Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to John Dawe et al., 24 September 1779

To John Dawe et al.

Copy: Library of Congress

Passy Sept. 24. [1779]


I received your Request, dated the 24th Inst.7 and have by this Oportunity desired M. Schweighauser to furnish Such of you as absolutely want with Shoes stockings, Shirts, &c. and to take care of you till you can find Opportunities of getting home. Wishing you a happy Sight of your own Country, after your long unfortunate Captivity, I, am, Gentlemen, Your Most obedient and most humble servant


To Mr. John Dawe Prize master and others.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7BF forwarded their petition to Schweighauser; see the following document.

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