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Results 1471-1500 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have concluded to run the Risque of sending Turner Home. It will save me the Expence of his Board and Horse. The Moment he arrives, I hope you will send his Horse to Boston to be sold at Vendue. If he rides the Horse let him be sold immediately. If he rides the Mare, you may keep her if you chuse to do so and sell the old Horse, provided the Mare will go in a Carriage which must be tried,...
Agreably to the intimation in the note I had the pleasure to address you from the Inn —we reached Harwich the next morning by eight, where Cap t Flynn soon recognized his Excellency and congratulated himself on the prospect of once more conveying him to Holland. Yet he did not forget politely to regret that M rs Adams was now absent and cou’d not therefore join in “his triumph nor partake the...
The last letter I wrote you was from Frederick Town. I should have written to you more frequently, while on the road and sooner after our arrival in this city, had it not been for the concourse of people, from the time of his reaching entering, till he left a house, which continnually surrounded the P——t, and which, in this warm weather, was infinitely more fatigueing than his journey. We...
I am engaged in a famous Cause: The Cause of King, of Scarborough vs. a Mob, that broke into his House, and rifled his Papers, and terrifyed him, his Wife, Children and Servants in the Night. The Terror, and Distress, the Distraction and Horror of this Family cannot be described by Words or painted upon Canvass. It is enough to move a Statue, to melt an Heart of Stone, to read the Story. A...
This morning I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 12 th: inst t: and am happy to learn your safe arrival at the hospitable mansion, where I fervently hope, you and my Father, may enjoy days & years of tranquil life. For my own sake & for the sake of all my family, it would, I believe, be a happy circumstance, if there should be no further occasion for either of my parents leaving...
I have to acknowledge the receipt since I wrote you last of your two kind favours of 15. November and 1. February last— The latter is the latest letter, from America that I have, and I still continue to receive as I have ever since I have been in Europe, received from you the most recent intelligence both public and private— As in this case the first direct notice of my brother’s arrival came...
Your favor of the 28 th: Oct r: has been received, & as I omited writing by the last Post, I will defer it no longer, lest, your fears should again be excited on my account. If I felt the same degree of alarm that appears to have taken hold of the People at a distance from Philadelphia, the proposal you were kind enough to make me of passing the Winter with you would probably be accepted, but...
Since the date of my last I have received your favour of 8. April, with the pamphlets mentioned in it.— The communications of the American Commissioners have resounded through every part of Europe, and produced a very sensible impression in the public opinion with regard to the characters exposed in them.— An attempt at defence has been made, by a publication in the official newspaper of the...
Yesterday the President sent his Carriage for me to go with the Family to the Theatre. The Rage and the Spoiled Child were the two Pieces. it rained and the House was not full. I thought I perceived a little Mortification. M r George Washington & his fair Lady were with Us. Yours of 21 st gives me a Satisfactory Account of farming. I think I would engage Billings if I could— I must leave it to...
I have already sent to the Marquis de la Fayette, a Number of Letters for you, and the Children, from their Brothers, who favoured me with their Company last night and are just gone off to the Accademy. Charles’s Master is full of his Praises, and John I think is more solid and steady than ever. In two of the Letters to you, you will find no Writing, only a small Present to you and Miss Nabby,...
How dos my dear M rs Adams like the City of New york: its manners & amusements as it may probably be her future residence I hope she found every thing prefectly agreable— shall I hope before you fix in that distant abode that you will make us an Visit at Plimouth: to such a traveler the journey can be nothing. and since that M rs Adams, friendship is unimpaired: I should think (judging from my...
The Door Keeper has just brought me your kind Letter of Dec r 28. Freneau’s Paper is discontinued and Fenno’s is become a daily advertising Paper and has not yet been worth Sending you. The State Papers will be reprinted in Russells Paper which you have and there has been nothing else worth Reading. I Send you the Negotiations with Genet, inclosed. The Algerines will cost this Country very...
M r. Du err , as you pronounce it, and my Wife seem to think alike as to the Powers of an Ambassadress when placed as an Helpmate to the Ambassador. M r D. had an Idea of an handsome Face M rs. L thought only of the Good Sense of the Lady. If this is ambiguous , y r. best Friend can make it plain so far as relates to Du err . As to M rs. L I will show her to you in a Minute, just as She...
The Anxiety you express (in your kind Letter of Dec r 31 which I received this morning ) for your Country and the Happiness of your Children is very amiable. The Prospects of this Country are gloomy, but the Situation of all Europe is calamitous beyond all former Examples. At what time and in what manner and by what means, the Disasters which are come and Seem to be coming on Mankind may be...
I have been honoured with your favor of the 5th. February last. It would give me infinite Satisfaction to contribute in any way to your Enquiries into the Religion, Government, manners and Customs of this Country: and in some future Letter I will endeavour to give a small sketch (tho very imperfect) of them. The best History of this Country is in Dutch , and according to the Stile of the...
The Post now comes regularly, once a Week, and brings me the Boston News Papers, but no Letters from Penns Hill or its Environs. How do you do? Anxious, faint, melancholly? Chear up—dont be distressed. We shall see many good days yet, I hope. I derive a secret Pleasure from a Circumstance which I suppose at present occasions the most of your Apprehensions. I wish I could know more...
Mr. Adams for a long time has been engaged by the Kennebeck Company in a cause in which Colo. Tyng is a Party, which was reduced in one or more points to a special Verdict and was to have been argued this Court, but unfortunately being deprived of Mr. Adams to conduct the cause, by his sudden departure for France, the matter is suspended untill April, to give us time to provide for the debate....
Your Letter March 24th. by Capt Cushing, with the Apron, came safe to Hand 2 Days after his Arrival at Boston. Lyde, and Cushing got in the same Day. Mrs Hays Baggage could not be broke till she came from Newyork, so that I did not get that Token, and Expression of your Love, and kindness, till a fortnight after. I cannot think what is become of a Letter I sent you last November, giving you an...
We have floods of rain but no frost nor Snow and very little news. The Democrats continue to pelt as you will See by the inclosed Political Chess. We go on as We always have done, for the three first months of the Session, distributing Business into the hands of Committees, meeting and adjourning. The Gallery finds little Entertainment in our Debates. We have Seldom more than 30 or 40 in it...
The french Consul had agreed to carry me, Mr. Dana, Mr. Allen, and my three Children and our three Servants, this Day to Corunna, which is about five Leagues from this Place by Water, in a barge of fourteen Oars, but the Weather proved so boisterous, that it was impossible to go. To give you some Idea of the Place where We are, Cape Finisterre, and Cape Ortugal are two long Arms of Land...
I feel an inclination to write you every week athough I have nothing new to inform you of I know you are as interested as I am in know the result of the present negotiation about mr Whitney we have so far gone on very Smoothly. The committee met as I told you they were to—nine of them—mr. Cranch mr Black, Cap t. Beal mr Spear & Cary: these were the old ones who invited mr whitney. to these the...
I am determined not to commit a fault which escaped me, the last Time I sat out for the southward. I waited on General Thomas at Roxbury this Morning, and then went to Cambridge where I dined at Coll. Mifflins with the General, and Lady, and a vast Collection of other Company, among whom were six or seven Sachems and Warriours, of the French Cagnawaga Indians, with several of their Wives and...
An anxiety to preserve a consistancy of Character in the opinion of Mrs. Adams (in whose favourable sentiments I feel myself more and more interested) induces me to say, that I have some reason to believe, that the late Connection, which appeared an insurmountable Obstacle to the accomplishment of the Wish nearest my heart—exists no longer. And from the opinion I have of the Lady, I am...
Understanding that through the means of some improper and unjust Conduct in your Servants you have had reason to doubt the honesty of some of your Trades-people and as such have come to a determination of changing them. I beg leave to observe, that, truly sensible of my own Integrity throughout the whole time I have had the satisfaction of serving you, the very first moment that I heard of...
Shold Estem a fever to Ordr Som of your frends to pay me for your Son Charls Pasheg from bilbao to America Mr. Smith I heare had Som altication on the matr and thinck it is too much, but Madam Shold thinck a great Desrespet Cast on a son of Mr. Adames not to Charge him the Saim as Other Gentelmen ples to ordr it Payd to Captn. Joab Prince I am Madam most Respetfoly your most homble Servt The...
I received by the Return of the last Post from Philadelphia a Letter from my Friend Mr. Adams which he had very kindly directed to me there, and had taken my Pen to a cknow ledge the Receipt of it to you when I was favoured with your’s. I have every Motive to wish to be serviceable to Mr. Adams and his Connections, to Mrs. Adams in a peculiar Manner, and I hope you will without the least...
It is A Long time since I had the Happiness of hearing from my Braintree Friends. Dos my dear Mrs. Adams think I am Indebted a Letter. If she dos Let her Recollect A Moment and she will find she is mistaken. Or is she so wholly Engrossed with the Ideas of her own Happiness as to think Little of the absent. Why should I Interrupt for a moment if this is the Case, the Vivacity and Cheerfulness...
We took the Packet at New Haven, and arrived at N. York as Soon as the Stage— Although We Saved no time, We avoided some bruizes, at the Expence of a little of the Mal De Mer. M rs Smith and Children all well. Charity Smith married to M r Shaw, Brother of the late Consul at Canton.— Our Charles at Steuben after an Examination at Albany and an honourable Admission to the Rank of Counciller at...
Richard has just brought me your note and I am very happy to hear you are all well. Betsys Mother must be mistaken as to her having had the Measles as she is now confined to her room which we hope she will leave tomorrow she has had them very favorably and at her age I think it a happy thing to have got through the disorder George we expect will have them next Sunday it is unfortunate as he...
I have inclos’d two hundred & thirty six Dollars. The amount of the bills was £100. 16. The Cask of Wine gaug’d 30 Gallons. Deducting the £30 you desir’d leaves the sum inclos’d. I shou’d have sent it before, but have not had any oppertunity till the present. Mr. S. Bradford has sent you a Billet by Mr. Gannet. He sails next Sunday for France in the Alliance, if you have any letters to send to...