George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Joseph Valentine, 28 May 1760

From Joseph Valentine

May 28th 1760


I in tended to sent old George but when I cam to Rones George was sick and I was obligd to send Stephen ass I was a fraid to send any but what had had the Small pox ass I understood it was in the way ass they Came they have a prospect of a fine Crop heare if please God the year permits.1 I am Sir your Most Humble Servant

Joseph Valentine

ALS, ViHi: Custis Papers.

1For George’s probable identity, see Valentine to GW, 27 May 1760, n.1. Stephen may have been the slave whose name appears immediately after

George’s in the list of dower slaves in King William County. Rones (Roan’s) is almost certainly Claiborne’s, the dower plantation in King William County; John Roan was its overseer.

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