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Results 149901-149950 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Letter not found: from Thomas Knox, 28 Sept. 1757. On 26 Dec. 1757 GW wrote to Knox : “Your...
Your Favour of the tenth of November which I was so unlucky, as to miss off, when in...
I last night threw myself into this Garrison, where I am sorry to inform your Excellency that I...
In the Recess of the Provincial Congress it is the Duty of the Committee of Safety to answer Your...
I have delayed for some days to express my fears to your Excellency, that there would be a want...
I address you with reluctance, with unease that you are too often beset, while the momentous...
I should have done myself the honor of writing to you sooner, if any thing had occurred at this...
The prospects of future supplies for your Army and the manner in which they are to be procured is...
I am this moment informd by an officer of majr Lees that the enemy are advancing in a Very...
Inclosed we send you a Copy of the Instructions we received from the Executive Council for the...
I am to acknowledge the rect of three of Your Excellencys letters which contain information so...
I received yours of the 17th Inst. Covering a Letter from Robert Morris Esqr. Chairman of the...
I have duly examined the inclosed papers relating to the purchase by judge Symmes of the lands on...
Letter not found : from Major General Stirling, 27 Sept. 1779. On 28 Sept., GW wrote Stirling: “I...
I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that in consequence of your permission the Honourable...
Your Excellency having been pleased on yesterday to request the Opinion of the General Officers...
We have presumed to address this Circular to your Excellency as a Specimen of one of our recent...
After being detained 8 or 10 days beyond the intended commencement of my Journey, by the critical...
The inclosed Letter from the Collector of Hampton, of the 26th. of May, shews that the necessity...
I have been through most of the Towns in the eastern Parts of this State since I last wrote you;...
Your letter of the 13th Instant I received Yesterday, my most Grateful Acknowledgment is due your...
In the full confidence you receive my letters as testimonials of my unceasing respect, and from a...
Your commissioners arrived at the State the day before yesterday at two o’clock P.M. where they...
We arrived here this afternoon. A very heavy rain has rendered the march extremely arduous and...
I am Sorry to have occasion to mention to Your Excellency a Second time the loss of a...
I did myself the Honor to write to you on the twenty third of October. Since that Date, the...
RC ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); endorsed by Tobias Lear. Tr ( Lb in same, SDC ). Not recorded in SJL ....
If wind and weather permit, I hope we shall be able to embark the Remainder of His Majesty’s...
The grand Jurors for the County of Morris have requested me to inform Your Excellency, that,...
Letter not found: from Lt. Col. Archibald Campbell, 20 April 1778. On 23 April, GW wrote Campbell...
Your Favour of the 3d Instt inclosed in one of the 4th came safely to Hand. At that Time & till...
Five Days ago, I arrived at this place with the first Division of the North Carolina Troops, and...
Perhaps your Excellency will be disposed to pardon, & think it a laudable ambition, which has...
Pour m’annoncer digne de Votre faveur, j’ai crû le meilleur moÿen d’être de Vous donner le...
I had not lost Sight of the Memorandom given me last fall by Majr Washington, and was about...
I have just recd a Letter for you from General Putnam which he put under cover to me in answer to...
The Lieutenant of Mongalia County informs me that ten men were killed on friday last above the...
I shoud come short of the duty I owe you, if I omitted to cultivate your correspondence by an...
Your readiness & patience to hear the wants of every citizen, hath emboldened me to lay before...
Letter not found: from William Augustine Washington, 15 Sept. 1799. On 22 Sept. GW wrote his...
On Saturday Your favor of the 28th Ulto came here on which day I had left this for Loudoun to...
Letter not found : from the Board of War, 30 March 1779. GW wrote in his first letter to the...
Previous to the leaving my present Office there are a few points which I think it my duty to...
I have received the Deeds and inclose the Mortgage to be recorded; and will endeavor to get a...
I am much obliged to Your Excellency for the explicit manner in which you contradict the...
there is at Last a path made from East Haddam to Colchester, by which rout I shall march of[f]...
I take the Liberty of forwarding the enclosed Papers by Express; earnestly requesting your...
This will probably be the last letter, you will receive from me till I have crossed the Atlantic....
The Congress having accepted the Resignation of the honorable James Warren as Paymaster General,...
From the Extremity of the Earth, Deign to accept, the Sincere Hommages of Two Persons more...