forward you a copy of an address delivered by me on...
Your volumes of newspapers, which I return by the stage to morrow, I have kept an unreasonable...
I have received your letter of the 25th. and feel a pleasure in gratifying the wish of Chancellor...
Your discourse before the Historical Society has afforded me much pleasure, & I may add...
I beg leave again to obtrude upon you not only with my acknowledgements for transmitting the...
I have requested Col. Peyton to remit to you $300. This will enable you to extinguish my debt to...
J. M. with his respects to Mr. Duer, encloses copies of the two letters from his father requested...
I have recd. your two letters of the 12th & 16th. the former with bill of articles sent by Aleck...
I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 13th. I was acquainted with your father when a resident in...
Having lately received the box forwarded by you to Major Gibbon I no longer delay my thanks for...
I have just received the enclosed letter returned to me from Richd. to which I had directed it,...
Among the omissions occasioned by my continued indisposition was I believe that of acknowledging...
I have had the honour of receiving your favour of the 5th Inst. and beg leave to tender my...
The name of the Writer of this Letter will perhaps recur to your Memory. Tho many many Years have...
I have recd. your letter of April 29th. In my present condition crippled as it is by a chronic...
I have received the copy of your speech on the motion "to expunge from the Journal the Resolution...
My wagon is about setting off to Richmond with two Hogsheads of Tobacco. Be pleased to make the...
(Confidential) I have received your letter of April 25th., and with the aid of a friend and...
I have recd. yrs. to [ ] of 26 Ult. enclosing the Rept. of Col. Long on the contemplated subject...
I received some time ago your letter of December 24th. informing me that the negroes under the...
I trust you will not consider it arrogant in me to address you a few lines; and to make certain...
I have received young friends, your letter of the 18. communicating my appointment as an honorary...
J. Madison returns his thanks to Mr. White for the Copies of Mr. Brown ’s speech in the House of...
Your polite and favorable reception of my little work upon our Constitutional Jurisprudence,...
I have just received your favor of April 16th. There is on my files no letter from me to General...
I enclose a check for fifty dollars which you will place to my credit on your books. After this...
The undersigned a Com of the "Washington Literary Society" of Washington College, have been duly...
Will you allow me to ask a favor, which I cannot doubt you will very readily grant? By some...