Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Notes on Henderson Family’s Warehouse Shares, [9 June 1805 or after]

Notes on Henderson Family’s Warehouse Shares

[9 June 1805 or after]

right in warehouses.

the Widow
Sarah Kerr
James L. to Woodson to Peyton
Charles to Bramham to Anderson to Peyton 166. 67
Isham to James L. H. to Peyton
Bennet H to J. Henderson. to Seabrook. to Peyton 166. 671
Eliza Bulloch to Peyton. warehouse. lots built & unbuilt. Mill { 100. warehouse
400. residue
Frances }
Lucy warehouse & lot. 300. D
Nancy C.

for 2. shares, I have assumed to pay G:J. Aug. 1. 201.

Richd. Seabrook purchased 3/10 & by Anderson sold to Peyton 500. D
one was Bennet H’s. the other 2. I suppose ‘must have’ been John’s & Sarah’s

MS (ViU); entirely in TJ’s hand; undated; on verso of Robert Brent to TJ, 9 June 1805.

right in warehouses: see TJ to Craven Peyton, 13 June, and enclosure.

For the involvement of Tucker M. Woodson, James W. Bramham, Richard Anderson, and Richard Seabrook in conveyances of Milton tobacco warehouse shares inherited by Bennett Henderson’s heirs, see RS description begins J. Jefferson Looney and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, Princeton, 2004- , 15 vols. description ends , 1:459-60.

1TJ drew a box around this figure.

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