Adams Papers



Went with Mrs. A into Paris in the afternoon. Got a book of Pissot,1 and Brindley’s Terence, la folle journée, and Vossius de hist. grae: of Froullé.2 Left the Ladies, on the quai des Augustins, and went to see Mr. West, whose hand is still very much swelled. The Ladies came, in the evening, and took me at the Hôtel de Bretagne.

1Pissot, a publishing firm in Paris. The book has not been identified.

2Terence, Comoediae sex, London, J. Brindley edn., 1744 (at MQA); Gerard John Vos, De Historicis Graecis libri quatuor, The Hague, 1624. For La folle journée, see entry for 12 March, note 3 (above).

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