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Results 149951-150000 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
149951 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 31 May 1808 1808-05-31 I have just recd. by the Bearer, the inclosed letter. As I understand that the Writer Mr. V. and...
149952 Brent, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Brent, 31 May 1808 1808-05-31 The Commission with which I have been honoured, as Mayor of this City expires this day, it will...
149953 Jefferson, Thomas Dearborn, Henry From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Dearborn, 31 May 1808 1808-05-31 Th: Jefferson, with his affectionate salutations to Genl. Dearborne, incloses him the application...
149954 Hening, William Waller Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Waller Hening, 31 May … 1808-05-31 Just as I was about to take the stage for Charlottesville, I was summoned to attend a council...
149955 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 31 May 1808 1808-05-31 I return you all the papers recieved from you by yesterday’s mail, except mr Burnley’s, which I...
149956 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 31 May 1808 1808-05-31 I have just recd. by the Bearer the inclosed letter. As I understand that the writer Mr. V. and...
149957 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Smith, 31 May 1808 1808-05-31 I return you Capt. Truxton’s letter. the only difficulty in the case is to concieve how such...
149958 Jefferson, Thomas Memorandum on Various Subjects, 31 May 1808 1808-05-31 Recruiting. appoint officers rendezvous. Armouries & arms Fortifications. Fulton N.O. Tompkin’s...
149959 Pitot, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Pitot, 31 May 1808 1808-05-31 We, the Orleans Navigation Company, with the most profound sentiments of respect, beg leave to...
149960 St. Mary’s Seminary Madison, James To James Madison from St. Mary’s Seminary, June 1808 1808-06-01 1808. College charges as Specified in the prospectus. December 7. " Washing two quarters $ 9. "...
149961 Robertson, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Robertson, 1 June 1808 1808-06-01 Having held the american Consulate of this Place for the Space of one year in the beginning of...
149962 Skipwith, Fulwar Madison, James To James Madison from Fulwar Skipwith, 1 June 1808 1808-06-01 I have the honor to forward herewith extracts from the judgments in the cases of two of the...
149963 Anonymous Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Anonymous, 1 June 1808 1808-06-01 here inclosed I Send you a paper under the influence of the Enemies of our peace, that you may...
149964 Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Samuel Du Pont de … 1808-06-01 J’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire il y a quelques jours, et je désire que ma Lettre vous ait êté...
149965 Pilch, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Pilch, 1 June 1808 1808-06-01 To His Excellency Thomas Jefferson president of The United States of america—. James Pilch of the...
149966 Hull, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Hull, 2 June 1808 1808-06-02 Mr. Atwater, the Secretary of the Territory has arrived I hav e taken the necessary oaths, before...
149967 Madison, James Mercer, John F. From James Madison to John F. Mercer, 2 June 1808 1808-06-02 Your favor of the 23d. found me on my farm near this place. On my return to Washington, which...
149968 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 2 June 1808 1808-06-02 Yours of yesterday was duly delivered by the Rider. I have informed him, that I do not wish him...
149969 Clark, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Clark, 2 June 1808 1808-06-02 I have taken the liberty of Sending to you by Mr. Denis Fitzhugh the gentleman who will hand you...
149970 Jefferson, Thomas Latrobe, Benjamin Henry From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 2 June … 1808-06-02 Your favor of May 23. is duly recieved, and reserving fuller explanations to my return, which...
149971 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 2 June 1808 1808-06-02 Yours of yesterday was duly delivered by the Rider. I have informed him, that I do not wish him...
149972 Wistar, Caspar Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Caspar Wistar, 2 June 1808 1808-06-02 I am afraid that you will Consider me as having forgotten. my Engagements, & indeed you have too...
149973 Wollaston, Frederick H. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Frederick H. Wollaston, 2 June … 1808-06-02 Having been prevented from going to Washington as I had contemplated early in the Spring, I...
149974 Clinton, DeWitt Madison, James To James Madison from DeWitt Clinton, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 It is mentioned to me that a person of the name of James Main now of this City is an applicant...
149975 Myers, Moses Mears Madison, James To James Madison from Moses Mears Myers, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 I take the liberty to enquire of you as the proper source of such Information if there is a...
149976 Colles, Christopher Madison, James To James Madison from Christopher Colles, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 I flatter myself that the Design herewith transmitted to you will be consider’d an object of...
149977 Foronda, Valentin de Madison, James To James Madison from Valentin de Foronda, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 El 1o. de Febrero tube la honra de escribir à V.S. haciendole presente la reclamacion de Dn....
149978 Brewer, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Brewer, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 Having received permission to Sail in a vessell (in Ballast) for South America it has been...
149979 Simpson, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Simpson, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 I beg to accompany this with duplicates of Nos. 138 & 139. In the latter I ventured to intimate...
149980 Graham, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Graham, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 30th. Ulto this morning, together with two Packets...
149981 Randolph, M. Madison, James To James Madison from M. Randolph, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 I am compelled to trouble you on a subject of a very trifling nature. A bonnet was lately sent me...
149982 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 Yours by yesterday’s mail is recieved & I now return Pinckney’s & Graham’s letters. I thought it...
149983 Brown, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Brown, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 Some time ago I had written a letter of considerable length explanatory of my conduct during the...
149984 Claiborne, William C. C. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William C. C. Claiborne, 3 … 1808-06-03 I have had the honor to receive your Letter of the 6th. of May, advising me of the additional...
149985 Colles, Christopher Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Christopher Colles, 3 June … 1808-06-03 I flatter myself that the Design herewith transmitted to you will be consider’d an object of...
149986 Gibbon, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Gibbon, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 within a few days there has been deposited in this office a square flatt box directed to the...
149987 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 Yours by yesterday’s mail is recieved & I now return Pinckney’s & Graham’s letters. I thought it...
149988 Sullivan, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Sullivan, 3 June 1808 1808-06-03 The Federal party in this State, have obtained the government: their principal object, at...
149989 Hull, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Hull, 4 June 1808 1808-06-04 I take the liberty to enclose the copy of an address to the citizens of the Territory of...
149990 Adams, John Quincy Madison, James To James Madison from John Quincy Adams, 4 June 1808 1808-06-04 I take the liberty of enclosing to you two certificates, respecting William Parker, a native...
149991 Cathalan, Stephen, Jr. Madison, James To James Madison from Stephen Cathalan, Jr., 4 June … 1808-06-04 Confirming you the Letter of my Chancelor Juls. Oliver of the 28th. Ulto., whereof here annexed...
149992 Davis, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Davis, 4 June 1808 1808-06-04 In several interviews which I have recently had with H. E. the Bashaw, he has constantly urged...
149993 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, John Wayles From Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 4 June 1808 1808-06-04 In revising my philosophical apparatus I find I have some articles to spare which will be of use...
149994 Pathkiller Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pathkiller, 4 June 1808 1808-06-04 We wrote you last Feby and have not yet recd any answer to that letter we hope you will not think...
149995 Selby, T. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from T. Selby, 4 June 1808 1808-06-04 I wish your would take this embargo off, as soon as you possibly can, for dam my eyes if I can...
149996 Willson, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Willson, 4 June 1808 1808-06-04 Sir I Wish you to send me Promicion for the Brig Eliza & Sarah my self master and men to Load for...
149997 Pinkney, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Pinkney, 5 June 1808 1808-06-05 I have already had the Honor to suggest, in o ne of my private Letters, that I have not thought i...
149998 Pinkney, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Pinkney, 5 June 1808 1808-06-05 I have the Honor to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 4th. of April by Mr Bethune,...
149999 Pseudonym: “A Cotton Planter” Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Pseudonym: "A Cotton Planter" … 1808-06-05 From reports respecting the appointments in the Army, it appears that being a Federalist is an...
150000 Craven, John H. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John H. Craven, 5 June 1808 1808-06-05 John H. Craven in account with Th: Jefferson    Dr. £ 1808. Jan. 1. To rent for 1807. now due...