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Results 150031-150040 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have many pressing affairs that urge me strongly to Paris. & pray your Excellency to give me leave to go for a short time. I am Purser on board the Alliance, my duty is very light at present, so, that I can safely assure your Exy. that the service I have the honor to be in, shall not suffer in the least. Capt. Landais says he would give me leave to go,...
I have requested Mr F. Hall to call on you for the hire of my Negro Man George. I was in hopes he suited you, and that you would have continued him in your service. As I am informed the hire of servants is not so high as it was; I intended informing you of my terms for the ensuing year, which I have fix’d at $100. If inclined to continue him, please inform me by Mr Hall. I have the honor to be...
150033[Diary entry: 4 October 1794] (Washington Papers)
4th. Forded the Susquehanna; nearly a mile wide, including the Island—at the lower end of wch. the road crosses it. On the Cumberland Side I found a detachment of the Philadelphia light horse ready to receive, and escort me to Carlisle 17 miles; where I arrived at about 11 Oclock. Two miles short of it, I met the Governors of Pennsylvania & New Jersey with all the Cavalry that had rendezvouzed...
150034June 2d. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Wasted the Day, with a Magazine in my Hand. As it was Artillery Election, it seemed absurd to study, and I had no Conveniencies, or Companions for Pleasure either in Walking, riding, drinking, husling, or any thing else.
ALS : New York Public Library My last Expedition convinc’d me that I grow too old for Rambling, and that ’twas probable I should never make such another Journey. ’Tis an uncomfortable Thing, the Parting with Friends one hardly expects ever again to see. This, with some occasional Hindrances, prevented my calling at Preston Fields after my Return from Glasgow: But my Heart was with you and your...
Having had the honour of addressing you so lately as the 11th. and 14th. instant, I should not so soon have troubled you again but that since the departure of those letters I have received one from the Count de la Luzerne of which I now send a copy, together with another copy of the Arret of Dec. 7. lest the former should be longer getting to you. You will perceive that the Ministry press for...
Extract: American Philosophical Society The Success of Baltimore John Nicols Master coming from Maryland is arrived here yesterday with 140 Hogsheads of tobacco. This vessel was destined for Nantes or Bordeaux, but having been chased by three Men of war without Colours and which we believe to be the three that saild last from Brest, the said Capt. taking advantage of the night got clear and is...
The petition & Representation of your humble Supplients Inhabitants of the County of Erie State of Pennsya. with all due submission Sheweth that we being Residants upon the frontier of the United States upon Lake Erie & having for a Long time past Experienced much persicution practised upon us by Judges & Lawyers & men in power under them have with much Sorrow & great Wonder at Length Seen...
150039[Diary entry: 25 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
25. At Home. The above Company went away after Breakfast.
I am this moment favord with your Excellencys Letter of this morning inclosing a Copy of the requisition made by Lt. Colo. Lee for the Corps under his command. I am perfectly of Opinion with your Excellency that the call on this State for the several Articles he demands is improper on any other principle than that of the general good. In the new Establishment of the Army this Corps is...