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Results 149901-149950 of 184,431 sorted by author
I had the pleasure of your Letter respecting General McIntosh. You may Inform Congress that One...
149902General Orders, 3 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
While the Annals of the Army shall exist, it is the Generals intention it shall be known that he...
149903[Diary entry: 29 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
29. Went to Belvoir with Mrs. W——n &ca. after Dinnr. Left Mr. Ellzey at home.
149904[Diary entry: 25 November 1768] (Washington Papers)
25. Mr. Bryan Fairfax as also Messrs. Grayson & Phil. Alexander came here by Sunrise. Hunted &...
Your favour of the 12th of Feby last came duely to hand immediately upon the receipt of which I...
149906General Orders, 30 October 1776 (Washington Papers)
The frequent, indeed constant complaints of the men, for want of provisions upon any Move, which...
The Compte de Moutiers did me the honor to hand me your letter of the 5 Ulto, together with the...
149908[Diary entry: 15 July 1769] (Washington Papers)
15. At home all day. Mr. Thornton & my Brothr. & son set of homewards after Dinner.
149909General Orders, 20 June 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Colonel Butler[,] Major Torrey—Brigade Major Woodbridge...
I cannot omit so good an opportunity as Mr Wallace affords, of addressing a few lines to you;...
149911[Diary entry: 11 October 1769] (Washington Papers)
11. At home all day.
After a long silence, more the effect of great hurry & business, than want of inclination; permit...
149913[Diary entry: 6 August 1765] (Washington Papers)
6. Sowed Turneps where the Drilld Wheat was, behind the Garden. These of old Seed. Finish’d...
149914[Diary entry: 19 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
19. Mike, Tom, & Sam went abt. the Overseers House at Muddy hole.
I had the honour on the evening of the 11th. instant to receive from the hands of the Secretary...
149916[Diary entry: 31 July 1785] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 31st. Thermometer at 70 in the Morng.—78 at Noon and 78 at Night. Calm & clear all day.
I yesterday had the honor of receiving your Letter of the 4th Augt and I take the earliest...
I nominate for the Supreme-Court of the United States John Jay of New York, Chief-Justice John...
In looking over my memorandums, I find that my own warrant for 5,000 acres of Land, was directed...
149920[Diary entry: 3 April 1768] (Washington Papers)
3. Wind fresh from the Westward & very cold with Snow at times & Clouds.
149921[Diary entry: 24 April 1798] (Washington Papers)
24. Clear with but little wind, from No. W. Mer. 51 morning. Calm mid day & wind at So. Et. at...
Dr George Washington Esqr. Sterling Currt Money To Mrs Washington’s Dower in the Negroes appraisd...
149923[Diary entry: 14 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
14. Again at home all day. To Dinner came Master Geo. Carlyle—who went away afterwards with his...
149924[Diary entry: 31 December 1798] (Washington Papers)
31. Calm & pleasant—thawing. Mer. higher than yesterday.
I am just now honored with your Excellency’s Favor of the 8th instant, informg me of the Offer of...
149926[Diary entry: 11 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
11. Dined at Mrs. Dawsons & went up to Colo. Bassetts in the Afternoon.
Agreeably to the information given in my last, I left Philadelphia on Monday and arrived here...
Brigadier General McIntosh having requested from Congress leave to retire from the command to the...
149929[Diary entry: 7 September 1785] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 7th. Mercury at 67 in the Morning—68 at Noon and 70 at Night. Clear day with the Wind...
This will be delivered you by Colo. Conway, an Irish Gentleman, in the service of France, who...
Enclosed are the last dispatches I have rec’d from Mr Gouvr Morris. As they unfold, pretty...
Since I wrote to you on the 12th instant on the subject of the Militia under the command of Genl...
The letter which you did me the favor of writing to me the 31st of last month, with a Postscript...
149934[Diary entry: 24 August 1764] (Washington Papers)
24. Began to sow Wheat at Muddy hole.
149935[Diary entry: 29 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
29. Warm & clear. Wind Southerly.
149936[Diary entry: 20 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
20. Clear, still, & warm. Thawd a great deal.
149937[Diary entry: 15 November 1768] (Washington Papers)
15. Rainy forenoon—that is slow moderate rain—& Wind Southwardly—but clear, cool & windy...
Unfortunate and melancholy as the event is, which has given rise to your communication of the...
There were three accounts exhibited against the United Colonies by different persons in your...
149940[Diary entry: 26 December 1774] (Washington Papers)
26. Clear, and neither very cold, or unpleasant, although the Wind blew fresh from the No. West.
We are not under less embarrassing and distressful circumstances in this quarter for provisions,...
The Armoury department is in as bad a situation as it can well be, and requires measures to be...
Your two favors of the 2d & 3d instant with their inclosures have been duly received. It was my...
149944[Diary entry: 23 September 1795] (Washington Papers)
23. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do.
149945General Orders, 28 May 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . For the general orders regarding ammunition supplies, alarm signals,...
149946[Diary entry: 13 April 1771] (Washington Papers)
13. Rid to the Mill and to Poseys in the forenoon at home Afterwards.
149947[Diary entry: 2 October 1769] (Washington Papers)
2. Wind fresh from the Southwest all day—and clear.
I am indebted to you for two letters:—The first, introductory of M r . Anstey needed no apology—...
Letter not found: to James Hill, 3 Aug. 1772. On 30 Aug. Hill wrote to GW : “I recd your Letter...
149950[Diary entry: 3 January 1787] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 3d. Mercury at 53 in the Morning—61 at Noon and 60 at Night. Moist, warm, and giving...