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Results 150041-150070 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Gibraltar, 8 Feb. 1793 . His letter No. 64, a duplicate of which went by a second conveyance, described Barclay’s sudden death and the reasons he felt it necessary to come here to take care of the public property. Upon his arrival last Sunday he found the packages Barclay had brought from Lisbon safely in the hands of the Russian consul, James Simpson, who promptly told all he could about them...
Gibraltar, 8 Feb. 1793 . The fortuitous arrival here of the British consuls for Morocco, Algiers, and Tripoli and the French consul for Morocco has enabled him to obtain valuable information about Barbary affairs. Mr. Matra, the British consul for Morocco, has been summoned to Tangier to consult with Messrs. Mace and Lucas, who are enroute from England to Algiers and Tripoli. He says that the...
I have the honor of informing you of my arrival last night from England in the Portland Packett, which sailed from Falmouth on the 23d. of Decr., and shall take the earliest opportunity that my private affairs will allow, to present myself to you at Philadelphia, not doubting but it will be satisfactory, to have a detail of the present political State of Europe, from one who has been...
The Minister of France to the Secretary of state of the U.S. I am enjoined by the government of France to lay before the government of the U.S. the indispensable want under which we are to draw from abroad subsistences of first necessity, and the advantage which would arise to the two nations to recieve these provisions from hence, in deduction of our credit with you. This mode of payment...
On dipping into the second Vol. of Desaguliers’ experimental Philos . I find that his 5th. size Engine which worked with 22 men, threw Water to the height of 55 yards or 165 feet, which if I am not mistaken exceeds the largest Engines made in Philada. altho’ a greater number of hands were employed. The Machine of Newsham in England expended 870 Gallons per minute with 22 men and the largest in...
J’ai l’honeur d’envoyer à Monsieur Jefferson le tableau de notre créance, ainsi que l’extrait qu’il a desiré à ce sujet. Il verra que l’exposé de notre Ministre des contributions correspond assez avec celui de Monsieur hamilton; mais que les remboursemens ont eté faits jusqu’ici en valeurs nominales, et sans egard à la compensation promise par la lettre que Monsieur Jefferson m’ecrivit le 1r....
I have none of your favors to reply to. On the first Inst. the National Convention declared war against England and Holland. This declaration was preceded by an embargo in all the ports of France on English, Dutch, Russian, Prussian and Austrian vessels. The commerce with the two last, altho’ in war with France, had not before been interupted. This circumstance has given great favor to the...
The Masters of the American Vessels in this port homeward bound have applied for passports conformable to our treaties of Commerce; stating that they can not get their insurance done on moderate terms unless they are furnished therewith. I have doubts of the strict right of any person out of America to grant these Passports, but as war has been declared by France against Great Britain and...
This will convey to you the assurance of my sincere regret on being informed by your favor of the 8th. of November that you purpose relinquishing your situation at the head of the department of State. I truly lament the loss the public will suffer from your retirement but I must confess myself selfish enough to feel most sensibly the apprehension of the removal of those kind attentions and...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to submit to the judgment of the President the rough draught of the Report he has prepared on commerce. RC ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); endorsed by Tobias Lear. Tr ( Lb in same, SDC ). Not recorded in SJL . The text sent to Washington, in the hand of George Taylor, Jr., with revisions made by TJ in response to comments he had solicited from Tench Coxe, is in DLC : TJ...
We have the pleasure to send you, by Mr. Ellicott, the plat of the Territory, executed according to the President’s request. We are happy to inform you, that we have had some explanations with him, which render us better satisfied with him, than we were, at the time of our last. We are, Sir, with respect your mo. Obt Servts Dd: Stuart } Commrs Danl. Carroll RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand except...
Within these few days I have written to you by the Packet, the William Penn and the George Barclay; by the harmony which will convey this to you I have only to inclose a copy of the Passports I have given to our homeward bound Vessels, being the highest evidence we can give of their being American bottoms and as near the Passports required by our treaties of Commerce as the circumstances of...
The hour of post is come and a throng of business allows me only to inform you we are well, and to acknolege the receipt of Mr. Randolph’s letter of Jan. 24. With hopes that you are all so accept assurances of constant love to you all from your’s my dear most affectionately RC ( NNP ); at foot of text: “Mrs. Randolph”; endorsed by Mrs. Randolph. PrC ( CSmH ). Tr ( ViU : Edgehill-Randolph...
From the short notice we had of Mr. Ellicotts intentions to go to Philadelphia, we omitted sending the Account of the Expences, incurred in running the out lines of the Territory. We now send it, that if it is thought proper, we may be reimbursed. The original from whence the present Account is taken, was signed by Mr. Ellicott, who, if it be necessary will no doubt sign this. The specimens of...
I some time ago took the liberty of writing you a line enquiring into the situation of my debt and suit vs. Dr. Griffin and solliciting your further friendly agency therein. I hope you have received the letter before or at this period and anxiously hope and wish for favorable Accounts of the business; as soon as convenient, and agreeable to yourself, to write me. I have been this forenoon with...
The four documents printed below illuminate an obscure episode in the Secretary of State’s continuing political contest with his great antagonist in the Treasury Department. As Republican critics in the National Gazette and the House of Representatives mounted their assault on Alexander Hamilton’s management of public finances, this chapter in Jefferson’s conflict with the Treasury Secretary...
Loan of 18. Millns. 6. Millns. Interest payable 10. Millions Total due in Dollars. Payments made each year. Balance unpaid at end of each year. Principal payable Interest payable Principal payable Interest payable day of paiment Sep. 3. day of payment Jan. 1. day of payment Nov. 5. 1784. 900,000 300,000 1785. 900,000 300,000 }
According to the desire you expressed the other day when speaking of the application of France for 3. millions of livres, I have the honour to inclose a statement of the Questions which appear to me to enter into the consideration of that application. After putting them on paper, I saw that some developements and observations would be necessary to explain their propriety and connection. These...
Questions arising on the application of France for 3. millions of livres to be sent in Provisions to France. I. 1. Has the Legislature furnished the money? 2. is that money in it’s place, or has it been withdrawn for other purposes? 3. if it has, should we not take the first proper occasion of rectifying the transaction by repaying the money to those for whom the law provided it? 4. is the...
I. The First question is Whether the application of the Executive of France for 3. millions of livres = 544,500 Doll. is to be complied with? But to be in condition to solve this, some preliminary Queries and Observations are necessary. Qu. Has the Legislature done their part, by providing the money? The act of 1790. Aug. 4. c.34. §.2. authorized the President to borrow 12. Millions of...
Gibraltar, 12 Feb. 1793 . He encloses two dispatches from Humphreys and a duplicate of one he had forwarded from the late Thomas Barclay some weeks ago by the English ship Norfolk , Wilson master, bound for Baltimore. By the death of his “much esteemed Friend” Barclay he has been placed in “a very particular situation,” since Barclay after arriving from Lisbon did not take a receipt for the...
In order to save the remnant of a little property, which, from the Situation of Martinique, I have been obliged to leave behind me, I am under the necessity of returning once more to that unhappy Island. What the posture of affairs there, may be on my arrival I can hardly hazard a conjecture; should, however, its Inhabitants have been brought under obedience to the reigning Government of...
Taking it for granted that the several matters enumerated in the Report, herewith returned, are supported by authenticated facts thoroughly investigated—the statement of them, and the observations thereupon, accord with the sentiments of Dear Sir Yours &ca. RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Secretary of State”; with marginal note by TJ (see below); endorsed by TJ as received 12 Feb. 1793. FC ( DLC...
I had this day the honor of your letter of the 27th. Ulto. in which you lay me under too much obligation by your friendly apology for not shewing me that attention which you really meant while I was in Phila. Be assured sir, that I was so far from entertaining a thought of any Neglect on your part, that I felt as tho I had committed an error in not paying that attention to you which I...
The House of Representatives having referred to me to Report to them, the nature and extent of the privileges and restrictions on the Commerce of the united States with foreign nations, I have accordingly prepared a Report on that subject. Being particularly anxious that it may be exact in matters of fact, I take the liberty of putting into your hands, privately and informally , an extract of...
Of our commercial objects, Spain receives favorably our Bread-stuff, salted Fish, wood, Ships, Tar, Pitch, and Turpentine. On our meals, however, when re-exported to their Colonies, they have lately imposed Duties, of from half a dollar to two dollars the Barrel, the Duties being so proportioned to the current price of their own Flour, as that both together are to make the constant sum of nine...
France receives favorably our Bread-stuff, Rice, wood, Pot and Pearl ashes. A duty of 5 Sous the Kental, or nearly 4½ Cents, is paid on our Tar, Pitch and Turpentine. Our whale Oils pay six livres the Kental, and are the only foreign whale oils admitted. Our Indigo pays 5 livres the Kental, their own two and a half. But a difference of quality, still more than a difference of duty prevents...
Great Britain receives our Pot and Pearl Ashes free, while those of other Nations pay a duty of 2s/3d the Kental. There is an equal distinction in favor of our Bar-iron; of which Article, however, we do not produce enough for our own use. Woods are free, from us, whilst they pay some small duty from other Countries. Indigo and Flaxseed are free, from all Countries. Our Tar and Pitch pay 11d....
The United Netherlands prohibit our pickled Beef and Pork, Meals and Bread of all sorts, and lay a prohibitory duty on Spirits distilled from Grain. All other of our productions are received on varied duties, which may be reckoned on a medium, at about 3 per cent. They consume but a small proportion of what they receive. The residue is partly forwarded for consumption in the inland parts of...
My last No: 18 was of the 25th. of January. Since it was written I have had every Reason to beleive that the Execution of Louis XVI has produced on foreign Nations the Effect which I had imagin’d. The War with England exists and it is now proper perhaps to consider it’s Consequences to which Effect we must examine the Objects likely to be pursued by England for in this Country notwithstanding...