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Results 15091-15100 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received a few days ago your kind favour of the 10 th: inst t: with the letter that accompanied, and thank you for the care of it— I lament to hear that your health continued so feeble and infirm, but I hope as the Spring advances, you will find yourself better— I approve much of your intention to wean John, and rejoyce at the information that he has recovered. I have been into Boston only...
1509222d. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
This day a french Gentleman dined with us. Mr. D went and took a walk in the forenoon. Mr. Artaud went in the afternoon to the Clubb. Cloudy weather.
A short time before my sudden departure from Washington, I received a very kind Letter from you, with a small volume, and an interesting account of the family of Boylston.—While I was postponing an Answer to it with a view to make some further enquiries, to tax again your indulgence, a melancholy summons called me away at so short notice that I forgot even to take your Letter and minutes with...
1509410th. (Adams Papers)
In the forenoon I went, and sat about an hour with Mr. King. Mr. Gerry was sitting at the grand Committee of Congress in the City Hall. I left 50 french louis d’ors, which Mr. Gerry wishes to have for bank Bills on Boston. Dined at the Presidents in a large Company, Mr. van Berkel, Mr. Jay, Mr. Paine, Dr. Gordon, Dr. Witherspoon, &c. After Dinner young Mr. van Berkel, and Major L’Enfant, went...
150953d. (Adams Papers)
We had a Lecture this morning upon Electricity; we received two small shocks, which however, gave me such a stroke in the joints at my elbows that I could not write after it; The weather very warm indeed. Fahrenheits’ thermometer I am told was at 87: 80 is the common summer heat. We did not recite in Doddridge, this morning.
Mr: Ebenezer Dorr, and Mr: Edward Jones, merchants, of this Town, by this Post send a petition to Congress for leave, to send a small vessel in ballast to some port in Europe. It is a matter of great importance to them, that they should obtain their request. Mr: Dorr has bills of exchange drawn in France in his favour upon some person here, and they are protested. It becomes therefore of the...
1509712th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Receiv’d the news of a battle between the french and English fleets in the West Indies. Went to the shops with Mr. Artaud before dinner. Went in the evening with Mr. D. and Mr. Artaud to the concert. After the concert we walked in the garden. Cloudy weather. The battle off Les Saintes, a small group of islands between Guadeloupe and Dominica, which took place 9–12 April 1782 and set Adm....
150984th. (Adams Papers)
Old Mr. Grand, and Dr. Bancroft. In the evening Mr. Chaumont and Mr. Franklin. Dr. Edward Bancroft , physician, scientist, and writer, Franklin’s confidential associate, and double agent during the Revolution ( JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:71–72 ; Julian Boyd, “Silas Deane: Death by a Kindly...
My Pappa enjoins it upon me to keep a journal, or a diary, of the Events that happen to me, and of objects that I See, and of Characters that I converse with from day, to day, and altho I am Convinced of the utility, importance, & necessity, of this Exercise, yet I have not patience, & perseverance, enough to do it so Constantly as I ought. My Pappa who takes a great deal of Pains to put me in...
151002d. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
In the afternoon went with Mr. Artaud to Mr. Rimbert’s and to the Shops. Mr. D. went to Mr. Wolff’s. Variable weather.