To George Washington from Captain John Paul Schott, 24 March 1777
From Captain John Paul Schott
Philadelphia March 24th 1777
This is to inform your Excelency that I applyed here for Money Armes and plankits but can’t get it without your Excelency is pleas’d to send me a Warrand I have twenty five men I am oblig’d to pay £1.1 pr week for Each men which I think is too much, if I can get plankits I shall put them in the Barraks at Lancaster I have promiss of about twenty men at fort Lauton where I shall go as soon as I recive your Excelences warrand to traw Money &c.1 I am very glad to hear of your Excelences recovery and have the Honor of wishing you Helth. I am your Excelences most obitiant and Most Humble Servnt
John Paul Schott Captn
N.B. Your Excelency will be Pleas’d to Derect the above to the Presetent here as I shall Wait for an Answer.
ALS, DLC:GW. GW’s secretary Tench Tilghman’s docket reads in part: “Ansd 29th with orders to march the Men inlisted immediately to Morris Town—sent him a Warrant for 300 Dollars.”
1. Fort Loudon, Pa., was about fifteen miles west of Chambersburg, Pa., on the military road from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh that was established by British brigadier general John Forbes in 1758.