150031To George Washington from Bushrod Washington, 22 April 1794 (Washington Papers)
I find that there is an injunction in the High Court of Chancery obtained against you, which I am...
150032From John Adams to John Jay, 6 March 1821 (Adams Papers)
The sight of your hand writing and your name is to me a cordial for low Spirits. I wish I could...
150033General Orders, 3 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court-Martial held 28th ultimo whereof Coll Scammell was President, Captn Courtney...
150034[On Indigence at Home, December 1758.] (Adams Papers)
haud facile emergunt quorum Virtutibus obstat res angusta domi. They will hardly emerge from...
150035To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 16 February 1799 (Washington Papers)
Private Dear Sir New York Feby 16. 1799 Different reasons have conspired to prevent my writing to...
150036To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 5 August 1797 (Jefferson Papers)
Yours of the 3d. arrived safe yesterday. I will converse with Col. Monroe, as you desire, on the...
150037From James Madison to Peter Foster (Abstract), 25 March 1805 (Madison Papers)
25 March 1805, Department of State . “After several attempts to procure a copy of the proceedings...
150038Notes on Shipment , 23 July 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
July 23. 1803. wrote to G. Jefferson to send √ the cask syrop punch } by waggons cask (15....
150039Orders, 26 June 1756 (Washington Papers)
All the Officers—except Captain Peachy, Lieutenant Bullet, and Ensign McCarty; with all the...
150040To Thomas Jefferson from John C. Ogden, 5 March 1799 (Jefferson Papers)
You are so easy of access, and so condescending, that I must be indulged, while under bounds and...