James Madison Papers

James Pleasants to James Madison, 2 July 1829

Goochland 2d July 1829

Dear Sir

I have been requested to bring to the view of the Rector & visitors of the University, the name of Hugh A. Garland as a proper person to fill the chair of the Ancient languages. Mr. Garland is a native of Nelson County & has been for some time past professor of the Greek language in the college of Hamden Sidney. I have been acquainted with him from his infancy & believe him to be a man of high moral character & great general respectability. He has always been very studious from his first going to school. I am not sufficiently acquainted with his attainments in the Ancient languages to vouch for him on my own knowledge; but from the information of others on whom I rely & from what I have seen of his productions, he has certainly reflected deeply & I think with considerable judgment on the subject of education generally. Be pleased to shew this letter to Messrs. Monroe & Cabell & General Cocke & any others of the body you may think proper. Have the goodness to excuse the liberty I take & the trouble I give you in this communication, & believe me to be most respectfully & sincerely yr. friend & servant

James Pleasants

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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