Benjamin Franklin Papers

Certification of a Bill of Exchange, 1 January 1779

Certification of a Bill of Exchange

DS: Joseph Rubinfine, West Palm Beach, Florida (1988)

Passy Jan. 1. 1779.

I hereby certify that the Bill of Exchange remitted me by Jona Williams on Acct of the Commissioners of the United States drawn by the said Williams on Monsr LeRay de Chaumont for fifty thousand Livres and charged by the said Williams in his Acct with the Commissioners has been paid to me this day.—by two Notes of hand of the said Mr de Chaumont one for thirty thousand & one for twenty thousand Livres4

B Franklin

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4We presume this is the 50,000 l.t. JW had advanced Capt. James Babson and the crew of the brig Hancock in 1777 on the promise of repayment by Chaumont: XXV, 214–15, 259; XXVI, 38, 57, 80, 100, 114. Chaumont’s notes are below, Jan. 1.

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