James Madison Papers

Alexander Scott to James Madison, 6 June 1829

Washington 6th June 1829

Dear Sir

At the late session of Congress the Committee on foreign affairs in the H: of R. reported a bill in my favor for $1471 which unfortunately for me was not acted on for want of time—This highly respectable committee were unanimous, and I believe there is no doubt of my success had the session lasted a few days longer—At the next session I hope to be early enough—

Being a friend of Genl. Jackson’s election, & having some influential gentlemen in my favor I hope soon to obtain some public station, which will make my family more comfortable. But I am still in distress—and really am ashamed to apply to you again—But if You coud spare ten or even five dollars it wou’d at this time be a relief—When I get my claim I will immediately enclose you the amount due—It affords me great pleasure to observe that your health is restored. With great respect I am Dr Sir Yr obedt Sevt

Alexander Scott

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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