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Results 150041-150090 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Me es sumamente sensible tener que dar quexas à este Gobierno de alos, de violencias, de faltas de consideracion à mi Augusto Soberano, de hostilidades y de violaciones de los sagrados derechos de las Naciones, como lo hago en el dia de Dn Manuel Elebert, Comandante de la Lancha Cañonera de los Estados Unidos No 2. que se halla apostada en el Rio de Santa Maria, con el fin de velar sobre el...
Among the papers shewn to you by our , relating to the capture, at Ma do , of the Schooner Sophy, was the copy of a Letter written by F J & Geo W Biddle of Canton to Bruce & Co Bombay; Which Biddle & Co Madras Egbert Bletterman Columbo. The other papers have been returned to us, but this Letter is missing, & we have supposed, that perhaps it remains in the department of State. If it c an be...
On my Arrival at this place about two days Since I was most Severely paind to hear that a foolish Scandalous falsehood had been publishd, (whereof the enclosed is a Copy) in the Virga. Gazette of this place. Without delay I orderd a publication in the Same paper whereof I also enclose You a Copy. No incident of my life has afforded me half the pain as this Malicious fabrication. I hope Sir You...
I have the honor to transmit You, herewith inclosed, copy of a note I have received from the Minister of Foreign Affairs & of Commerce Count Romanzoff, to which I add that of the reply I made to it. The Minister, in addition to his official communication, mentioned to me personally the wish of the Emperor that I would call the early attention of my Government to the object to which it refers,...
My last letters were of the 4th. March 1 & 24 April via Holland & Sweden p. triplicate. Tho they were sent through very uncertain channels, I trust one Set will have found its way to you. The latter covered Copy of a Note from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stating the determination of this Court respecting a trade between this Country and England by means of neutral Vessels; I inclose a...
This day upon an interview all differences between the undersigned were accommodated H. Carbery declaring that in his answers to certain interrogatories proposed to him by John Smith of the State of Ohio relating to James Taylor that he had not any intention to affect the credibility or injure the reputation of the Said Taylor, and the said Jas. Taylor on his part retracting & withdrawing all...
No instructions have been given from the Treasury, in consequence of Mr. Erskine’s letter. It was sent to the President, that such might be given, as he should think proper. The ground upon which the boats were stopped is supposed to have been, that they were going from our territories to those of Great Britain, and therefore violating the embargo. A letter recd. this morning from the...
I have the Honor to forward to you by Command of His Majesty’s Government a Copy of a Letter from the Commissioners of His Majestys Navy Board to the Secretary of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, respecting certain Stores therein enumerated & valued, supplied to Ships in the Service of the United States which have not been paid for. I have the Honor also to inclose Copies of the...
I now inclose you 260. D. to be paid as follows John Perry 100. Colo. Nicholas Lewis 103. 89 Wurtenbaker for Wm. Stewart 10.  taking in my note Terril on acct. of James Walker 47. 98 261. 87 inform mr Peyton that I have paid for him to the Postmaster General 28. D 53 c. the true balance of his account after correcting the error of addition. my best wishes attend you. Privately owned.
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Bradley and incloses him a check on the bank of the US. for 28. D 53 c to be placed to the credit of John Peyton, postmaster of Milton, at his request. mr Peyton expected it to be a some what larger sum: but this proceeded from an error in the addition of his account against Th:J. he had not an opportunity of seeing mr Peyton after correcting the...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following Promotions and appointments in the Army of the United States, viz Regiment of Artillerists First Lieut. Clarence Mulford to be promoted to the rank of Captain vice Josiah Dunham resigned April 30th. 1808 First Lieut. William Wilson to be promoted to the rank of Captain vice George Peter appointed Captain of Light Artillery May...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following appointments in the additional Military force Viz. Noah Lester to be Captain of Light Dragoons Asa Morgan " 1st. Lieutenant Ditto
Having been detained at home longer than I expected, I am a few days later than I had promised in making paiment of my bond to the late Dr. Currie. I have this day made a remittance to Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson which will enable them to pay off the bond, and I have accordingly requested them to do it. I salute you with respect. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
The late Dr. Currie held a bond of mine for £158.19 with int. at 6 per cent from May 1. 1797 now in the hands of his administrator, mr Gordon. I inclose you a Treasury order on the Collector of Richmond for 900. D. and pray you to pay off the bond, & take it in. it amounts at present to something over 880. Dollars. I salute you with constant affection & respect. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I have lately received from Lynchburg 100 Bbls of your flour.—35 bbls of it I have sold to John F. Robertson of Manchester at 4. ¼ $ at 60 days. I know but little of Mr. R., but he is to give Cornelius Buck of the same place as endorser. This sale I made, without knowing the flour was inspected in Lynchburg.—for the balance I could not obtain the same price, without having it reinspected here,...
The attentions that you have honor’d me with, since I have had the pleasure of being presented to you, whilst they call forth my unfeigned gratitude, embolden me to act in a manner which I sometimes fear may be viewed by you in an intrusive light, while with diffidence I now address you I hope the dread I feel of displeasing you in the smallest degree will operate in my favor, and prevent the...
Accompanying this is the memorial of nine hundred and twenty nine Electors of the County of Windham and State of Connecticut; being about two thirds of the whole number who have signed memorials of a Similar import, the others not being yet received; Stating their grievances under the act of Congress laying an embargo—and its various Supplements and praying for Constitutional relief—We trust...
Your letter of the 26th: of May, together with its enclosures was duly received. To introduce into the United States, the improved manner of curing Beef & Pork which has been practised with so much success in Ireland is certainly an object of National importance; but as it is not within the authority of the Executive to grant any exclusive privilege for this purpose, I confine myself to the...
Our W Harris when at Washington obtained Permission to send a Ship to France. We now have a Ship nearly ready for Sea but the report that Mr. Armstrong has left Paris and all American property in French Ports condemned induce us to defer her sailing at present. We will consider it a very great favour if you will give us your Oppinion if it is prudent at this time to send a Ship to France for a...
The last letter which I had the honor to address to you of the date of the 18th. April went via London & inclosed a letter from Mr. Erving. This gentleman by letter & Mr. Young in person will doubtless communicate to you that the Spanish Kings Charles & Ferdinand & the royal family, in general have abdicated the Crown of Spain in favour of the Emperor Napoleon, and of all the particulars...
The Inhabitants of this small place and its neighborhood have for the last three or four years been very solicitous to have a Post office Established here for their convenience. Frequent applications to Congress and to the Post Master General have been made without Effect. There has uniformly been an opposition to the measure from a quarter not to be expected from the Expiring little place...
I have the Honor to inclose to you a Copy of the Commission by which His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Archibald MacNeil Esqr. to be Consul for the Province of Louisiana, & beg Leave to request that you will be pleased to cause the Exequatur to be made out to entitle him to perform his official Functions in that Territory, by Permission from the Government of the United States. With...
I have the Honor to inform you that His Majesty’s Government have sent Orders to the Lieut. Governor of Gibraltar to grant immediate Relief in the Cases mentioned in the inclosed Letter of Mr. Pinkney to Mr. Canning. The Lieut. Governor, it appears acted upon a mistaken opinion Respecting His Majesty’s late orders in Council & no Time was lost by His Majesty’s Government in stating to that...
Mr. Erskine presents his Compts. & best Respects to Mr. Madison, begs Leave to apologize for the Delay which has occurr’d in answering his Letters, which has been occasion’d by Mr. Erskine’s having been absent from Home for a Week at the Time they were received. DNA : RG 59-NFL-Notes from Foreign Legations, Great Britain.
I have to request you to cause a warrant to be issued in favor of Elias B. Caldwell, for Eleven thousand dollars, to be paid out of the Mediterranean fund, he being the holder of the enclosed bill of Exchange drawn by Tobias Lear, Consul General of the United States at Algiers, on the Secretary of State, and dated the 31st. Decr. 1807. The said Tobias Lear to be charged accordingly on the...
I have the honor to request that you cause a Warrant to be issued for Nine thousand dollars, payable out of the Mediterranean fund, in favor of James Davidson Jnr., he being the holder of the enclosed Bill for that amount drawn by Tobias Lear, Consul of the United States, at Algiers, on the Secretary of State, and dated the 31 Decr. 1807. The said Tobias Lear to be charged accordingly on the...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation. Spence W. Osborn, Charles Blanchard, Robert Randolph, Henry C. White, Thomas Dilkes, Hannibal Hodges, Nathan W. Osgood & Thomas Ketcham to be appointed Cadets in the Regiment of Artillerists. Henry A. Ten Broeck, John K. Page, Londus L. Buck, Milton Huxtun, John Cushman, Joel Strong, William Cutbush, Southwell D. W. Davis, Joseph M. Wilcox,...
Your favor of May 26. was recieved on my return to this place. I have no information of a plough destined for me from England. but the Agricultural society of Paris informed me some time ago that they should send a plough for me to one of the ports of France, as a model. I presume this is the plough arrived, and that the vessel may have been carried into England. of the cost I know nothing,...
Having ordered nothing from England, and no information of any thing destined for me from that country, I am totally ignorant of the contents of the box which is the subject of your letter of the 3d. inst. I must pray you therefore to have it opened & delivered to mr Jefferson for me, who will pay the duty according to valuation. on recieving information of the contents, from either yourself...
Do you forget promises, or do I recollect what never happened? I think you were to send me a package (of whatever size they are from 1. to 200 ℔) of Moka coffee, and a box of Florence wine as a sample with permission to ask for more if I found it good. if this was not so, I will pray you now to send me those articles by any vessel coming to this place or it’s vicinity. I left your friends in...
The enclosed letters relate to capt Truxtun’s medal—I ask the favor of your determination upon that subject. I have the honor to be with great respect sir yr ob: Sr. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Your Very Frindly Letter of the 14th. March last Came Duly to hand. it gave and Still gives Me Much pleasure—I am allso Much pleased with my son Henry for doing himself so Much Sattisfaction As his Paying you that respect that He Knew I should have done if Near you on a Journey to Boston—He realy gave Me Much Sattisfaction that his Pollitical ideas pleased you. His Lettes to Me Are full of...
I received your kind letter, with the sum enclosed for Mr Little. Butter has, since yours was engaged, fallen to fifteen Cents pr pd—but we have had none yet, under a shilling—It is very mortifying to the Farmers to bring their produce so many miles, & have to take a quarter less than they expected—An high price, has for many years sweetened their Labour—& their heavy toils have been lightend,...
I take the liberty of enclosing you two letters from my son Joseph Montgomery. I sent him to Antwerp near three years ago to be under the care of Jacob Ridgway Esqr. and employed in his Counting House and to learn the French Language. Mr. Ridgway informs me he has conducted himself with much prudence and to his entire satisfaction. You will observe by his letters the distress he is in, and can...
The great length of time that has elapsed since my first application to the President for some appointment under Government will, I presume exempt me from the imputation of being importunate. In January last I resigned my employment in the Office of the Treasurer of the United States and employed my little Capital in a line of business that Promised handsome emolument; but the Embargo an...
Referring to what I had the honor to address you the 1st. 19th. & 27. ultimo, the obje ct of the present will be to acquaint you that as soon as the contents of the Ma drid Gazette of the 20th. May (forwarded you via Tangiers) was read throughout this King dom the whole nation rise proclaiming the Prince of Asturias for their King; it is calc ulated that at this moment there is under Arms near...
A search has been made for the paper alluded to in your letter of the 13th. instant, which is just received, and it is not to be found in this Office. Indeed, it is not recollected that such a paper was left here by Genl. Smith. I am &c. DNA : RG 59—DL—Domestic Letters.
Having taken the liberty by a letter of this days date to address His Excellency the President of the United States of America for the purpose of obtaining permission to import a certain quantity of Provisions for the use of the Island of St. Bartholomew, belonging to His Majesty the King of Sweden and under my Command, having also intimated in that letter, that I had more fully explained...
In addition to my letter of yesterday, I wish to make some further Observations on the Subject of that letter If the Object of the Post office Establishment is to Communicate Information both Political And Mercantile, as quick as the nature of the Roads and other Circumstances will admit, the mail ought I Should Suppose Pass from one place of Trade to Another in the same general Direction on...
In compliance with the instructions, contained in your letter of the 16. of May last, an Indictment was instituted against John Nagle for an assault, and battery on Capt. Brouard, commanding the Schooner Supérie ure , a public vessel of France, lying in the port of Philadelphia; and, also, an Indictment against the same person, for an assault and battery on Mr. De Douzey, the Vice-Consul of...
I had the pleasure of receiving your packet by the St. Michael and of executing your Orders with respect to the letters it enclosed. I shall write you f reel y by but I cannot let even this conveyance (tho’ somewhat hazardous) entirely escape me. I regret most sincerely that the measure suggested in my public letter by Hayley, should have appeared to be dangerous. Be assured, the danger is in...
By todays mail, I recd. a letter from Mr Thomas L. Preston, of Rockbridge, mentioning that he had written to you in recommendation of a young Gentleman who had applied for a Lieutenancy. as Mr Preston had no personal acquaintance with you, he wished me to state what reliance might be had in his representations—with Mr Preston’s family I presume you are not entirely unacquainted—they are among...
may we not say to Mr. Gilliam and his friend Logan, what has lately been said to Mr. Debuk concerning his extraordinary proposition; viz, If he will so explain his proposed sistem as that the principles may be well understood, the subject would be duly concidered, and no advantage taken of the communications, and if the sistem should appear to be of sufficient importance to demand the...
Could you, through any friend at Boston or elsewhere have a kental of good-dumbfish forwarded for me to Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond, with as little delay as possible, as it is for use on my return to Monticello? it would oblige me much. mr Crownenshield used to do me that kindness. affectionate salutations [ Reply by Dearborn :] Sir, I have written to a gentleman in Boston, who will...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following promotions and appointments in the Militia of the District of Columbia, viz. First Legion. Lieut Michael Nourse to be promoted to the rank of Captain vice Capt Queen resigned. Richard D. Briscoe to be appointed Lieut of Infantry. William Worthington to be appointed Ensign of Infantry. Second Legion. Lieut John Jameson to be...
No ruin hanging over me could make me again trouble you with a communication, if I alone was to feel the ruin. But my growing family will more keenly suffer; and it is this Good Sir urging me on to solicit the protection of a president—too just to sanction the undeserved disgrace of the lowest officer & too benevolent to withold his kind 2 from the man he had raised—’in the moments of...
I see with real concern the situation in which you are placed, and fear you do not form a true judgment of it yourself. you are charged by certain persons with improper acts. the Secretary of the Navy is in duty bound to have the charge investigated. you decline attending that investigation. the consequence will be that innocent things may be made appear otherwise, merely for want of...
agreeable to a Concured Resolution at our Last Extra Sesion of the General Asembly may 23rd. 1808 I am Instructed to Lay before you the famous Carrector of David Alexander Esqr. of the County of Jefferson and State of Georgia as being one of the Greaest Military men in this State and Scarce Inferior to any man Living and highly worthy of your attention to promote him in the Military...
I did not recieve your letter of May 24. till my return hither 4. or 5. days ago. I am not able to give you any precise information as to the lands on Briery. I have heard that Joshua Fry sold lands there to General Lee, & also his share ( ⅙ I think) in a tract of 400. as. of limestone land adjoining Capt Christopher Hudson, on Hardware, in which last tract I am also a partner. on Fry’s titles...
I herewith inclose you an Invention of my own for the Conveyance of Porter & Wine through our City it has Been thought an Excelent in Vention for the purpose [GRAPHIC IN MANUSCRIPT] & should you please Hono. Sir to sanction it, also I would wish to have a patent right for it secured. Your obt. & Humble Servant If your Honour should think proper to answer this your Kindness will not be...