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Results 1501-1550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
15011784 [i.e. 1804]. Aug. (Adams Papers)
The last Week in August We ploughed a ditch and brought the Earth into the Yard and 32 loads of...
1502John Adams. (Adams Papers)
Begun Oct. 5. 1802. As the Lives of Phylosophers, Statesmen or Historians written by them selves...
1503[Parents and Boyhood] (Adams Papers)
My Father married Susanna Boylston in October 1734, and on the 19th of October 1735 I was born....
Continued November 30. 1804. In my own class at Collidge, there were several others, for whom I...
The two last years of my Residence at Colledge, produced a Clubb of Students, I never knew the...
1506[1757] (Adams Papers)
At the time when Fort William Henry was besieged, there came down almost every day dispatches...
1507[1758] (Adams Papers)
In 1758 my Period with Mr. Putnam expired. Doolittle and Baldwin visited me in the office, and...
The next Year after I was sworn, was the memorable Year 1759 when the Conquest of Canada was...
1509[Braintree Lawyer, 1761] (Adams Papers)
On the 25 of May in this Year 1761, my venerable Father died in his 71st Year, beloved, esteemed...
1510[Jonathan Sewall, 1759] (Adams Papers)
Sometime in 1761 or two Mr. Samuel Quincy with whom I sometimes corresponded, shewed to Mr....
1511[Town Officer, 1761–1765] (Adams Papers)
Now become a Freeholder I attended the Town Meetings, as a Member, as I had usually attended them...
In the Winter of 1764 the Small Pox prevailing in Boston, I went with my Brother into Town and...
1513[The Stamp Act, 1765] (Adams Papers)
This Year 1765 was the Epocha of the Stamp Act.... I drew up a Petition to the Select Men of...
1514[1765–1767] (Adams Papers)
On the 14 day of July of this Year 1765, Mrs. Adams presented me with a Daughter and in her...
In the Beginning of the Year 1768 My Friends in Boston, were very urgent with me to remove into...
1516[1768–1770] (Adams Papers)
This Year 1768 I attended the Superiour Court at Worcester, and the next Week proceeded on to...
1517[1770] (Adams Papers)
The Year 1770 was memorable enough, in these little Annals of my Pilgrimage. The Evening of the...
The complicated Cares of my legal and political Engagements, the slender Diet to which I was...
In the Year 1773 arose a Controversy concerning the Independence of the Judges. The King had...
In the Fall of the Year 1773, The General Court appointed Mr. Bowdoin and me to draw a State of...
As I have written hitherto, wholly from my memory, without recurring to any Books or Papers, I am...
In the fall of the Year 1773, a great Uproar was raised in Boston, on Account of the Unlading in...
It is well known that in June 1774 The General Court at Cambridge appointed Members to meet with...
Upon our Return to Massachusetts, I found myself elected by the Town of Braintree into the...
1525[In Congress, May 1775] (Adams Papers)
Congress assembled and proceeded to Business, and the Members appeared to me to be of one Mind,...
This Measure of Imbecility, the second Petition to the King embarrassed every Exertion of...
1527[August 1775] (Adams Papers)
I have always imputed the Loss of Charleston, and of the brave Officers and Men who fell there,...
At the appointed time, We returned to Philadelphia and Congress were reassembled. Mr. Richard...
In the Course of this Winter appeared a Phenomenon in Philadelphia a Star of Disaster (Disastrous...
I was incessantly employed, through the whole Fall, Winter and Spring of 1775 and 1776 in...
The Committee for preparing the Model of a Treaty to be proposed to France consisted of When We...
I have omitted some things in 1775 which must be inserted. On the 18th of September 1775. It was...
On Wednesday November 29. 1775. (See Journals of Congress for the Year 1775 page 272. and 273.)...
1534[Wednesday June 12. 1776] (Adams Papers)
On Wednesday June 12. 1776 Congress resolved, That a Committee of Congress be appointed by the...
1535[Thursday October 5. 1775]. (Adams Papers)
On Thursday October 5. 1775. See the Journals. Sundry Letters from London were laid before...
1536[Fryday October 6. 1775.] (Adams Papers)
Fryday October 6. 1775. The Committee appointed to prepare a Plan &c. brought in a further report...
1537[Fryday October 13. 1775.] (Adams Papers)
Fryday October 13. 1775. The Congress taking into Consideration the report of the Committee...
1538[Monday October 30th. 1775.] (Adams Papers)
Monday October 30th. 1775. The Committee appointed to prepare an Estimate, and to fit out the...
1539[Thursday November 2. 1775] (Adams Papers)
On Thursday November 2. 1775 Congress resolved that the Committee appointed to carry into...
1540[8th of November 1775] (Adams Papers)
On the 8th of November 1775 Congress resolved, that the Bills of Sale of the Vessells ordered to...
1541[10th of November 1775] (Adams Papers)
On the 10th of November 1775 Congress resolved that two Battalions of Marines be raised,...
1542[17th of November 1775.] (Adams Papers)
On the 17th of November 1775. A Letter from Gen. Washington, inclosing a Letter and Journal of...
Thursday. November 23. 1775. The Committee for fitting out armed Vessells laid before Congress, a...
Saturday November 25. 1775. Congress resumed the consideration of the report of the Committee on...
On Tuesday November 28. 1775. The Congress resumed the Consideration of the Rules and Orders for...
1546[Fryday June 2. 1775.] (Adams Papers)
On Fryday June 2. 1775. Journals of Congress, page 112. The President laid before Congress a...
1547[Saturday June the 3d 1775.] (Adams Papers)
Saturday June the 3d 1775. Congress however ordered the Letter to lie under on the Table for...
1548[Wednesday June 7. 1775.] (Adams Papers)
On Wednesday June 7. 1775. On motion resolved, that Thursday the 20th. of July next be observed...
1549[Fryday June 9th. 1775.] (Adams Papers)
On Fryday June 9th. 1775. The report of the Committee on the Letter from the Convention of...
On Wednesday October 18. 1775. The Delegates from New Hampshire laid before the Congress a part...