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Results 150021-150030 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
My account transmitted by you is recieved. early in the spring of the last year, I gave mr Barnes (who is kind enough to transact most of my money business for me) a list of sums to be paid for newspapers recieved in the year. among these was 19. D. for yourself. not knowing the other articles of the account I could not add what was due for them. he tells me he wrote to a mr Alexr. Richards to...
As the Time of having inserted in Our Newspapers the payment of the Intrest of the United States is approching, and we Still deprived of Any Letters of Congress. We take the Liberty to advice yoúr Excell y. of it, not doubting but yoúr Excell y. Will find the Necessity of Having Regularly the Intrest paid when due, in Order to Maintain the Credit of the United States. and as the Money in Oúr...
I am this moment informed by colonel Hughes, that all the medicine, except seven barrels of sulphur and five cask of other medicine, are gone on for Philadelphia, so that any fresh order for retaining any more of it here, can now answer no purpose. Such as are wanted must be brought back from Philadelphia. I have the honor to be With the highest respect, Your Excellency’s Most obedient...
I have your favour of the 23d Instant, and have given the necessary Orders respecting the Governors Browne and Skeene. The Evacuation of New York, in the Situation You were, appears to me a very Prudent and Necessary Measure, however we could wish the Post had been tenable; the Panic and Flight of our Troops, and Confusion of the retreat I have heard from many Persons with Concern and Anxiety;...
The last post which left Pittsburgh on the 6th instant, brings information of entire tranquility on the frontiers. General Wayne has desired to know what conduct he is to pursue relative to the Small pox—that disorder being at Pittsburgh. I have informed him that it would be improper to innoculate at this time as well on account of the warm season of the year, as the crisis of affairs. The...
Having three or four months Since formed a Resolution to bid adieu for a few Years to some old Trees in Jersey under the shade of which I edited, amongst ditching and grubbing, a small weekly Paper entitled the Jersey Chronicle, I did not know how to employ that interval better than in striking out here with some printer, if such could be found, already engaged in supporting the good old...
I have recd, fellow Citizens from Governor Preston, your address of the 22d. Ulto: The sentiments which it conveys are particularly endeared to me, as those of a State, with which I am connected by the ties of my birth & of my home; and by the recollections of its confidence & partiality, commencing at an early stage of my life, and continued under different public manifestations, to the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Two Days ago I requested the favor of Mr. W. Franklin to mention to you the Case of Mr. Johnsons Bills, and to inform me whether it would be convenient to You to provide for their paymt. & when, in Case I accepted them. Mr Johnson is anxious to know my Determination, and offers to be the Bearer of this note— I am Dr. Sir your obliged & obt Servt Addressed:...
I have this day received your obliging Letter of the twenty first of February, inclosing a Copy of a proposed Dedication. Your request of my permission to dedicate to me, the Second Edition of your View of Religion is very flattering to me: because, although I am ash to acknowledge I have never seen the Book, I know its reputation to be very respectable, not only in country but in Europe....
150030[Diary entry: 7 July 1798] (Washington Papers)
7. Morng. Clear & but little Wind. Mer. at 68 in the Morng.—clear all day. Mr. R. Bland Lee & Mr. Hodgden came here to dinner & Mr. Ludwell Lee & Lady went away after Din. mr. hodgden : GW probably means William Hodgson.