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Results 15091-15140 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have only time to write a few Lines. I am well, and your...
Copies: American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress, Historical Society of Princeton This...
Reprinted from the Union Art Galleries Sales Catalogue (February 27, 1934), p. 28. I received...
DS : American Philosophical Society <February 17, 1772. Franklin empowers Deborah Franklin and...
[ New Windsor, New York, February 13, 1781. ] Thanks them for their contributions to Army. Df ,...
I should have done myself the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the letter you did me the favor...
Transcript, AL (draft), and press copy of LS : Library of Congress Franklin had been aware of the...
ALS (letterbook draft): American Philosophical Society I received your agreable Letters of Oct....
LS : Mrs. Martin M. Kendig, Chicago, Illinois (1955) I received your pleasing Letters of Nov. 14....
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received your pleasing Letter of Jan. 5. I am glad...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your kind Letters of Sept. 14. and 25th. You...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D....
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I am much oblig’d by your Favour of Dec. 10. with the...
The letter which mrs Bache did me the honor to write on the 7th. inst. came to hand on the 22d. I...
After having waited long in hopes that either we could have found means of purchasing a draught...
Your’s of June 19. was not recieved till the 28th. I immediately consulted with mr Gallatin and...
I am to pay you £10. for Polly Carr, making, with the balance due yourself 143.33 D you will of...
Yours of the 16th was recieved yesterday, and communicated to mr Gallatin. his answer is ‘if...
We have been long in expectation of seeing you, but mr Trist’s return & information puts off that...
I recieved yesterday yours of the 26th . mentioning that you would set out the next day for...
I hope by the time this comes to hand you will receive Eighteen Hogsheads of my Tobo Ten in the...
I have answerd the Contents of your acct to Mr Carlyle, who told me he had lodgd money in your...
I recieved last night your letter of the 19th. by which I learn you have done 250. f. of the...
I now inclose you 260. D. to be paid as follows John Perry 100. Colo. Nicholas Lewis 103. 89...
I find I can drive from hence 4. or 5 beeves and as many muttons as we can want; all as fat as...
I now inclose you 620. D. to be applied as follows. to John Perry 200. D. James Walker 100. D....
I now inclose you 250. Dollars, of which 100. is for James Walker, 50. for mr Maddox, and 100. D....
   Memorandums The first work to be done is to finish every thing at the mill, to wit, the dam,...
Davy arrived here last night and he will set out tomorrow, if the weather permits. he takes in...
I suppose that for the waggon &c. to get here on the 6th. of March, they must set out on Thursday...
I recieved last night yours of the 18th. respecting mr Belt’s horse. he never spoke to me on that...
I inclose you three hundred & five Dollars to be disposed of as follows D to John Perry 200.
Directions for mr Bacon. June 7. 08. Consider as your first object the keeping a full supply of...
on reflecting upon your offer considering it to be a good one I have determined to take it That...
I recieved last night your letter of the 4th. and a new arrangement of the post which begins this...
the pork delivered mr Minor according to the entry in my book is was 10. hogs weighing 1067 ℔ @...
I promised Henry Williams to send him by this day’s post 87 D. 13 C for William Stewart. I...
Davy has been detained till to-day in order to carry home another decayed horse which I must pray...
Your’s of the 21st. is recieved. I think you ought not to venture to come without a horse or mule...
I have found it more convenient to have money sent to you from Richmond this month than from this...
I inclose you 360. D. to be paid as follows. to John Perry 200. mr Nelson 30. Wm. Maddox 52. 16...
I inclose you four hundred & fifty five dollars to be paid as follows. to John Perry 100. D. Hugh...
By a letter from mr John Peyton I percieve he is not satisfied that there was an error of...
Your letter of the 4 th could not leave Charlottesville till the 8 th and was recieved here on...
Yours of the 11th. by John is recieved. I should imagine that above & near the New road, and in...
I am now anxious for the carpenters to come on as soon as they shall have done the jobs mentioned...
Your’s of the 8th. came to hand last night, and I now inclose you 30. D. for Bishop’s order in...
Yours of the 13th. is recieved, and the 135. D. shall be sent you the first week in Nov. as shall...
Your’s of Jan. 29. has been recieved. mr Randolph having been so kind as to offer his aid in...
As I must carry thorn plants home in the spring to fill up the vacancies in my hedges, I must now...