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Results 15001-15050 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Some weeks since I took the liberty of addressing you from this place, & of thanking you for...
Letter not found: from Alexander Spotswood, 6 Feb. 1798. On 11 Feb. GW wrote Spotswood about his...
Columbiad Agriculture de Serres 2 vols. Histoire de Pologne 4 vols. Ramsays Washington Corinne—3...
The Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate, the Chief Justice, The...
As you were so good as to assist me in the purchase of the horse from Mr. Braxton, I take the...
Copy: Library of Congress I am glad you have seen Brest and the fleet there. It must give you an...
150073d. (Adams Papers)
The weather continues extreme cold. The river is fast as low as this Town, and many persons have...
[ Philadelphia, December 25, 1794. On December 26, 1794, Coxe wrote to Hamilton : “I have...
Mr. Adams has already written you that we arrived in London upon the 27 of May . We journey’d...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress; copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I duly...
John sets off in the morning agreable to Your request Pearticulally examined his cart and have...
I have the honor to tender to You the services of myself and the Company of Grenadiers which I...
Mr Law presents his respects to Mr. Jefferson, with the production of his leisure hours last...
M r Randolph will ride with you any day you please to the lands on Lego , & confer on the...
I have Just received your Excellency’s letter of the 14th. the important Questions it Suggests...
15016[Diary entry: 15 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
15. Began cuttg. the Wheat next to it on the Riverside. Abt. One Oclock was stopd by Rain which...
Communications have been made to Congress, during the present Session, with the intention of...
I had the honour of writing to you in August last relative to the conduct of Captain Stanhope;...
15019From John Adams, 30 March 1819 (Adams Papers)
This Book, of more value than a gold Watch Sett with diamonds is presented to John Adams by his...
Your Letters should not have remained so long unanswered, had I not daily expected the Pleasure...
The Humble Petetion of Moses Stebbins of Wilbraham Originally Part of Springfield County of...
The State of the Nail Manufacture in this Commonwealth is rather discouraging, at present, than...
I have the Honer of transmitting to you, an address from the Grand & general Juries, summoned to...
Ca. 14 February 1795, Philadelphia. Solicits subscriptions for Giuseppe Ceracchi’s proposed...
I had the Pleasure of yours of August 19, by the last Post, and thank you for your kind...
Being within two or three days of my departure for Monticello, a press of business has prevented...
In Consequence of the earnest Application of Colo. Stewart on the part of the Contractors—and...
On my return to this place I found that the Citizens had assembled in a number of places, and...
The Receipt of my dispatches will have apprized you of my arrival. For the moment I am engaged in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society To You, Dear Doctor, amidst the Glare of Applause (augmented...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Brent to give a passage to the inclosed letters to mr Gallatin...
Your favour of the 23d came duly to hand. I wish the favorable dispositions you speak of may...
I have received your letter of the eleventh instant, and am surprised that Captain Littlefield...
Mr. Ross the Commercial Agent having succeeded to the Duties of the Board of Trade has of Course...
I am directed, by the Philosophical Society , to acknowledge the reciept (under cover from you)...
15036[Diary entry: 6 September 1787] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 6th. Dined at Doctr. Hutchinsons and spent the afternoon & evening at home.
Our Supplies for the American Sailors amount to this Day to R le p. 1978 12 L We will continue to...
I know of nothing relative to public affairs that has transpired since your departure. In our...
I now rite you to inform you how I am situateid in my work. I am at this Time idle for the want...
I have received your letter of the 26th —and must inform you, that however desireous I may be to...
I have read the proceeding against Lt. Mariner of the frigate Adams, inclosed in your favor of...
I Recived your favor of the 12th Instant I will do every thing in my Power to put a stop to...
The Virginia legislative session of 1785 was a complicated interplay of power politics and...
I have to acknowledge the Receipt of your very obliging favr by Capt. Matthews. Your former...
My being at the Pot ash works of Richd. Johns (on business) when Mr. Jefferson came there, to...
In compliance with directions from a numerous and respectable Meeting of the Citizens of this...
A mon départ de Paris, J’ai reçu du Ministre des Relations Extérieures, la lettre dont J’ai...
The preparation of a good system for the Tactics and police of the different portions of our Army...
Last evening I received your letter of the 17 th Instant, and I suppose before this time you have...
I have to request that you will be pleased to advance to The Honorable Jonathan Trumbull Esqr....