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Results 1471-1480 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 15, 1756. I arrived here last Night. We met a Number of Waggons on the Road, moving off with the Effects of the People of Lehi Township. All the Women and Children are sent off out of that Township; and many of them have taken Refuge here; all in great Confusion. The Substance of the Action at Gnadenhutten, as we have received it from...
1472Orders, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
All the Officers in town to attend Lieutenant Colonel Stephens immediately at Lemon’s House. As soon as the Congress is over, three of the youngest Subalterns, and Sergeant Waters, are to go immediately in pursuit of the two Deserters, who made their escape last night; and to use their utmost endeavours to apprehend them. Three days provision to be delivered to the Troops to-morrow, at twelve...
1473Address, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Lieutenant Colonel Stephens has orders to read the following suspension and admonition to all the Officers. “Whereas the Court of Enquiry that was held yesterday in behalf of our Sovereign Lord, the King, for examining into a complaint against Leehaynsious Dekeyser, Ensign in the Virginia Regiment, for a Breach of the twenty-third Article, fifteenth Section of War: Were unanimous in opinion...
1474Memorandum, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Deserted last night from the Guard, William Kennedy, confined for desertion; and Abraham Dale, confined for neglect of Duty. A press-warrant given Lieutenant Brockenbrough, to impress four Horses, fo⟨r⟩ him and three other Subalterns, to go in pursuit of these two Deserters. LB , DLC:GW . A court of inquiry held on 28 Dec. 1755 found that Abraham Dale had been properly recruited by Ens....
1475Memorandum, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Jacob Eayzer, enlisted by Captain Robert Stewart; was viewed, and received. LB , DLC:GW .
1476Evening Orders, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Evening Orders. Captain Stewart is to draught out of his Recruits, men enough to complete his Troop to the Establishment; the rest he is to march to town to-morrow, and deliver them over to Lieutenant Bullett, who with Ensign Thompson, is to march them and the Recruits, now in this town, to Fort Cumberland. He is to set out on Saturday; and proceed by the following Rout: viz. Saturday the 10th...
1477Memorandum, 8 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
Paid off Mary Bailey, Nurse to the Hospital, her Wages in full, to the ninth of this instant. LB , DLC:GW . Mary Bailey put her mark to a receipt for 45s. “for my Balla., of Wages, as Nurse to the Hospitall” (9 Jan. 1756, Va. Regimental Receipt Book, 1755–58, DLC:GW ).
1478Orders, 9 January 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Tour of Duty, mentioned in the Orders of the third instant, is to be done only by the Captains. A general Return is to be given in at ten o’clock, of all the Troops in this Town; except those that belong to Captain Stewart. The Commissary must also give in a Return of all the Kettles he has in Store here. All the Officers now in town, are to hold themselves in readiness to attend...
You are Ordered to proceed from this to Fort Cumberland: and to be accompanied by all the Officers now in Winchester, on your way thither. You are to Reconnoitre well the Ground about Ashby’s-Fort; and from thence down to the mouth of Patterson’s Creek: and inform me, if you meet with a convenient situation to erect a Fort on. If you find none there; take notice of the ground, between that and...
I have ordered Lieutenant Colonel Stephen, so soon as he arrives at Fort Cumberland, to detach you with two Subalterns, three trusty Sergeants, three Corporals, one Drummer, and sixty private men to the South-Branch; to protect the Inhabitants of that place. With this Detachment you are to proceed to Colonel Vanmeeters on the South Branch; and when you arrive there, you are to summon all the...