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Results 150041-150050 of 184,431 sorted by author
Private I have given the Paper herewith enclosed, several serious & attentive readings; and prefer it greatly to the other draughts, being more copious on material points; more dignified on the whole; and with less egotism. Of course less exposed to criticism, & better calculated to meet the eye of discerning readers (foreigners particularly, whose curiosity I have little doubt will lead them...
150042[Diary entry: 26 May 1774] (Washington Papers)
26. Rid out with the Govr. to his Farm and Breakfasted with him there. Dined at Mrs. Dawson’s, & spent the Evening at my lodgings. Today’s House of Burgesses session did not begin until 11:00 A.M. , giving GW ample time to return the few miles from Governor Dunmore’s farm. When the governor returned to town this day he proceeded to dissolve the assembly, ostensibly because of the resolution...
150043[Diary entry: 12 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
12. Lord Fairfax, & his Brother & Colo. Fairfax & Mr. B. Fairfax dind here. The latter stayd all Night.
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] April 9, 1779 . Asks Du Portail to send an engineer to Wyoming, Pennsylvania. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I rec’d your favor of the 8th inst. with Col. Tarletons letter inclosed—I now return it to you with my thanks. Inclosed you will find a return of the troops fit for duty under my immediate command —For the reasons I mentioned to you the other day I have not the least objection to our real strength being known —and it will be well for you to inform that you came by the knowledge of it from...
I think it not only incumbent upon me, but a duty which I owe the public, to represent to you the unaccountable Conduct of Brig: Genl. Newcomb at this critical time. As soon as the Enemy shewed a disposition to possess themselves of Billingsport and Red Bank I wrote to him in the most urgent manner to collect and keep up as many Militia as he possibly could to assist in the defence of Red Bank...
150047[Diary entry: 16 October 1789] (Washington Papers)
Friday 16th. About 7 Oclock we left the Widow Havilands, and after passing Horse Neck [Greenwich] Six Miles distant from Rye, the Road through which is hilly and immensely stoney and trying to Wheels & Carriages, we breakfasted at Stamford which is 6 miles further (at one Webbs) a tolerable good house, but not equal in appearance or reality, to Mrs. Havilds. In this Town are an Episcopal...
If those necessaries which Major Lewis ordered for the use of Captain Hogg’s Company at Fort Dinwiddie, are not already gone, they must be sent off immediately, as he is a great sufferer for want of them; and which quantity of Salt must be made up twenty-five bushels. I should also be glad if you would order up to Winchester about 400 weight of Steel, and a Hogshead, number 2, which contains...
150049[Diary entry: 20 September 1764] (Washington Papers)
20. Sowed Wheat as far as Ransoms Houses at Muddy hole 55 Bushels. Elizabeth Ransom, a widow, had rented a farm from GW from 1757 to 1760.
150050[Diary entry: 23 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
23. Dined with Mr. Joseph Pemberton. Joseph Pemberton, son of Israel Pemberton, Jr., was a member of a prominent Philadelphia Quaker family. He was married in 1767 to Ann Galloway of Maryland.