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Results 150041-150090 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
150041 Davidson, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Davidson, 2 July 1789 1789-07-02 As Naval Officer of the Port of Annapolis, being the third District in this State, I feel myself...
150042 Clinton, James Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General James … 1780-06-10 I arrived at this Place on the Evening of the 6th inst. but the rear of the Troops did not come...
150043 Stark, John Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General John Stark … 1778-07-31 I Received orders last Jany to Raise a Number of Voluntiers to Burn the Shipping at St Johns a...
150044 Pickering, Timothy Washington, George To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 13 July … 1796-07-13 (Private) I saw Mr Vaughan last evening, whom I had desired to ascertain Mr Adet’s intentions...
150045 Lincoln, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Lincoln, 20 December … 1781-12-20 I do my self the honor to enclose for your Excellency inspection a letter I have in idea to...
150046 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philip … 1776-09-09 At half after ten this Morning I received a Letter from General Gates, Copy whereof I inclose...
150047 Gloucester Committee of Safety Washington, George To George Washington from the Gloucester Committee of … 1775-12-29 At the request of Mesr Jacob Green & Co. owners of the Sloop Speedwell Cory Master lately taken...
150048 Mifflin, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Mifflin, 5 October … 1792-10-05 I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s letter, inclosing a copy of a...
150049 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philip … 1776-03-27 I thank you my dear General for your Favor of the 19th Inst. which I had the Honor to receive...
150050 Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur … Washington, George To George Washington from Jean-Baptiste Donatien de … 1782-11-30 I send here inclosed to your Excellency some Letters which came to me by the Chevalier de La...
150051 Gordon, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Gordon, 30 August … 1781-08-30 You have been so obliging as to promise me your assistance in my designed history of the present...
150052 Willett, Marinus Washington, George To George Washington from Marinus Willett, 29 March … 1790-03-29 Charleston, S.C., 29 Mar. 1790. “The sole designe of this letter is to signify to you Sir, That I...
150053 Pray, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Pray, 29 June 1781 1781-06-29 Your Excellency’s favour of the 28th Inst. has just came to hand. The inclos’d are Returns of the...
150054 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1778-12-01 This will be handed to you by the Hon. Mr Holker agent to the Royal Marine and Consul of France,...
150055 Pearce, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Pearce, 11 May 1794 … 1794-05-11 Letter not found : from William Pearce, 11 May 1794. On 18 May, GW wrote Pearce : "I am sorry to...
150056 Reed, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Reed, 13 February 1777 1777-02-13 I did myself the Pleasure of addressing you a few Days ago on a particular Occasion & then...
150057 Denny, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Denny, 12 July 1790 1790-07-12 Permit me Sir thro the recommendation transmitted by Governor Howard, to Solicit your Excellency...
150058 Rawlings, Moses Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Moses … 1779-02-15 Letter not found : from Lt. Col. Moses Rawlings, 15 Feb. 1779. GW wrote Rawlings on 7 March :...
150059 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Lafayette, 25 … 1778-06-25 inclosed I have the honor to Send you a Letter which clel hamilton was going to send me from this...
150060 Butler, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Butler, 7 August 1793 1793-08-07 To his Excellency Geneal George Washington Esqr. I received the honour of your Excellency’s...
150061 Peyton, Francis Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Francis Peyton, Jr., 20 March … 1797-03-20 I am directed by the Council of this Town, to solicit the honor of your company, with the...
150062 Tallmadge, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Major Benjamin Tallmadge, 25 … 1778-08-25 Letter not found : from Maj. Benjamin Tallmadge, 25 Aug. 1778. On 25 Aug., GW wrote Tallmadge :...
150063 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Heath, 28 January … 1782-01-28 This will be forwarded by Lieut. Stratton who has business at Philadelphia. He formerly belonging...
150064 Washington, George To George Washington from “A Sincere Friend,” 11 … 1797-02-11 Knowing your regard for all Public utility & benefit; I beg leave to acquaint you of my having a...
150065 Mifflin, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Mifflin, 19 June 1795 1795-06-19 Inclosed I have the honor to transmit to you, copies of the communications, which I have...
150066 Fulton, Sarah Washington, George To George Washington from Sarah Fulton, Alenar Clarke … 1775-10-12 We your humble Petitioners beg Leave to lay our pitiful Circumstances before you & intreat your...
150067 Lee, Henry (1756-1818) Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Lee, 9 October 1795 1795-10-09 A report from Norfolk announcing the arrival of a corvette there, with letters of recal of the...
150068 Jay, John Washington, George From John Jay to George Washington, 23 September 1791 1791-09-23 My first Idea was to have made a Sketch of what, in my opinion would be proper on the occasion;...
150069 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1779-10-23 I am Sorry at any time to give your Excellency interruption, but an Uneasiness among the Officers...
150070 Ternant, Jean-Baptiste, chevalier de Washington, George To George Washington from Ternant, 24 September 1791 1791-09-24 since I had the honor of writing to you on the 22d inst. I have endeavored to obtain all the...
150071 Pearce, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Pearce, 1 April 1794 1794-04-01 Letter not found: from William Pearce, 1 April 1794. GW wrote Pearce on 6 April acknowledging...
150072 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 26 June … 1790-06-26 The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to inform the President of the United...
150073 McDougall, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander McDougall, 4 … 1782-09-04 When I had the honor of receiving your Excellency’s favor of yesterday by Colonel Bayliss, the...
150074 Scull, Peter Washington, George To George Washington from Peter Scull, 27 April 1779 1779-04-27 I return your Excellency the four commissions sent for alteration in your Letter of the 22d,...
150075 Lee, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Lee, 12 September … 1790-09-12 Alexandria [Va.], 12 Sept. 1790. Informs GW of his readiness to comply with the secretary of the...
150076 La Luzerne, Anne-César, chevalier de Washington, George To George Washington from Anne-César, chevalier de La … 1782-06-10 Je transmettrai à S.M. l’adresse que vous avez bien voulu me faire parvenir au sujet de la...
150077 Howe, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Howe, 2 September 1783 1783-09-02 I have the Honor to inclose your Excellency a Copy of my Letter to the President of Congress from...
150078 Capel & Osgood Hanbury Washington, George To George Washington from Capel & Osgood Hanbury, 17 … 1768-03-17 We wrote thee ⅌ Captn Esten who we hope by this time is safe arrived in Virginia and likely to...
150079 Pusignan, Alexandre-César de Genevy de Washington, George To George Washington from Pusignan, 16 October 1784 1784-10-16 Anxious to partake of the military honors, with the Officers of your Country, where I served...
150080 Wilkinson, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Wilkinson, 12 Sept. … 1779-09-12 Letter not found : from James Wilkinson, 12 Sept. 1779. On 13 Sept., GW wrote Wilkinson: “I have...
150081 Mouchy, Philippe de Noailles, Duc de Washington, George To George Washington from Philippe de Noailles, Duc de … 1783-04-25 Give me leave to congratulate your Excellency upon the glorious Peace the thirteen States have...
150082 Digby, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Digby, 5 March 1782 1782-03-05 I have just received Your Excellency’s Letter of 26th February, and will agreeable to your...
150083 Massachusetts General Court Washington, George To George Washington from the Massachusetts General … 1776-07-02 The General Court in Compliance with the resolve of Congress appointed Committees to go into the...
150084 Steuart, Walter Washington, George To George Washington from Walter Steuart, 20 July 1758 1758-07-20 As you did not Acquaint me, when I was to Date the Commission, you was Pleased to send me, I have...
150085 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 12 October 1777 1777-10-12 I have Nothing in Charge from Congress at this Time, but to transmit the enclosed Resolves, and...
150086 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Knox, 5 September 1791 1791-09-05 [Philadelphia] 5 September 1791. Encloses the resignation of Thomas Seayres, “who was appointed...
150087 Graham, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Graham, 12 April 1796 1796-04-12 At the request of a very worthy Young Gentleman, Lieutenant Charles Lewis, I take the liberty to...
150088 Armand Tuffin, Charles, marquis de La Rouërie Washington, George To George Washington from Charles, marquis de La … 1783-01-17 at my arrival here which was the 13th present I find by a letter from major waker one of your...
150089 Balch, Hezekiah Washington, George To George Washington from Hezekiah Balch, 18 December … 1795-12-18 I am the person, who waited on the president, last Spring. The president was so kind, as to...
150090 Parish, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Parish, 20 August 1794 1794-08-20 It was not for want of inclination that I have defered untill now, making my Acknowledgement for...