George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 13 November 1792

To Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday [Philadelphia, 13 November 1792]

I am glad the detention of the Ship gives you an opportunity of forwarding the enclosed.1 Yours

G. W——n

ALS, DLC: Jefferson Papers. Jefferson docketed the letter: “Washington Presidt recd Nov. 13. 92.”

1Jefferson added a notation below the text in which he identified the enclosure: “it was my letter of Nov. 13. to mister Pinckney. London.” In that letter Jefferson wrote that the “ship New Pigou still remaining in port,” he was able to respond to Pinckney’s letter of 8 Sept. 1792, which Jefferson had enclosed in his first letter to GW of 12 Nov. 1792. Jefferson informed Pinckney that he could not find any claims submitted by Stephen Sayre requesting compensation for services during the Revolutionary War. “Nevertheless,” Jefferson wrote, “if he has any regular claim against the U.S. they are willing and able to meet them. In the mean time you have done perfectly right in refusing him the protection of an appointment under you.” According to Jefferson the additional papers that he enclosed would show Pinckney that “our prospects with the Indians, both Northern and Southern, are better” (Jefferson Papers, description begins Julian P. Boyd et al., eds. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. 41 vols. to date. Princeton, N.J., 1950–. description ends 24:615–16). For background on Sayre’s claims, see Jefferson to GW, 12 Nov. (first letter), n.1.

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