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Results 15091-15120 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have the honor to submit to the Senate reports on the petitions of Mary Hibborn and Michael Van Hleeck. With the greatest Respect I have the honor to be / Sir / Your most obedt servant DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Nothing could give me greater pleasure than the opportunity I had of annexing my signature to the number of those which have destined you to the “forlorn hope” of the presidential chair, a post the most honorable in the gift of your country, & rendered particularly so at this time by the difficulties attending it. if my conduct in this instance has been erroneous, you must impute it to the...
Yours by the post, accompanying Dr. Bancroft’s learned work on permanent colors has been duely recieved. Agreeably to your request, at the meeting on the last Wednesday, the Volume was presented to the Academy, and is considered a valuable addition to the Library.— On your recommendation I nominated Dr Bancroft for a member, and he was unanimously approved by the Council: at the next meeting,...
Reciprocating the Wishes expressed in your’s of the 19th Instant permit me to add mine that not only your private Concerns may be prosperous, but that your public Administration about to be commenced may be glorious to yourself and produce encreasing prosperity to your Country. Last Saturday I saw a Letter in the Post Office in the Hand writing of Thomas which I desired Mr Beals to take to his...
I have Received the Polite and friendly Letter you did me the honour to write me on the Sixteenth of Last month and I Pray you to accept of my Thanks for your kind Congratulations on a Late Event—nothing Can be more agreable to me Then the assurances you give me that a Respectable Part—of Virginia—will be Satisfied with the issue of the late Election my Character was once better known then it...
I hasten to acknowledge my sense of your politeness in transmitting the very valuable official paper contained in your letter, and of your condescension, in intimating, that any information within my capacity to collect could be of any worth to you. If this attention, as unexpected as it was unmerited, should fail of drawing from me any valuable fact, I hope, Sir, you will not regret your...
A few days ago, I received at once your Letters of Novr: 11. from Quincy and of Decr: 5. from Philadelphia. In the course of three or four days indeed, I had a flood of American Letters pouring upon me, and can no longer complain of that inattention and neglect which an interval of three or four months had occasioned me to mention in my last Letter. Very soon after you wrote, the Elections of...
I hope Sir you will excuse the intrusion from an unhappy widow, whose distress Situation has obliged her to fly for succour for her and her child an infant daughter, to that goverment thrue which Cause my husband has been Ruined; as you was Sir in Europe at the time of my husbands excertions, you Remains as it were the only Personell witness of the Truth of his Zeal and friendship, should...
The newspaper, which you did me the honor to inclose, containing Mr Pickering’s letter to Mr Pinkney on the subject of Mr Adets letter to the former, I have carefully perused; but, a further examination of it, with the documents & Mr Adet’s letter, is necessary to obtain a clear idea of the subject. That part of it which discusses the claim of gratitude made by France, I consider in a certain...
Encouraged by the honor you have done me by quoting a poem of mine in your valuable work I have taken the liberty to send you by my cousin Mr Rich two of my publications. I am now employed on a poetical work on the progress of navigation of which I send you six lines from that part which relates to the discovery of America & its consequences. —proud Ambition with exalting voice Avows one Chief...
Since I wrote you last I am informed that the French Directory have ordered Mr. Pinckney to leave France, and as he has determined to come into this Country, and wait here for the orders of the Government I expect to see him, from day to day—At the time when the refusal to receive him took place an intimation was given him that it was expected he would depart, but he refused to go without a...
I have the honour to transmit you herewith, a list of Invalid Pension-Applicants, belonging to the State of New Jersey, who have been re-examined by Physicians agreably to a Resolve of Congress of the 18th of April 1796. I am with great respect / Sir / your obedient servant DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
The Petition of Philip Wilson, their Citizen; late a Merchant of the City of Philadelphia: Most humbly—Sheweth That your Petitioner has long prayed, and forwarded papers, that your honourable Senate will take under your consideration the Case of one of your Citizens, now above thirteen Years depending;—A Merchant of good Credit made insolvent, and every way plunged into deplorable distress and...
The Senate of the United States would be unjust to their own feelings, & deficient in the performance of a duty their relation to the government of their Country imposes, should they fail to express their attachment to your person, & their respect for your Character, in answer to the excellent address you presented to them, on your leaving a station which you have so long & so honorably filled...
In obedience to the Constitution and Law of the United States, and to the commands of both Houses of Congress, expressed in their Resolution pass’d in their present session, I now declare that John Adams is elected President of the United States for four years to commence with the fourth of March next and that Thomas Jefferson is elected Vice President of the United States for four years to...
I have Just Received from your son—your Obliging Letter of this Days Date In Which as Secretary of the Corporation of the first Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia you inform me of their kind offer to me of the Pew No. 92 in their Church for the Accommodation of my Self and my Family and that I may begin to use it next Sunday. I Pray you Sir to Present my best Respects to the Corporation and...
The corporation of the first Presbyterian Church in Philada. have directed me, their secretary, to inform you, that they have made such arrangements, as to be enabled to offer you the Pew no 92 in their Church, for the accommodation of your self and family, should you be inclined to join in religious worship there, for & during the term, which you shall be President of the United States & that...
on motion ordered Resolved that the Secretary of the Senate, be directed and he is hereby directed, I lay before the president of the United States a copy of the Journal of yesterday the 8. Instant relative to the opening and counting the votes for president and Vice president of the United States, and the declaration of the president of the Senate consequent thereon: and also to present to...
In consequence of the declaration made yesterday in the Chamber of the House of Representatives, of the election of a President and Vice President of the United States, the record of which has just now been read from your Journal, by your Secretary, I have judged it proper to give notice, that on the fourth of March next, at twelve O clock, I propose to attend again in the Chamber of the House...
I have the honor to transmit herewith a statement of goods, wares, and merchandise, exported from the United States, during one year prior to the 30th day of September, 1796, which has been prepared in conformity with the resolution of the Senate, passed on the 10th day of February, 1796. Of the sum of 67,064,097 dollars, being the whole value of exports during the years above mentioned, it is...
In Consequence of the Declaration made yesterday in the Chamber of the H of Representatives of the Election of a President & V. P. of U.S. the Record of which has just now been read from your Journal by your Secretary I think have judged it proper to give Notice, that on the fourth of March next at twelve O Clock, I propose to attend again in the Chamber of the H. of R. in order to take the...
I have received your kind Letter and thank you for your friendly Congratulations I begged a Copy of the inclosed Volume of my Friend Judge Peters for our Accademy: but as he sent me one in boards I will get that bound for myself that I may Send His the Sooner. to our Accademy I ask your Pardon for sending you Such a Scrawl, being in great haste, your humble sert MBAt : American Academy of Arts...
I recd by this days Post your favr of the 3d No. 2. I had before received Number 1.—I shall confine myself in this to No. 2. You are Apprehensive “that France will view the discussion of Gratitude in its full Extent, as trespassing the Line of defence” But Adet had laid his demands of Gratitude so high and all his Partisans were in the habit of deafening our People with such rude and...
I beg your Acceptance of a Barrel of Seed Oats of a Superior Quality which I shall send to Boston by a Captn. Allen now in this River he sails the beginning of next Month and I hope the Oats will arrive in Time for seeding You will do me Honor by presenting my most respectful Compliments to Mrs. Adams and by your remembrance of me in your Letter to my Friend Mr. Thomas Adams when you write him...
Since I wrote you last I have been in constant expectation of seeing General Pinckney here, and in hopes that from conversation with him, I might have some new circumstances of interesting information to communicate to you. My letters from Paris mention that he was to leave that place on the 2d: of this month.—Some accident must have delayed him as he has not yet reached this place. As soon as...
Compliments to the Vice-President Enclosed is the curious and Insulting Letter mentioned yesterday Evening MHi : Adams Papers.
I have recd your favour of 30. Ult.—Thank you for your good Wishes. I know not the reason why the Chroniclers should wish that Mr Jefferson would not accept the office of V.P. The Reason is obvious why the “highest Partisans” on the other Side shd. wish so.—But neither the Jacobins nor Antijacobins, knew the Temper and Character of Mr Jefferson So well as I do. I have known these Seven Years...
I have received your kind Letter of the 30 Jan and thank you, for your obliging Complaisance in nominating Dr. Bancroft to be a Member of our Academy and for your Compliments on the issue of the late Election. When you assure me, that your Brethren of the Clergy, of the Colledge and of the Accademy are “almost without an Exception my real Friends” you assure me of an approbation very much to...
I have the honour to transmit you herewith, a list of Invalid-Pension-Applicants—who have been re-examined by Physicians, agreably to a Resolve of Congress of the 18th of April 1796. I am with great respect / Sir / your obedient servant. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I thank you for giving me the perusal of the enclosed.—The sentiments do honor to the head & heart of the writer;—and if my wishes would be of any avail, they shd. go to you in a strong hope that you will not withhold merited promotion from Mr. Jno. Adams because he is your son.—For with out intending to compliment the father or the mother, or to censure any others: I give it as my decided...