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Results 14731-14740 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
14731[April 1778] (Adams Papers)
This Morning Mr. J. C. Champagne, negociant and Courtier de Marine, at Blaye, came on board, to make a Visit and pay his Compliments. He says, that of the first Grouths of Wine, in the Province of Guienne, there are four Sorts, Chateau Margeaux, Hautbrion, La Fitte, and Latour. This Morning I took Leave of the Ship, and went up to Town with my Son, and servant, Mr. Vernon, Mr. Jesse, and Dr....
at the request of the General Assembly of this State, I herewith transmit to you the inclosed Resolution. with great respect I have the honor to be. Sir your obt servt RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “The President of the U States”; endorsed by TJ, recorded in SJL as received 21 Mch. Enclosure: resolution of the Ohio General Assembly, 22 Feb., recommending the establishment of a port of delivery...
We are going on, with as much dispatch as the Nature of our Business will admit of, and We proceed with wonderful Harmony, good Humour and Unanimity. The D r , is confined to his House and Garden by the Stone as he thinks. He has not been farther from Home, than my House at Auteuil which is within a mile of his, for these twelve months. He cannot ride in a Carriage, because the motion of that...
For the letter you did me the favor to write to me on the 21st Ult: I offer you my thanks. no application has ever been made to me or to any person on my account that has ever come to my knowledge, for the taxes of my land in Greenbrier and totally ignorant am I of the amount of them—If you can inform me, I would thank you. I have no objection to the settlement of my Lands on the Great...
I have directed a statement of the troops in the service of the United States to be laid before you for your information. These troops were raised by virtue of the Resolves of Congress of the 20th of October 1786, and the 3d of October 1787, in order to protect the frontiers from the depredations of the hostile Indians; to prevent all intrusions on the public Lands; and to facilitate the...
Mr. Richard of Michigan has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the polite invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Adams. He regrets very much that the condition of his health does not permit him to accept the homor of the Invitation. The Delegate of Mich. takes this Oportunity to offer Mr. Adams his congratulations for his Success at the late Presidential Election. he assures him that this happy Event...
I am completely happy in being able to inform you that all our little family has passed safely through the worst stage of the Whooping cough: we have no apprehensions now about any of them: the cough has so much abated and all the serious symptoms so long disappeared that we boldly congratulate ourselves on our good fortune. The fourth week was the worst with all: with Cornelia and Ellen it...
I have this moment recieved your kind letter my best friend it has removed a load of anxiety from my heart which was becoming almost insupportable I wrote you yesterday that I was well to day I am even better as my mind is at ease your letter laid two days in the Cambridge post office which accounts for the unusual delay— The Death of Col. Wythe was attended with the most horrid circumstances...
Versailles, 14 July 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:161 ( JA ’s English translation). For the French text, see Adams Papers, Microfilms , Reel No. 94. Sartine noted that, because of the war, supplies from France to the inhabitants of the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon were in...
Th: Jefferson presents his thanks to messrs Roches freres for their notice taken of the book of Geography of M. Lesage, which however it is not within the plan of his acquisitions to procure. Mr. Madison the Secretary of state being now in Philadelphia, might probably consider it as a proper book for his office, could he receive notice of it. Th:J. presents them his salutations. MHi : Coolidge...