James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Marinus Willett, 29 June 1816

From Marinus Willett

New York June 29th. 1816

Dear Sir

The Marshal of this District becoming vacant by the Death of General Smith, I beg leave to recommend Roger Strong Esquire for that office.1 Mr Strong has held several unprofitable offices in this State which he excuted with reputation. His circumstances having been considerably injured by the late situation of our Country requiers him to use every exertion in his power for the support of his family. He has been a uniform supporter of our republican administration; of his ability to perform the duties of the office there can be no doubt. He is therefore most cordially recommended to the attention of his Country by Sir Your very Obedient Servant

Marinus Willett

RC (DNA: RG 59, LAR, 1809–17, filed under “Strong”).

1Roger Strong, as Willett mentioned, had held “several unprofitable offices” in New York City, including alderman, election inspector, almshouse commissioner, census taker, and street assessor (Matteson, Minutes of the Common Council: Analytical Index, 2:1229–30).

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