Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from John Jay, 29 January 1783

From John Jay

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Paris 29 Jany 1783

Dr Sir

Two Days ago I requested the favor of Mr. W. Franklin to mention to you the Case of Mr. Johnsons Bills,2 and to inform me whether it would be convenient to You to provide for their paymt. & when, in Case I accepted them. Mr Johnson is anxious to know my Determination, and offers to be the Bearer of this note—

I am Dr. Sir your obliged & obt Servt

J. Jay

His Exy Dr Franklin

Addressed: His Exy Dr. Franklin

Notation: Mr. Jay Paris Jany. 29. 1783

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2Possibly those of the merchant Joshua Johnson, a correspondent of Jay: XXXVII, 497; Morris, Jay: Peace, pp. 208, 459.

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