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Results 1471-1500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have only time to ask the favor of you to send the enclosed to Mr Randolph by the first mail....
I forward herewith a copy of Mr. Monroe’s paper from Mr. Trist. Your two letters from...
I have this moment recd. yours of the 25th., and having a casual oppy. to the P. O. this evening...
As the time is near at hand for the meeting of the Visitors, permit me to apprize you of the...
J. M. presents his respects to Mr Grimke with acknowledgments for the Copy just recd. of his able...
I have recd. yours of the 23d. I canot but say that the sales of the Tobo. have disappointed my...
I recd Sir by the last mail, your letter of the 9th. inst: I can not but wish well to the object...
We heard with great regret of your serious indisposition, but were relieved from anxiety, by a...
I have recd. your letter of yesterday, on the subject of your application for an office becoming...
Your letter of May 26, having passed on to a Southern post office did not reach me on its return,...
Not without humiliation in my own feelings, and no ordinary effort of moral courage, I have for...
I omitted to inclose the letter of Judge Barbour as intimated in my letter of today by Paul; I...
I recd. in due time your letter of May 10th inclosing a continuation of your observations on the...
I have been long a subscriber to your "Register", and retain my respect for its merits, and...
J. M. presents his respects to his friend E. Cresson, and fulfils his promise, by inclosing an...
I am much obliged by your kind attention to the affair of my antient correspondent Mr John...
I inclose the promised letters to the Baron & Baroness de Neuville to which is added one to Genl....
My friend Mr. Rives is about to take his station in Paris, as diplomatic Representative of the U....
Your letter of Jany. 28 came duly to hand. The answer to it has been procrastinated to this late...
Finding to my great regret that another Court had passed without a single step as far as I know...
I have recd. your two letters of June 8 & 9. As my draft on Mr. Allen lately sent you will have...
I received this morning your kind letter of the 11th. and return you my respectful & sincere...
Dr Jones has lost his situation in the Patent office, and now holds a clerkship in this Dept. I...
I believe the time has expired when you were to pay the draft drawn by Capt Eddins—you would...
The enclosed Proposal having been fortunate enough to obtain the approbation and signature of the...
Your obliging letter of Decr—came duly to hand. Having heard nothing since either from you or...
We Gulielmus Smith Depty Sheriff for the County of Spotsy Bickerton. T. Winston Depty Sherff for...
I inclose a draft on Mr. Allen of Fredericksburg, for $150. which I hope will be in time to...
If I have not sooner thanked you for the considerate present in the Box of fruit referred to in...
At the late session of Congress the Committee on foreign affairs in the H: of R. reported a bill...