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Results 150041-150050 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Three or four days since I wrote to My angel by the Post, since which I have received a letter from her. I am very unhappy to hear that my beloved is out of health. Heaven grant it may soon be restored. I entreat her to take care of herself & keep up her spirits. I cannot yet determine what will be our stay here and consequently I can make no determinations about my love; but I feel that it...
This will be presented to you by my Son Fairfax Washington, who I have sent to Phliadela with a view of reading the Law under Mr Charles Lee, and of improving himself, by being introduced into good company. Depending on the friendship you, & your good Lady, have allways express’d for his Father & myself, I make free to beg your countenancing him, & the favor will be gratefully acknowledg’d by...
In a Letter I had lately from the Archbishop of Canterbury, he expressed some Wonderment that the Ch[urc]h at Rye had never applied to the Society for another Minister since the Death of M r . Wetmore. This is indeed to be wondered at if they have not done it; at least to thank them for their past favour, & desire the Continuance of it, & l[e]ave to nominate one themselves, & to be looking out...
Mr. Bancroft begs leave to intrude upon the retirement of Dr. Adams to present him an Election Sermon, in evidence of the respect he feels for his character, and as a tribute of gratitude for his public services. MHi : Adams Papers.
It gives me pain that a Dispute of so delicate a nature as that which makes the subject of your favor of the 19th inst. should be left undetermined and continue the source of uneasinesses in Officers who deserve well of their Country—This matter will not as you seem to apprehend be returned for the consideration of Congress, they have already refered it to their Committee in this Camp, the...
I am glad the detention of the Ship gives you an opportunity of forwarding the enclosed. Yours ALS , DLC : Jefferson Papers. Jefferson docketed the letter: “Washington Presidt recd Nov. 13. 92.” Jefferson added a notation below the text in which he identified the enclosure: “it was my letter of Nov. 13. to mister Pinckney. London.” In that letter Jefferson wrote that the “ship New Pigou still...
On thursday last I had the honor to receive your letter of the 12th Instant with its enclosures. As no vessel has sailed for So. Carolina or Georgia, from this place, since the date of my last letter (the 17th) (altho’ several are up for Charleston, and according to their advertisements shou’d have sailed before this time), I intend this letter to go by the mail to Charleston, with a request...
If you can conveniently I will thank you to furnish to Mr. Jones for me abt. £45. wh. I am to pay at Fredbg. under an engagment wh. cannot be delayed. I have adjusted my affr. with Pickett by the payment of ⅔ ds. the amt. and otherwise securing him in the balance in three months, so that I am freed from that difficulty. This was done by the sale of my military land. I shall probably be down,...
The humble respects of a disstresed Ireish Officer wate on You he is reduced to the gratest extremity suffered in his place of Netivity on account of the revolution; has a family a stranger & no Imployment for a Support; therfore take the Liberty of Intrudeing on Your Benevolence for sume assistance as he is in want; has seen Better days; but know in adversity— I am Your. Excys: Disstresed...
A vessel has just arrived in a short passage from Liverpool bringing London papers to the twenty-fourth of June containing the official accounts of a most bloody battle fought on the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth of June between Bonaparte and the allied armys under Wellington—the two first days Bonaparte was successful, on the third was defeated and obliged to retreat leaving between...