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Results 15061-15070 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : State M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin Public Library, Leningrad Enclos’d is a Letter from Ben to his Mother. He chose to write it in French as more familiar to him than English. It is, I assure you, all his own, except the concluding Sentence. He grows fast and tall. There are 4 or 5 English Boys in the School, or I think he would be in danger of losing his English. Your Sisters were well...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer Mr. Guez, being well recommended to me as a skilful Surgeon, and otherwise of good Character for his Morals and Prudence, I recommend him to your Civilities and Advice, which as a Stranger he may have occasion for: And as he has not sufficient to pay his Passage here, and will not be able to provide such a Sum immediately there, I desire you to...
Copy: Library of Congress The Bearer, M Vatteville, goes over with Views of establiching himself in our Country. He bears the Character here of a Valuable Man, Likely to make a good and Useful Citizen among us. I recommend him warmly to your Civilities and Counsels. Ben continues well and behaves in his College as one could wish. I am ever Your affectionate father P.S. The Chevalier Crenis has...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received yours of Jan. 4. per Packet but none from Mrs. Franklin, whom you mention as writing at the same time. I lament the Death of my old good Friend Mr. Hall, but am glad to understand he has left a Son fit to carry on the Business, which wish he may do with as good a Character and as good Success as his Father. The Gentleman who reported that...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received yours of Nov. 3. with the Extracts from Mr. Hooper’s Letter, and Remarks of Mr. Morgan which will come under Consideration in due time. As yet the Grant has not pass’d the Seals, tho’ we are kept in continual Expectation. I am oblig’d to Mr. Baynton and you for the Communication. The Demolishing Fort Pitt was a strange Measure. It might...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I have now before me yours of April 6, and 29, May 21. and June 1. I rejoice with you in the first place on the good News contain’d in your last, that Sally is safely delivered of another Son. I hope he will prove a Blessing to you both. I wish your new Shop Business to prove profitable, and do not doubt it if the Shop is closely attended. Will not...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress The Bearer Count Beniousky, a Hungarian Gentleman of Distinction, goes to America with some Intention of settling there, if he shall find the Country agreable. He is much esteemed by Persons of Consideration here, and I earnestly recommend him to your Civilities. I have ordered Claret to you by various Opportunities, and hope some of it will be arriv’d...
Copy: Library of Congress I seldom hear from you or Sally, but I have lately had the satisfaction of hearing of you, that you and yours were all well the Begining of april last. I send you in a Parcel by this Opportunity some of the Correspondence betwen Ben and me. He was well a few weeks since, and very kindly notic’d where he is, by some respectable People. I continue, Thanks to God, well...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received yours of July 6, by the last Packet that is arriv’d; for we have not yet [that?] of August. I had thoughts of going by this Packet, but various Considerations, some publick and some private, have occurr’d inducing me to postpone my leaving England for another Season. A Bill you drew for £27 18 s. 0 d. on Francis Roper, Mercht in London,...
LS : Yale University Library The Bearer Mr. Du Trône, is extreamly well recommended to me here, by Persons of the first Distinction & Character. He is a Physician by Profession, but goes over to America with other Views. I beg you will introduce him to some of my Friends, & that you will shew him every Civility & Attention in your Power.— My Love to Sally and the Children, & believe me ever,...