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Results 15061-15090 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Mr John Adams asks the favour of Mr Trumbulls Company for an hour this Evening at Mr David Bulls. Mr A. would not ask Such a favour on such a Snowy night, but would wait on Mr Trumbull at his house, if he was not much chilled with the cold and much fatigud with a Journey all day NjP : DeCoppet Collection.
I received yesterday your favour of August 7. The first time I have had the pleasure of a letter from you since the same date. I have also to acknowledge an unusual interval since my last to you was written. I shall not plead in excuse that a very considerable American correspondence, which I find myself obliged to furnish altogether on my part, with few returns of any kind, and those few...
I beg your acceptance of one of these volumes & that you would give the other to the President with the most respectful Compliments of the author Yr most obedt Servt MHi : Adams Papers.
I have recd your favour of the 10. of Nov. and thank you for the quotations from the Posthumous Works of the late K. of Prussia. The Quotations from Condorcet are Proofs of Insincerity or Inconsistency but the latter may be easily expected from a Person who writes upon a subject he knows nothing of. I am able unfortunately to give you some Extracts of letters concerning a Man of more Sense,...
We thank you, sir, for your faithful and detailed exposure of the existing situation of our country; and we sincerely join in sentiments of gratitude to an overruling Providence for the distinguished share of public prosperity and private happiness which the People of the United States so peculiarly enjoy. We are fully sensible of the advantages that have resulted from the adoption of measures...
The American Philosophical Society, desirous of expressing due Regard for Preeminence in Science and Virtue, have directed an Eulogium to be prepared to the Memory of their late President Dr. David Rittenhouse ; which is to be pronounced before the Society on Saturday next, the 17th instant, in the Presbyterian Church, in Market Street, at 12 o’clock. With the highest Deference, it is...
The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund Respectfully Report to Congress as follow. That the purchases of the Debt of the United States as stated in their Report of the eighteenth of December 1795, amount to Two Millions, three hundred, seven thousand, six hundred, sixty one dollars, and Seventy one cents, for which there have been paid in specie, One Million, six hundred, Eighteen thousand, Nine...
In my last Letter I purposed giving you an account of the measures which have been taken upon the Constitution produced after seven months labour by the Committee appointed to draw it up. But after mentioning the frowns which had been cast upon it while yet in embryo, by the citizen Noël, it would be perhaps superfluous now to relate how soon after its birth it has been overlaid.—The principal...
By the direction of the President of the United States, I have the honor to inclose a report of the Director of the Mint, suggesting the expediency of some alterations in its establishment, to render it less expensive to the public, and more accommodating to depositors. The report is accompanied with statements of the gold, silver, and copper coins issued from the mint from its commencement to...
In obedience to the Resolutions of the Senate, passed on the 10th. of February and 16th. of March 1796, I have the honour to transmit herewith the following statements. 1st. A statement of the Tonnage of the ships and vessels employed in the Trade of the United States for the year preceding the first day of October 1795. distinguishing the Foreign from the Domestic Tonnage, and the quantity...
The french Directory have refused to receive Mr: Pinckney as Minister from the United States, and have taken a resolution, that all communication between them and the American Government shall be suspended untill the wrongs of which the French Republic has a right to complain, shall be repaired. The motives alledged for this proceeding are said to be that the Treaty between the United States...
The public and the public papers have been much occupied lately, in placing us in point of opposition to each other. I trust with confidence that less of it has been felt by ourselves personally. In the retired canton where I am, I learn little of what is passing: pamphlets I see never: papers but a few; and the fewer the happier. Our latest intelligence from Philadelphia at present is of the...
The enclosed extract of a Letter from Paris, which has been communicated to me, contains certain paragraphs from the Rédacteur a newspaper used by the French Directory for their official and non-official publications. It explicitly denies as you will observe that the Directory have determined to suspend their intercourse with the Government of the United States. It is among those paragraphs...
Deposition of President Adams—In answer to Interrogatories by the Agent on the part of the United States he deposed, “that Mitchell’s Map was the only Map or Plan which was used by the Commissioners at their public Conferences, tho’ other Maps were occasionally consulted by the American Commissioners at their Lodgings; the British Commissioners at first claimed to Piscataqua River, then to...
I have the honor to advise you of my arrival to this City on thursday last; the important news from Europe, furnished us on that day, by an Arrival from France, you have e’re this received The inclosed containing the Speech of Governor Jay to our Legislature I have taken the Liberty to transmit for your perusal; from the choice of the Council of appointment, We are made happy in the overthrow,...
Permit me much respected Sir, to congratulate Your Excellency, as well as the good Citizens of America, on Your late election to the Presidency of the United States, and to assure You Sir, that from every information that can be collected, it was the general wish of most of the good people of Virginia, who are attached to order & good Government, that this happy & fortunate event should take...
I received yesterday your favour of October 23 and it is by several weeks the latest Letter that I have from America.—It tells me that the Elections were going on with as little bitterness as could be expected, and this in the present circumstances is grateful intelligence. But all my American correspondents public and private as they appear to care nothing about the affairs of Europe, seem...
That your Petitioner was appointed Post Master in this City in January 1792, and trusts that he has performed the duties required of him, as such, with fidelity. That from the small profits of the Office, particularly for the first three years, your Petitioner has several times determined to resign his appointment, but was induced to continue the same, partly from an expectation that the...
Among the many Congratulations that will be presented to You, on your being elected to the high & important Office of President of the United States, permit me to present mine—I pray You not to accept them as offered to the Shrine of Power only, but as proceeding from the Heart of Friendship& the Soul of unfeigned regards— While our Country shall thus express their Gratitude to, and Confidence...
A late Mail having brought Intelligence that you are certainly elected the future President of the United States permit me to congratulate you and my Country upon the happy Event; I do it with Sincerity and heartfelt pleasure; and tho’ Virginia has contributed but little to the joyful Occasion in the vote of her Electors, still I can pronounce with confidence that a great and respectable part...
I have the honour to transmit you herewith, a list of Invalid Pension-Applicants, who have been re-examined by Physicians, agreably to a Resolve of Congress of the 18th day of April 1796. I am with great respect / Sir / your obedient servant DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I received this morning with great Pleasure your friendly Letter of the 16, and thank you for your kind congratulations on an Event which seems determined in the public Opinion, tho not yet legally ascertained I have lost by the course of years so many of my Friends and so many others in their old Age, have become weathercocks that the Sight of correspondence of a few who have proved...
I Received this morning your kind Letter of the 12th and thank you for your obliging Congratulations on an Event which although it is not as yet Legally ascertained Seems to be Settled in the Public Opinion when you assure me it was the general wish of The Friends of Order and good Government In Virginia and that I may Rely upon the Support of that State you not only make me a high Compliment...
Col. Wadsworth, upon my inquiring after your health gave me the most agreable and favourable account of it, I have heard for a long time. It rejoiced me very much: and the Information he gave me of your present occupation, in preparing for the Press a new Edition of your Writings, gave me more pleasure than any thing I could have heard of you next to the perfect restoration of your health and...
After wishing you many happy and Proserous Returns of the Season and a Speedy mitigation of The Severity of the winter I wish to know whether you have any Letters from my Sons, I have Seen a Short one from Thomas to his mother of the 5th October which Came I Suppose by the vessell from Rotterdam and gave me hopes that more might Come by the Same Oppertunity I Should be Obliged to you if any...
After wishing you many happy and prosperous returns of the Season, and a Speedy mitigation of the Severity of the Winter, I wish to know whether you have any Letters from my Sons. I have Seen a Short one, from Thomas to his Mother of the 5th Oct. which came I Suppose by the Vessell from Rotterdam and gave me hopes that more, might come by the Same Opportunity. I Should be obliged to you, if...
The Post Master General presents his respectful compliments to the Vice President, and sends him a Map of the United States exhibiting the Post Offices and Roads, with a correct Table of all the Offices now established, and the distance of each Office from the present Seat of Government. MHi : Adams Papers.
Inclosed is Mr Pickerings Letter to mr. Pinckney. will you be so Good as to Send it to Mrs. Adams. After you have Read it will you also be so Good as to write me what Sensation it Makes and what Reflections it Occasions in Boston. I want to know what Effect this whole Buisiness has had or shall have On your Insurance offices and the Price of Stocks, in this Place. I am told the Insurers at a...
Whilst engaged in more Important concerns,—and contemplating the additional burthen that will soon be on your mind;—I presume your goodness , will readily excuse my soliciting the relaxation of a few moments.— By a line just received from my worthy friend Mr. Cranch, I am informed of your kindness in so far attending to my situation, as that you have taken with you, a letter I wrote him on the...
The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund respectfully Report to Congress as follow. That in pursuance of the powers committed to them by the Act entitled “An Act making provision for the payment of Certain debts of the United States” passed in the last session of Congress, they have authorized Sales of a part of the Capital Stock of the Bank of the United States, belonging to the United States,...