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Results 149971-150020 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Yours of yesterday was duly delivered by the Rider. I have informed him, that I do not wish him...
I am afraid that you will Consider me as having forgotten. my Engagements, & indeed you have too...
Having been prevented from going to Washington as I had contemplated early in the Spring, I...
It is mentioned to me that a person of the name of James Main now of this City is an applicant...
I take the liberty to enquire of you as the proper source of such Information if there is a...
I flatter myself that the Design herewith transmitted to you will be consider’d an object of...
El 1o. de Febrero tube la honra de escribir à V.S. haciendole presente la reclamacion de Dn....
Having received permission to Sail in a vessell (in Ballast) for South America it has been...
I beg to accompany this with duplicates of Nos. 138 & 139. In the latter I ventured to intimate...
I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 30th. Ulto this morning, together with two Packets...
I am compelled to trouble you on a subject of a very trifling nature. A bonnet was lately sent me...
Yours by yesterday’s mail is recieved & I now return Pinckney’s & Graham’s letters. I thought it...
Some time ago I had written a letter of considerable length explanatory of my conduct during the...
I have had the honor to receive your Letter of the 6th. of May, advising me of the additional...
I flatter myself that the Design herewith transmitted to you will be consider’d an object of...
within a few days there has been deposited in this office a square flatt box directed to the...
Yours by yesterday’s mail is recieved & I now return Pinckney’s & Graham’s letters. I thought it...
The Federal party in this State, have obtained the government: their principal object, at...
I take the liberty to enclose the copy of an address to the citizens of the Territory of...
I take the liberty of enclosing to you two certificates, respecting William Parker, a native...
Confirming you the Letter of my Chancelor Juls. Oliver of the 28th. Ulto., whereof here annexed...
In several interviews which I have recently had with H. E. the Bashaw, he has constantly urged...
In revising my philosophical apparatus I find I have some articles to spare which will be of use...
We wrote you last Feby and have not yet recd any answer to that letter we hope you will not think...
I wish your would take this embargo off, as soon as you possibly can, for dam my eyes if I can...
Sir I Wish you to send me Promicion for the Brig Eliza & Sarah my self master and men to Load for...
I have already had the Honor to suggest, in o ne of my private Letters, that I have not thought i...
I have the Honor to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 4th. of April by Mr Bethune,...
From reports respecting the appointments in the Army, it appears that being a Federalist is an...
John H. Craven in account with Th: Jefferson    Dr. £ 1808. Jan. 1. To rent for 1807. now due...
Your father mentioned that as you were shortly to go on to Philadelphia, you could take on with...
I Called this day on Genl. Turreau. He Said that he had already Signed the Passport for the Ship...
Mr. John Lloyd Halsey, who is about to return to the U. S. and will be the Bearer of my...
In my letter of the 16th. ultimo I had the honor of advising you that the policy of this country...
The Petition of Ellis Dowlf of St. George in the District of Maine humbly & respectfully...
On information of the death of John Page which gained general belief here, I wrote you a letter...
The occasion of this letter to you from a youth who is totally unacquainted with your person may...
The Packet having made a Signal for sailing, I thought it proper to inform thee that yesterday...
I have the honor to acknowledge the recpt. of your le tter of instructions of the 6th. with Mr....
Herewith I have the honor to hand you Copy of my respects under date 31st. March by the Ship...
Directions for mr Bacon. June 7. 08. Consider as your first object the keeping a full supply of...
Being to leave this tomorrow for Washington, & not having had the expected pleasure of seeing,...
I have taken the liberty of sending to your care by a Milton boat, a box directed to mr J. W....
Your favor of May 14. was recieved at this place after a circuitous course by Washington. I have...
The rent which you mentioned as due for Lego I will ask you to be so kind as to pay at your...
Agreeable to the request of the honl. John Milledge Esq. we herewith forward You a parcel of...
For want of a conveyance to the United States, I have not had the honor of addressing you since...
Your favour of the 18th. of April has been received, and the Letter for Mr. Duplantier which you...
A letter was forwarded to you by my friend, making a request, which if you have not complied...
I had the honour of writing to you from London on the 17th of feba. last, & to enclose you a copy...