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Results 150001-150050 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Yours of the 2d. is duly recd. I was not very sanguine as to the sale of my Tobo. being aware of...
Letter not found. ca. 26 October 1786, Fredericksburg. Concerning family affairs and articles to...
26 June 1812. “When a Crisis arrives in the affairs of a Free, Independent, and Republican...
The President of the United States has received the letter, which Your Excellency addressed to...
150005[Diary entry: 28 June 1768] (Washington Papers)
28. Showery till 11 Oclock with very high Wind from the So. West & West all day, & cool.
A few days past your favor of June 11. was presented me by your relation Mr. G. Jefferson...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jai recu de m Magellan, au commencement de septembre, une...
[ Philadelphia ] May 15, 1794 . Encloses “a letter from mr. Fauchet requesting a passport for a...
I received yesterday by Mr. Maury your favor of Feb. 17. That which you mention to have written...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I came to this Place on Saturday night right well and...
Philadelphia, June 6, 1790. Encloses “A Contract with Abraham Hargis as keeper of the light...
I have been waiting till this Day to obtain a Copy of the List of Patents, and lose not a moment...
By the general order of this day you take the command of the troops left at this post and the...
The K. of modern Babilon, mentioned in your Letter of the 2d, who was become as a Beast, and...
The act of Assembly for regulating the Navy of this Commonwealth having directed the executive to...
I intended to have answered your kind letter by mr Stevenson yesterday evening but he left us...
Dear General— The deputy paymaster of this department informs me that he is recalled, and that...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] June 1, 1780 . Reports fall of Charleston, South Carolina, and news of...
I have been making enquiries respecting the hire of carpenters as you desired. I have at length...
Letter not found : from William Pearce, 31 Aug. 1796. GW wrote Pearce on 5 Sept. : “Your letter...
My account transmitted by you is recieved. early in the spring of the last year, I gave mr Barnes...
As the Time of having inserted in Our Newspapers the payment of the Intrest of the United States...
I am this moment informed by colonel Hughes, that all the medicine, except seven barrels of...
I have your favour of the 23d Instant, and have given the necessary Orders respecting the...
The last post which left Pittsburgh on the 6th instant, brings information of entire tranquility...
Having three or four months Since formed a Resolution to bid adieu for a few Years to some old...
I have recd, fellow Citizens from Governor Preston, your address of the 22d. Ulto: The sentiments...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Two Days ago I requested the favor of Mr. W. Franklin to...
I have this day received your obliging Letter of the twenty first of February, inclosing a Copy...
150030[Diary entry: 7 July 1798] (Washington Papers)
7. Morng. Clear & but little Wind. Mer. at 68 in the Morng.—clear all day. Mr. R. Bland Lee & Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have many pressing affairs that urge me strongly to Paris....
I have requested Mr F. Hall to call on you for the hire of my Negro Man George. I was in hopes he...
150033[Diary entry: 4 October 1794] (Washington Papers)
4th. Forded the Susquehanna; nearly a mile wide, including the Island—at the lower end of wch....
150034June 2d. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Wasted the Day, with a Magazine in my Hand. As it was Artillery Election, it seemed absurd to...
ALS : New York Public Library My last Expedition convinc’d me that I grow too old for Rambling,...
Having had the honour of addressing you so lately as the 11th. and 14th. instant, I should not so...
Extract: American Philosophical Society The Success of Baltimore John Nicols Master coming from...
The petition & Representation of your humble Supplients Inhabitants of the County of Erie State...
150039[Diary entry: 25 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
25. At Home. The above Company went away after Breakfast.
I am this moment favord with your Excellencys Letter of this morning inclosing a Copy of the...
Three or four days since I wrote to My angel by the Post, since which I have received a letter...
This will be presented to you by my Son Fairfax Washington, who I have sent to Phliadela with a...
In a Letter I had lately from the Archbishop of Canterbury, he expressed some Wonderment that the...
Mr. Bancroft begs leave to intrude upon the retirement of Dr. Adams to present him an Election...
It gives me pain that a Dispute of so delicate a nature as that which makes the subject of your...
I am glad the detention of the Ship gives you an opportunity of forwarding the enclosed. Yours...
On thursday last I had the honor to receive your letter of the 12th Instant with its enclosures....
If you can conveniently I will thank you to furnish to Mr. Jones for me abt. £45. wh. I am to pay...
The humble respects of a disstresed Ireish Officer wate on You he is reduced to the gratest...
A vessel has just arrived in a short passage from Liverpool bringing London papers to the...