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Results 146911-146940 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that all acts of the Parliament of England, made before the fourth year of the reign of King James the first of England, except such of them as shall be by this General Assembly enacted, in express words, to be in force, shall be, and are repealed, so far as they concern any persons or things in, or belonging to this commonwealth. And it is declared, that...
I must lament the having lost, by your Succeeding Mr: Henry in the Government of Virginia, a very agreeable neighbour of whose Society I had promised myself a great share, and proposed with my friend Reidesel to have profited of your and Mrs: Jefferson’s acquaintance during our residence in this Country. As it is I do assure you I wish you personally every possible good. I request to put the...
You are desired to give notice to such recruits under the act of Assembly passed last winter as may not yet have marched from your county, to hold themselves in readiness to assemble at your courthouse at a moment’s warning from you. An officer will be immediately appointed, from whom you will receive notice of the day on which he will attend at your courthouse to receive them; and the...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library M. Le Roy prie son illustre ami Monsieur Franklin de vouloir bien s’intéresser auprès de M. De Sartine pour qu’il accorde à M. Wibert, Lieutenant-Colonel au Service des Etats unis, son passage sur le vaisseau qui portera M. Le Chr. De La Luzerne en amèrique. Monsieur Franklin se rappellera sans doute que M. Adams pendant son sejour ici a donné en...
1469151779. June 17. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
At 6 O Clock this Morning, Monsieur Chavan, Capitain of the Sensible, sent his Canot, on Shore for me, and mine, and here I am, in full Possession of my Apartment. Sailed about 3 o Clock, in Company with the Bon Homme Richard Captain Jones, the Alliance Captain Landais, the Captain Young, the Captain Cazneau, the Courier de L’Europe Capt. The Three Friends Capt. Colman, belonging to Mr....
Inclos’d is four letters which you was So obliging, as to tell Me you would take care of; the Letter for the Governor I will be thankfull to you, to deliver him, Should you have an opportunity Soon after your Arrival. The other three, to be put into the post office. I most Sincerely wish you, a Safe and happy passage to America, and there be the happy instrument of Relieving us, from Much...
Copies: Library of Congress, University of Virginia Library I made the Application you desired to the Ministry for the State of Virginia and it is still under Consideration. But it being known that the contract made for the Same things with D’Acosta & Co. has been executed by them, and the greatest part already sent over on their own Account, as you refused to take them, I know not how I can...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I propose doing myself the Pleasure to call upon you on sunday Morning to communicate some letters that have past between a friend of yours & myself you may probably guess what the Subject is I hope I shall find you at home I beg my Complements to your Son & am most sincerely Dr Sir your Most Obt Humble Servt Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur Franklin / A...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. de Sartine, que j’ay vú ce matin, m’a chargé d’avoir l’honneur de vous dire, qu’il luy est revenu, qu’un corsaire ameriquain se disposoit a intercepter le paquebot de douvres à calais, que le capitaine de ce corsaire vous avoit ecrit pour vous communiquer son projet, et que n’ayant pas recû de reponse de vous, il prenoit ce Silence pour un consentement,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me trouve ici, depuis une couple de jours, chez Mr. De N——. Avant que j’eusse pu le précautionner, par lettre d’abord, & plus amplement de bouche, sur ce que vous m’avez confié par votre Lettre du 4e. Mr. S—— lui avoit remis une Lettre pour vous, qu’il n’a pu refuser poliment de recevoir, & par conséquent de faire parvenir. Aujourd’hui il s’est passé une...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The spirit for the American caúse beginns to revive here, and may be I feel the more impulse for this manner of thinking, which hath been always so agreable to me as we enjoi’d many Conversations on true liberty with Mr Van der Capellen Mr. Dúmas and severall American Gentlemen, among which, one introdúces himself every where with proposalls, after having...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am unfortunate in not having had it in my power to give you earlier information of my determination to make use of the opportunity which now offers for America from hence. I was induced to beleive these vessels would not sail so soon as I find since my arrival here, they intend. The vessel I expect to go in will sail for Philadelphia or Baltimore & is...
AL : American Philosophical Society In about 3 weeks time I hope to send you every thing complete, relative to a certain collection. There will be an engraving of the head of the party, taken from the larger medallion, of which you sent a miniature-size to Miss G: S.— The motto, given by her father at my request, is “His country’s friend, but more of humankind.” I wanted something that should...
L : American Philosophical Society We that Have our Name Hear prescribed Have hade the Misfourten To Be twise taken the first time Taken By the english when we wase Bound from Boston to Cape fransaay & Carried to Jemac’a & then Sent Horn prisoners to england & after making our eskeep we got to London where we had got a voyage for Hallifax in Hopes of geating to our own homes But fourtun Would...
146925General Orders, 17 June 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Letter not found : from Col. David Hall, 17 June 1779. GW wrote Hall on 21 June: “I have received your letter of the 17th.”
Letter not found : from Maj. Henry Lee, Jr., 17 June 1779. GW wrote Lee on 21 June: “While I was at West point I recd your favors of the 15th & 17th.”
Our Assembly being adjourned, I take the Liberty to acquaint your Excellency that I purpose to reside in this Neighbourhood for about a fortnight or 3 weeks, & perhaps during the Summer so that if your Excellency will be pleased to direct your dispatches for me accordingly. I have the honour to be with the greatest respect your Excellencys &c. ADf , NN : Lyon Letter Book. The New Jersey...
[ Williamsburg, 17? June 1779 . JHD Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia (cited by session and date of publication) , May 1779, 1827 edn., p. 52 (17 June): “The Speaker laid before the House, a letter from the Governor, enclosing several papers and stating sundry matters for the consideration of the General Assembly‥‥” Not located.]
I received your letter and kind congratulations for which I return you my thanks. In a virtuous government, and more especially in times like these, public offices are, what they should be, burthens to those appointed to them which it would be wrong to decline, though foreseen to bring with them intense labor and great private loss. I am also still to thank you for a former favor enclosing a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I duly receiv’d the honnor of Mr. H. I. Franklin’s letter dated 14th. ultmo. covering a Commission, instructions, and other papers for the Cutter Black Prince, Stephen Merchant Commander, which I intended to carry to Dunkirk, to deliver the same to said Captain, and to get the bond Executed by Mr. John Torris, owner of said privateer; but first a Sudden...
146932General Orders, 16 June 1779 (Washington Papers)
Major Archibald Anderson is appointed Brigade Major to the 1st Maryland Brigade and is to be obeyed and respected accordingly. The Light-Companies as they are to be ready to embody on the shortest notice, are to be excused from all duties except camp and quarter guards. The General officers are desired to meet at Genl Putnam’s quarters tomorrow morning nine ô clock. General Woodford’s brigade...
Letter not found : from John Morgan, 16 June 1779. GW wrote Morgan on 24 June: “Your Letter of the 16th instant came to hand yesterday.”
I wish to see you at this place as soon as possible to have your opinion on several matters of importance. I am Yr most Obedt serv. LS , in Alexander Hamilton’s writing, NjP . Putnam appears to have been the recipient of this letter because the docket is in the writing of his secretary.
In Council , June 16, 1779. The Board proceeded to the consideration of the letters of Colonel Clarke, and other papers relating to Henry Hamilton, Esq; who has acted some years past as Lieutenant Governour of the settlement at and about Detroit, and commandant of the British garrison there, under Sir Guy Carleton as Governour in Chief; Philip Dejean, Justice of the Peace for Detroit, and...
Copies of two Acts of Congress of the 14th Inst. are herewith enclosed. One recommending to the States to exempt Drivers of Waggons from Militia duties while in Service. The other for ascertaining their wages. I have the honor to be with great Respect Your Excellency’s Most obedt. Servant. FC ( DLC : PCC , No. 14) of a circular to several governors from the President of Congress. A copy,...
In COUNCIL, June 16, 1779. The Board proceeded to the consideration of the letters of Colonel Clarke , and other papers relating to Henry Hamilton, Esq; who has acted some years past as Lieutenant Governour of the settlement at and about Detroit, and commandant of the British garrison there, under Sir Guy Carleton as Governour in Chief; Philip Dejean , Justice of the Peace for Detroit, and...
An Inventory of household furniture in the palace taken the 16h. June 1779 1 blue & white China Tureen 6 Do. Do. Do. Dishes 11 red & white Do. Do. 13 blue & white Do. Plates 28
Desirous as I am of returning you my thanks for the very honorable proof you have given me of your esteem; I cannot wish that this may find you in Port. I am not under the least apprehensions of their succeeding for any time against us personally; but I am afraid they will injure the public and introduce a system of faction and corruption which it will be very difficult to change. For me the...
West Point, June 15, 1779. Requests estimate of stores in Hay’s department. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Hay was deputy quartermaster general.