Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel Carroll, 1 February 1793

From Daniel Carroll

Geo Town feby 1st. 1793

Dear Sir

Your favor of the 15th Ulto. with the plat of the Territory of Columbia reachd this as I am informed on the 25th Ulto. It came to my hands the monday following and I disired Mr. Gantt to deliver it to Mr. Ellicot for the purposes desired. Your Note with Mr. Traquairs to you is just receivd. I expect Messrs: Johnson and Stuart this Evening & remain Dear Sir, with very great esteem & respect, Your Most Obt hble Servt

Danl. Carroll

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 6 Feb. 1793 and so recorded in SJL.

TJ’s note has not been found, nor is it recorded in SJL. Mr. Traquairs to you was undoubtedly James Traquair to TJ of 22 Jan. 1793, recorded in SJL as received 23 Jan. 1793, but also not found.

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