George Washington Papers
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Return of the Virginia Regiment, 1 January 1757

Return of the Virginia Regiment

A Return of the Strength and Disposition of the Virginia Regiment Commanded by Geo. Washington Esqr. January 1st 1757

Companies Where Posted Commissioned Staff Non Commission Effective Rank and File
[Field Officers] Captains Lieutenants Ensigns Sergeants Drummers Fit for Duty Sick On Command On Furlow Total
Colo. Geo. Washington Fort Loudoun 21 1 1 32 3 1 48 7 12 67
Lieutt Colo. Adam Stephen Fort Cumberland 1 1 1 1 2 35 2 9 2 48
Captain Hog Fort Dinwiddie 1 1 1 3 1 31 19 50
Mercer Fort Loudoun 1 3 1 41 9 23 1 74
Waggener Fort Pleasant, So. Branch 1 1 1 3 39 7 46
Stewart Maidstone als Conogochieg 1 1 1 2 19 1 1 21
Cocke Fort Cumberland 1 1 1 3 1 34 1 2 37
Bronaugh Ditto 1 1 1 3 1 26 1 1 28
Josha Lewis Ditto 1 1 1 3 18 18
Woodward Ditto 1 1 1 2 1 33 1 2 1 37
Spotswood Fort Stephen[s] 1 1 1 3 1 31 2 33
Chas Lewis Fort Cumberland 1 1 1 3 1 14 1 2 17
Peachy Ditto 1 1 1 3 1 32 1 4 37
Bell Fort Washington 1 1 1 3 1 39 2 41
McKenzie Pearsall’s 1 1 1 3 1 47 47
Harrison Fort Cumberland 1 1 1 3 1 17 1 4 22
Gist Maidstone 1 1 1 3 1 29 2 1 32
Total 3 16 15 16 4 48 13 533 31 87 4 655
Absent Officer Remarks
Major Andrew Lewis in Augusta by the Governors Command. The Major is return’d in the Colonels Company having none of his own.
Captn Stewart—at Williamsburg—Charls Lewis—at Fredericksburg. The Men return’d upon Command from the Colonel’s and Captn Mercers Companys are reinforcing the Detachment at Maidstone & it’s neighbourhood.
Spotswood—sent down with the Indians
Lieutt Williams In Richmond after Desertr Those from Captn Hog are building the Fort upon Roanoke.
Baker—sent down in order to go to the Tus[caror]as All the other’s are workmen taken out of the several Companys to assist in Building Fort Loudoun
Fairfax Resign’d
The Quarter Master has charge of the Stores at Winchester It may be seen by the above Return that there is two Lieutts and an Ensign wanting to Compleat

Go: Washington

DS, DLC:GW. The return is in the hand of George Mercer with the signature and one addition in GW’s hand. The category “Recruiting,” under “Effective Rank and File,” has been deleted from this document. No recruits were listed for any company during the previous month.

Between November 1757 and March 1758 there are in DLC:GW returns for the Virginia Regiment dated 1 Jan., 28 Feb., March, May, 1 July, 1 Aug., 1 Oct., 1 Nov., and 1 Dec. 1757, and 1 Jan., 1 Feb. and 1 Mar. 1758. There is also a second return dated 1 Mar. 1758 in the Scottish Record Office, Edinburgh. Only this return of 1 Jan. 1757 and one in CSmH, dated 1 Dec. 1757, after the Regiment was reorganized, are printed in this volume.

1The manuscript return lists the field officers separately: one colonel, one lieutenant colonel, and one major.

2The manuscript return lists as “Staff” at Fort Loudoun: one adjutant, one quartermaster, and one surgeon; at Fort Cumberland, one “mate.”

Index Entries