Adams Papers

Edmé Jacques Genet to John Adams: A Translation, 1 January 1779

Edmé Jacques Genet to John Adams: A Translation

Versailles, 1 [January]1 1779

Dear Sir

I read to Count Vergennes that which concerns the Count d’Estaing in the note with which you honored me. He recommended that I mention it in my journal. But it will have to appear in the number after that which will appear tomorrow. I have also included an English piece—signed Fire and Sword,2 which should amuse you.

I am, with respect, sir, your very humble and very obedient servant,


I am keeping an eye out for the piece from Virginia in the British papers.

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “m. adams député du Congrez a Passy”; docketed: “M. Genet”; by CFA: “1779.”

1Undoubtedly written in January, as it is a reply to JA’s letter of [ante 30 Dec.] as well as that of 30 Dec. (both above).

2Presumably the satirical piece published by Genet in Affaires de l’Angleterre et de l’Amérique under the heading: “Conseils aux Ministres Anglois pour donner à la proclamation ou manifeste du 3 Octobre encore plus d’efficacité”; and the signature: “Le Fer & le Feu” (“Lettres,” vol. 13, cahier 62, p. xxvii–xxxi). It listed monetary rewards as incentives for carrying out the Carlisle Commission’s manifesto of 3 Oct. (Richard Henry Lee to JA, 29 Oct. 1778, note 4, above). Among them were £5,000 for burning a town of 1,000 houses, £30 for the scalp of a member of congress, and £5,000 for the scalp of General Washington.

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