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Results 150031-150040 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have recieved just now a letter from general connway who is gone on to york town, and mullens his aid de camp who is not a wit, lets me know that his going there is in consequence of two repeated letters from general gates, and miflin—that same man thinks that there are some projects to send Connway to Canada—they will laugh in france when they’l hear that he is choosen upon such a...
My Country having Honor’d me with the Command of the Continental Battalion ordered to be raised by the General Congress for the Protection and Defence of this Colony (tho’ I fear too partial to my poor Abilitys) it becomes my duty to inform your Excely of the State of our Province as far as it concerns the Service, as well as of the Troops to be immediately under my Command. Our Province has a...
We shall think our self infinitely obliged to our very much esteemed and worthy frend Major Jackson, were it only for suggesting to us that two Cases containing a press for Copying Letters might be Usefull and agreable to Your Excellency. We most earnestly hope and beseech you will add to the obligation by honouring us with your acceptance of them, not that we imagine by so feeble a marck of...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. John Sullivan, 27 Jan. 1777. On 28 Jan. GW’s aide-de-camp John Fitzgerald wrote Sullivan: “Your favour of yesterday came to hand about 12 last night” ( DLC:GW ).
A few days since, a young man by the name of Hazleton Spencer was Sent here prisoner from Albany. he asserts that he is an Ensign in Sir John Johnsons Corps, but has not his commission With him. I appointed three Officers to examine him. Enclosed is Copy of their report. I Wish your Excellency’s opinion and direction. I have kept him closely confined in the provost. probably upon a strict...
Nothing but a particular circumstance, could have induc’d me (at this unseasonable time of the year) to solicit a discharge from the Service; which is, that I am essentially injured with Respect to my Rank as an Officier, and which I find cannot be redress’d: I have been waiting a long time to see Colonel Tupper, but, as ‘tis not probable he will arrive here, ’till the commencement of the...
At the desire of Council I enclose your Excellency a state of Colonel Samuel Attlees claim upon which are founded his expectations to be recommended to Congress as a brigadier General of this state I also enclose your Excellency the resolutions of the Council of safety respecting the prisoners and the plan of arrangement from which you will have a very clear and explicit view of Colonel...
I expected before this time to have been able to transmit to Your Excellency some further and more interesting intelligence of Mr Lee’s character and Circumstances whilst in New York, altho’ it is a generally received opinion that he is one of Sir Harry’s emissaries, yet no unequivocal or Substantial evidence of the matter can be obtain’d. The Civil authority have commenced a Suit against him...
I had the honor last evening, of your favor of the 9th inst: requesting me to repair to camp to assist in the business of arranging the army, as soon as possible Although I am impressed with the necessity of that business being finished without delay, yet I cannot in duty to the State I represent quit Congress till the Confederation is ratified, which I hope will be done in a few days —In the...
A very great dissatisfaction prevails among the Troops here, and all the Several Posts from hence to Newark on account of the Quality of the Provisions and the great inatention paid by the Commissaries in serving the Rations. We have here three Commissaries of equal Powers in this Service, namely Mr Lowrie Mr Dunham and Mr Ogden —The Services performed by Mr Dunham have fallen more immediately...