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Results 150051-150100 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
150051 Vaughan, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Vaughan, 11 March 1783 1783-03-11 I have to apologize to you for having omitted to recollect to put up your two Volumes of Maps,...
150052 Carleton, Guy Washington, George To George Washington from Guy Carleton, 12 December … 1782-12-12 I have this morning received your Excellency’s letter of the 6th with it’s inclosure, and have...
150053 Clark, John Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Major John Clark, Jr., 3 … 1777-11-03 This moment my Spy from Philadelphia came to me he is an exceeding intelligent Fellow, I...
150054 Coxe, Tench Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Tench Coxe, 23 April 1801 1801-04-23 It is only by candid representations of the disinterested, or the applications of the concerned,...
150055 Willett, Marinus Madison, James To James Madison from Marinus Willett, 29 June 1816 1816-06-29 The Marshal of this District becoming vacant by the Death of General Smith, I beg leave to...
150056 Bowdoin, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Bowdoin, 9 March 1806 1806-03-09 I wrote to you on the 7th. & 27th. of dec. & on the 17th. Ultimo, & still continue without your...
150057 Washington, George Hendricks, James From George Washington to James Hendricks, 10 September … 1781-09-10 The Baggage Waggons & Cavalry & Cattle of the French & American Armies are to cross at George...
150058 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 October 1789] 1789-10-29 Thursday 29th. Left Boston about 8 Oclock. Passed over the Bridge at Charles Town and went to see...
150059 Pseudonym: “Hamlit” Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pseudonym: "Hamlit", 28 … 1809-02-28 It is an applauded saying that a virtuous man rising above his misfortunes is a scene which the...
150060 American Commissioners Williams, Jonathan Jr. The American Commissioners to Jonathan Williams, Jr. … 1778-04-13 (I) AL (draft): American Philosophical Society; copies: Massachusetts Historical Society,...
150061 Short, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Short, 12 April 1809 1809-04-12 Madn. P. Ap. 12. [1809, Paris]—Wrote him 29h. ulto. (private)—first occasion—Armstrong’s [...
150062 King, Rufus Madison, James To James Madison from Rufus King, 19 May 1801 1801-05-19 Though Captain Pellew of the English Frigate Cleopatra was recalled, as I sometime ago informed...
150063 Adams, John Quincy 8th. 1787-12-08 Amory went to Ipswich this afternoon. He cannot yet get entirely over his old habits. He intends...
150064 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 23 … 1815-10-23 The vessels which I have already written by have been detaind: by contrary winds, and give me an...
150065 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 February 1767] 1767-02-19 19. Soft Morng. Somewhat Cloudy & still.
150066 Bradley, Philip B. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philip B. Bradley, 1 October … 1804-10-01 The Directors of the Company incorporated by the State of Ohio by the name of “The Proprietors of...
150067 Le Guen, Louis Hamilton, Alexander Receipt from Louis Le Guen, [5 September 1803] 1803-09-05 J’ai Ce Jour 5. Sepbre. 1803 recu du General Hamilton, trois Cents Cinquante d’ollars, Pour...
150068 Evans, Robert J. Adams, John To John Adams from Robert J. Evans, 19 January 1820 1820-01-19 With undissembled pleasure, I embrace the first leisure moment, to acknowledge the receipt of...
150069 McHenry, James Adams, John To John Adams from James McHenry, 7 May 1800 1800-05-07 I take the liberty to inclose a note from Mr Waln received this moment, by which it appears that...
150070 Ashe, John Baptista Washington, George To George Washington from John B. Ashe, 5 June 1790 1790-06-05 Having been this evening informd you wish to have the opinion of the No. Carolina...
150071 Madison, James Lee, Henry From James Madison to Henry Lee, 22 July 1792 1792-07-22 Letter not found. 22 July 1792. Acknowledged in Lee to JM, 10 Sept. 1792 . A private letter in...
150072 Chandler, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Chandler, 18 October 1813 1813-10-18 Yours of the 20th. ultimo by Mr Graham has been recd. Stateing that every thing that this...
150073 Henno, Gabriel Jefferson, Thomas IV. Gabriel Henno to Thomas Jefferson, [before 2 August … 1791-08-02 L’auteur de ce mémoire désire en recevoir un reçu dans peu de tems dans lequel il sera bien aise...
150074 Washington, George Hubbard, Edward From George Washington to Edward Hubbard, 23 April 1756 1756-04-23 It has been determind here in a Council of War, that it would be most advisable for you to...
150075 Alexander, William Lord Stirling Washington, George To George Washington from William Lord Stirling … 1781-07-08 The Guard Boats to rendezvous at Dobbs Ferry. They should not go down from thence untill about...
150076 Jefferson, Thomas Daingerfield, Mary Willis From Thomas Jefferson to Mary Willis Daingerfield, 13 … 1808-12-13 I am later this year than usual in expressing to you my willingness to retain for the next year...
150077 Jay, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Jay, 19 January 1786 1786-01-19 Since my last of 7th. December last and indeed for some Time before that, Congress has been...
150078 Lear, Tobias Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tobias Lear, 7 July 1791 1791-07-07 [ Philadelphia ] July 7, 1791 . “By the Presidents command T. Lear has the honor to transmit to...
150079 McHenry, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James McHenry, 4 July 1796 1796-07-04 Wilkinson continues to heap charges upon Wayne; is condensing them into a consistent form, and I...
150080 Washington, George Beatty, John From George Washington to John Beatty, 16 December 1778 1778-12-16 Sir Henry Clinton having called for the return of our Officers on parole; You will take the...
150081 Short, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Short, 26 January … 1792-01-26 I have had the honor of recieving since my return to this place on the 15th. inst. your letter of...
150082 Clinton, James Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General James … 1781-01-17 Since my Letter of Yesterday, I have the Pleasure to inform your Excellency, that by an Express...
150083 Spaight, Richard Dobbs Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Dobbs Spaight, 4 June … 1794-06-04 On the 28th May I received (via Wilmington) a letter from Mr Samuel Hodgdon enclosing an invoice...
150084 Washington, George Henry, Patrick From George Washington to Patrick Henry, 24 February … 1777-02-24 Mr Walker has, I doubt not, informed you of the situation in which I have placed him, in Order...
150085 Adams, John Adams’ Minutes of the Trial: Essex Superior Court … 1769-11-01 Receipt for the Money, “and Costs of C our t.” 1762. Aug. 9. Sailing orders. To proceed to...
150086 Greene, Nathanael Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Nathanael … 1779-04-22 I waited upon the Minister of France this morning; and find he sets out for Camp on Tuesday next....
150087 Washington, George Masons of King David’s Lodge, Newport, Rhode … From George Washington to the Masons of King David’s … 1790-08-18 I receive the welcome which you give me to Rhode-Island with pleasure—and I acknowledge my...
150088 Thomas, John L. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John L. Thomas, 1 March 1825 1825-03-01 I received a letter a few days since from M rs Martha B. Eppes, the Widow & Executrix of the late...
150089 Madison, James Armstrong, John From James Madison to John Armstrong, [21 June 1814] 1814-06-21 The taking of Soldiers for the Navy, is a disagreeable circumstance in several respects: but an...
150090 Priestley, Joseph, Jr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Priestley, Jr., 6 … 1806-01-06 I intended to have prefixed to the Memoirs of my father’s life, which will shortly be published,...
150091 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 October 1784] 1784-10-02 2d. I set off very early from Mr. Lewis’s who accompanied me to the foot of the blew ridge at...
150092 Putnam, Israel Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Israel Putnam … 1777-06-25 since my last nothing material has hapned here—I have sent forward 3 officers & 15 men of Col....
150093 Adams, John Morse, Jedidiah From John Adams to Jedidiah Morse, 5 January 1816 1816-01-05 The trials of the officer & Soldiers, who were indited for the slaughter in King Street were...
150094 Smith, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Smith, 31 October … 1791-10-31 I now forward abstra[c]t of Old Emission Money Certificates & Indents received agreeable to act...
150095 Macon, Nathaniel Jefferson, Thomas Nathaniel Macon to Thomas Jefferson, 28 February 1819 1819-02-28 Doctor Hall a friend of mine, one of the Representatives of North Carolina , brought with him to...
150096 Nash, Abner Washington, George To George Washington from Abner Nash, 14 December 1780 1780-12-14 I have just had the honour to receive your Excellencys favour of the 6th ult. —your favours by...
150097 Adams, John Cranch, Richard John Adams to Richard Cranch, 23 September 1767 1767-09-23 I have but a few Moments, to congratulate you on the fresh Blessing to your Family.—Another fine...
150098 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard James Madison to Bernard Peyton, 10 June 1833 1833-06-10 It is so long since the date of your letter informing me that you should in a few days make sale...
150099 Virginia Delegates Harrison, Benjamin Virginia Delegates in Congress to Benjamin Harrison, 23 … 1784-01-23 The inclosed papers from Oliver Pollock came to our hands a few days ago. Ignorance of the...
150100 Walker, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Walker, 1 June 1782 1782-06-01 I H ave taken the liberty to write, & enclose the Examination of Daniel Evis, who will be sent to...