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Results 1471-1480 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have only time to ask the favor of you to send the enclosed to Mr Randolph by the first mail. It contains a copy of the journal of the board, at their last meeting—sent for the purpose of having some made, as the writing on hand here does not allow me time to complete the whole by the meeting. I saw Mrs Cutts last evening She is well, but will not be able to accompany me on Sunday next, when...
I forward herewith a copy of Mr. Monroe’s paper from Mr. Trist. Your two letters from Charlottesville came duly to hand. I shall write to Mr. Long on the subject of the "Thesaurus", by Mr. Rives; who if he halts in England will probably see him; and if not will ask the favor of Mr. McLane to take charge of the letter. I have heard nothing from Mr. Long or Mr. Barbour on the subject of a...
I have this moment recd. yours of the 25th., and having a casual oppy. to the P. O. this evening shall get an answr. into the mail tomorrow morning. The 10th. of July is as you suppose the day for the Meeting of the Visitors, and I shall look for you here in due time. It ought to be on the 8th. at the latest. I am glad to find you so successful in overcoming the successive attacks on your...
As the time is near at hand for the meeting of the Visitors, permit me to apprize you of the arrangement I propose, making for accommodation of yourself and other Visitors. If you have not made other arrangements—Mrs Gray will provide a comfortable room in her house for you & Mrs M. Col: Monroe will probably take a room at my house two rooms will be fitted up in pavilion No 7 as lodging rooms...
J. M. presents his respects to Mr Grimke with acknowledgments for the Copy just recd. of his able & persuasive Address at the Dedication of a Building for Religious uses. FC (DLC) .
I have recd. yours of the 23d. I canot but say that the sales of the Tobo. have disappointed my hopes, tho’ I have no doubt, your attentions did it justice; and that there must have been a defective management here. It is true, the want of rain at the ripening stage, may account in some degree for the prevailing quality: But it is equally true that my neighbors with the same weather, and a...
I recd Sir by the last mail, your letter of the 9th. inst: I can not but wish well to the object of the prospectus communicated, and feel all the respect due to the names which subscribe to it. But I am restrained from conforming to the example by a rule prescribed by the age I have reached, & other considerations, which not only forbids new subscriptions, but is withdrawing the greater part...
We heard with great regret of your serious indisposition, but were relieved from anxiety, by a letter, some time since, from Mr. Taliaferro, which assured us, that you had nearly recovered, to perfect health. I have been much afflicted by repeated attacks, since we parted last, & by a recent one, which is the third, but am now so far restored, as to entertain a hope, that I shall be able to...
I have recd. your letter of yesterday, on the subject of your application for an office becoming vacant at Washington. I need not assure you Sir that I have always entertained a very sincere esteem for your character, with the best wishes for your welfare, nor remark that I well know of the repeated proofs you have recd. of the public favor & confidence. But I could not comply with the request...
Your letter of May 26, having passed on to a Southern post office did not reach me on its return, till yesterday. Its motive & language, entitled it to a kind, however unsatisfactory answer The question you state is too important not to forbid a naked decision, and if no other obstacle existed, the infirm state of my health would not admit a comprehensive & argumentative one. Whether the...