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Results 15091-15140 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
It is with great reluctance I presume to intrude upon your venerable retirement; but I am...
I am this Day favoured with yours of the 11th. of Novr., and am unhappy to hear that the Flames...
C’est avec Raison, Monsieur, qu’on dit les femmes admirables pour les petites choses auxquelles...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I duly received your Excellencys much respected favour of 8...
The subject of the letter dated March 18. 1795, from Harry Innes Esqr. of Kentuckey, to the...
Je vous dois des remerciemens, Monsieur, pour les differentes communications que vous avez bien...
This day two years since; I was cloathed in Sable for the Death of mrs Norten’s Since which time,...
Present John Jay Esq r . President, Matthew Clarkson Esq r . V. Pres t ., John Murray Jun r ....
I have hitherto on more than one occasion & particularly in my letter of the 7th. of March last,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Dans le moment que je traçois cette première demie ligne on...
When I parted with You on Pohic You did not seem inclinable to take my Land there, and I have...
§ Authorization for Peter Hagner. Ca. 6 July 1814. “The office of Acct. to the Dept. of War,...
9 October 1804, Chillicothe. “In consequence of my being a Candidate for the assembly of this...
I inclose you a letter from our friend D’Ivernois according to his request expressed in it. our...
The papers necessary to our European project are enclosed herewith—viz my power of attorney, your...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society When at Bt.— acquaint the People that have a mind to...
Your favor of the 7th. inst. came to hand yesterday. those of Nov. 15. 21. & 28. had been...
By a Resolution of Congress , of the 19 th of January last , the Secretary of State has been...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Demander justice à un homme juste c’est lui faire plaisir;...
30 April 1812, War Department. Lists proposed appointments in the U.S. Army for JM’s approval. RC...
Permit me, though personally a stranger to you, respectfully to solicit your opinion, if I am not...
15112[Diary entry: 28 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
28. In the Afternoon went up to Mr. Robt. Alexanders in order to meet Mr. B. Fairfax & others a...
I am by this day’s Post, honored with yours of the 13th Currt. which appears to have been...
AL (incomplete): Library of Congress This letter is one of the many fragmentary or undated...
A resolution which I saw in the papers for the adjournment of the legislature the day before...
Burr, Blannerhasset, S. Swartwout & Martin are here. can & should the two first be arrested &...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] The Secretary of the Treasury to whom was...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The writer of this letter thought, no doubt correctly, that...
The inclosed papers will sufficiently explain themselves to you. They were put into my hands by...
I have the honor of sending you the inclosed copy of an analysis of the meteoric stone that fell...
At length your clover-seed, and chocolate Nut shells, are on Ship board for Alexandria; consigned...
15122General Orders, 3 June 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Huntington[,] Lieutenant Colonel Hait[,]...
15123[Diary entry: 1 June 1771] (Washington Papers)
June 1st. Rid into the Neck and to the Mill before Dinner. In the Afternoon a Mr. Debutts of...
inclos’d I have the honor to send you a letter from General Sullivan which I took the liberty to...
A considerable journey Southwardly from this has prevented my sooner acknoleging letters from...
I have recd. your letter of Jany. 31. and feel a proper respect for the solicitude which prompted...
Letter not found: from John Augustine Washington, 1 Sept. 1776. On 22 Sept. GW wrote to...
I have the honor of sending you by Major John G. Frazer, the great Seal for the State, which I...
15129General Orders, 29 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following Resolve. By the United States...
8 September 1812. “Whereas certain Resolutions have recently been entered into by a part of our...
I have recd. yours of the 16th. with the accompanying papers. The communications &c. recd. since...
The only apology I can have for troubling you with this letter, is that the subject of it is a...
I have recd. the copy of an Address in behalf of the Juvenile Library Company of Richmond which...
15134Tuesday 11th. (Adams Papers)
Went to Boston. The C hief J ustice not there. A Piece of political Finess, to make the People...
The offices of Commissioner & Register of the Land office, for this Territory have lately become...
Your favor of the 27 th ult. was duly received, and the two cases of wine have been forwarded to...
I have received from Lieutenant Gibson of your garrison an application for a furlough on the...
Dec. 16. Tho s Whittington , well acquainted with the lines, attends and searches them with us...
Your letter by express duly came to hand. The separate power has I understand been dispatched....
Your favor of the 17th. is just received. I would be obliged to you not to send the trees by the...