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Results 148151-148200 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
AD (draft): Library of Congress; copies: British Library, Library of Congress (two), Yale...
I have been successively honored with your favors of the 19th—24th—25th—26th—and 30th ulto with...
Permit me to request you to accept my cordial thanks for the list of your works, obligingly...
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I have received advice from New York that a very...
five compleat shares of Land (including the several lots heretofore drawn for the said shares in...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] December 20, 1779 . Instructs Greene to assist the clothier in...
148157General Orders, 11 October 1779 (Washington Papers)
John McDonald of Colonel James Livingston’s regiment was tried on the 9th instant at the General...
The Attorney General having taken into mature consideration “the act for the relief and...
Your Goodness will easily appreciate my motive and excuse the liberty I take in troubling you...
I had the honor & the pleasure Sometime Since to Recieve a line from your Own hand ,...
148161General Orders, 14 December 1781 (Washington Papers)
By the United States in Congress Assembled. Resolved That in future no particular Warrants issue...
I have been honored with your letter of the 7th, and beg you to accept my sincere thanks for the...
As there has been a complaint entered to your Excellency, respecting the behaviour of Colo. C....
I made Mr Morris acquainted with the contents of your letter of the 14th of March, relative to...
I have been confined by an inflammation in my throat—or I shou’d have called on you at an early...
Alexandre Monnier Marchand à buffalo (état de New york) venant de Richemond pour y vendre...
I return you my hearty thanks for the obliging present of your reports, in three very handsome...
148168[Diary entry: 1 June 1772] (Washington Papers)
June 1st. But little Wind. Weather very hot & Sultry, with appearances (only) of Rain.
The testimony of confidence afforded me in your letter of yesterday is highly gratifying, and I...
May we begg leave to mention to Yoúr Excellency that nothing materiall hath happend Since oúrs of...
I have your Excellency’s Letter of the 17th which I have laid before the General Committee....
I wrote last evening by a conveyance that hastly occurred to Fredg. This, an idea occurred which...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received yours of the 23d past, acquainting me with...
Th: Jefferson recieved yesterday M r Mantz ’s present of very handsomely dressed leather, for...
§ From Carlos Martínez de Yrujo. 10 September 1805, “Near Philadelphia.” Last night received JM...
I have received your letter of the 19th: instant. On the 30th: ultimo I detailed my conceptions...
Upon my Arrival at this Place I found the Assembly met, and no apparent Disposition amongst them...
I had the honor of writing to your Excellency the 16th instant, since which I have been deprived...
Letterbook summary: Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Repondu à la Lettre de Mr. A. Lee, du 8....
Recommendations for the office of collector of Washington, N.C. 1: H. Keays recommended by Mr....
On the 24 th of April I took the liberty of putting under your cover a letter for James L....
I now address you under the signature of the old soldier (which I am) who stood firm thro’ the...
I wrote you a letter above a month ago, which should have been delivered by Colo. Blackden, who...
I had the honor of receiving two days since your letter of the 29th of November inclosing a copy...
Your Letter accompanying the two Vols. of your Defence came safe to hand—It gives us much...
148186August 13. or 14th. 1771. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Evening at Cordis’s, the British Coffee house.—In the front Room, towards the long...
Since my last I have recd. the inclosed from the two W. Contractors. I have determined to set out...
30 May 1805, Department of State . “I have lately received the protest [not found] of Capt....
148189[Diary entry: 12 May 1786] (Washington Papers)
Friday 12th. Thermometer at 58 in the Morning—67 at Noon and 65 at Night. Cloudy in the...
To receive a Letter from you My Dear Brother, & to be assured that a beloved Sister is recovering...
You will be pleased to furnish Messrs Dannecker and Young with the further sum of Five thousand...
Mr. Smith being just about to depart I have but a moments time to send you the proceedings of the...
By M r Johnston you will receive 1 Box Books which has been delivered to him in good order If so...
I have been honored with your favor of the 2d Instt & thank you for the extract of Mr Adams’s...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 28 January 1806, New Orleans. “The enclosure No. 1, is a copy of...
This morning One Packton a Hunter came in quite Spent, being pursued by Indians in Sight of our...
No. 72 So. Second Street Having been near twelve months in this Land on a Religious Visit to the...
I am induced by feelings of gratitude to send for your perusal the inclosed communication...
Permit me to send you some particulars of two Vessels the British Captured from me, which Captors...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Par le désir du Commodore Paul Jones j’ai fait traduire et...