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Results 15001-15030 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have received your Oration of the 4th of July, which you did me the honor to send me; & am much...
I have received your Letter, and very Sorry you have found So little Success in your affair for...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your several favours of June 10. July 12. and 27. It Gave me...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 13, 1777. “… Joshua Austin, belonging to the independent company...
This serves to acknolege the reciept of your favor of the 7th. inst. and the pleasure I derive...
I have to acknowledge the reciept, some time ago, of a volume from you , the papers of which I...
I have received your of Dec r. 23 d. & have since received from M r. Jay our secretary of State...
Draft: American Philosophical Society I sent you sometime since, directed to the Care of M....
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you honour’d me with of the 21st. Instant. It is...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Avery; he has this morning examined the law erecting...
The arrival of a powerful British fleet in Chesapeake Bay renders me extremely apprehensive that...
I have received and considered your your elegant Address of the 10th. of August. Although you...
I find myself, under a Necessity of applying to the Honourable the general Court for Leave to...
I have to request of you to communicate the inclosed Resignation to the Honourable Board, as soon...
I had this Morning the Honour Pleasure of your Favour of the 7th. Instant, and am glad to learn...
General Varnum has delivered to me your letter of Nov. 20. together with the maps which the...
Your letter of the 2d instt came duly to hand; but previous thereto, I had written to Mr Jno....
In behalf of an individual Citizen of the United States, who has been deeply injured in his...
I have recieved the corn announced in your letter of the 9 th . considering it as a confidence on...
20 February 1805, Department of State . “I have received your letter of the 27th. Ult. The injury...
I was favoured with your Letter of the 12th Instt a few days ago, advising me of the Appointments...
Your favour of the 26th Ulto came to my hands by the last Post—and by its return you will receive...
The 3 Copies of your work on Piracy were duly recd; and 2 of them disposed of, one for the...
Letter not found: to Adam Babcock, 8 May 1776. Babcock’s letter to GW of 6 May is endorsed in...
The President of the United S. directs me to thank you for the tender of your services to your...
ALS : Yale University Library Your Goodnature will be pleas’d to hear that your Guests went on...
ALS : Yale University Library I thank you most cordially for your kind Congratulations on my...
ALS : Yale University Library It is a long time since I have had the Pleasure of a Line from you;...
ALS : Yale University Library I have been favour’d with yours by your valuable Sons, on whose...
ALS : Yale University Library Returning hither from Portsmouth, I find your agreeable Favour of...